"What you want, you should pay its price. The

words representing the proverbs of heaven and earth made the girl with two ponytails immersed in the treasure feel like she had been poured with ice water, and involuntarily shook her back, which was basically the same as the front of her body, and the hanging ponytail also swayed a few times.

"Immortal Venerable She....... What did she say..............?"

Zhao Yun kept hanging her head and quietly asked her own holy beast on her head.

"Her old man said 'give money'... Meow..."

Zhao Yun thought she was hallucinating, but when she heard Liang Qu's retelling in vernacular, she was dumbfounded.

Why is it different from what she thought?! It shouldn't be Lord Immortal Venerable, because she was interested in outsiders

, so she gave herself the magic weapon that could not be used in the space treasures, and made a good relationship? How to still raise money?!

She subconsciously regarded the behavior of Immortal Venerable as Xuantian Sect and other decent sects, and after encountering potential or eye-catching scattered cultivators and even ordinary people, she would take the initiative to "give" some panacea, heavenly materials and earth treasures, but

who would have thought that Immortal Venerable was actually like those merchants in Fugui Villa, raising money and raising the price?!

But Liang Qu would not think of the problem so simply like Zhao Yun, in its eyes, Immortal Venerable "raised money" It's just a beginning, and the essence is actually to consider the character of the recipient.

On the way to cultivate the truth, if you accept the gift of others, but do not end this cause and effect in time, it is likely to bury the "heart demon" foreshadowing for future cultivation, so there is that classic maxim of cultivation -

the grace of dripping water, when the spring springs up.

Even, Liang Qu himself experienced this kind of thing

, thinking that because of his failed promotion, he was besieged by several demon beasts and almost died in the wilderness

, thanks to Zhao Zhangmen passing by, he saved himself.

And Liang Qu's repayment of Zhao's kindness is also pure:

to use the contract as an introduction and become the other party's lifelong partner.

Therefore, Liang Qu saw Zhao Yun's tangled look of "how many spirit stones or magic weapons do I have to pay for to be suitable

", so he quickly grabbed the other party's ponytail with his claws and claws, and urged:

"Stupid girl, don't get entangled in giving Immortal Venerable something! Where does her old man lack your little rag

??.......! Oh oh!!

" The clever Zhao Yun immediately understood what Liang Qu meant, and hurriedly used standard disciple etiquette, holding the Thunder Immortal Sword upwards in the palms of both hands, and at the same time bowed with his body bent at 90 degrees, and said to Immortal Venerable respectfully

: "Your great kindness, the little woman is toothless, and what the benefactor says, the little woman will definitely serve it!" Xiao

Nan's eyes lit up when he heard this:

"Oh yo?! How much money, I don't bargain, not bad money'

!" So Xiao Nan blinked his eyes, the little snake head licked his lips slightly, suppressed the excitement of "make money tonight!" and said indifferently:

"Sincerity, a hundred yuan, give you a relationship, nine eight discounts, ninety-nine yuan." "

[The original price is one hundred, nine eight discounts, and then sold for 99 yuan, Xiao Nan feels that there is no problem].

She was excited to pick up the code scanning gun and merchant collection code beside her, ready to complete the payment task of the rich lady as quickly as possible.

However, the other party did not take out his mobile phone to scan the code as he thought

.................. "Master Xiaobai, what is Yuan......... Why can't I understand OAO?!" Zhao

Yun nervously asked Liang Qu above her head, in her eyes, Liang Qu was omnipotent.

Liang Qumeow's eyes looked up, and he suddenly felt that his face had been invisibly beaten many times today.

As if resigned to fate, it said helplessly:

"I shouldn't have arbitrarily judged the thoughts of immortals.......... You ask for blessings, of course, there is good news, do you want to hear it?" Zhao

Yun heard Liang Qu's flat words, and tears were about to come out, and when she heard the turning point behind Liang Qu, she

asked hopefully:



this, Zhao Yun felt that his eyes were black and he went into cardiac arrest.


Xiao Nan, who was ready to scan the goods code with a code scanning gun, felt embarrassed, she looked at the actress on the opposite side who was "fairy-like", and didn't know if she should urge the other party to pay: "It's

that the price is too high......... I can't make twice the profit.....

"In a trance, she felt that a certain philosophical teacher surnamed Ma was pointing at her back with his finger, and at the same time labeled himself a "criminal capitalist".

Although she somewhat regretted that her asking price was a little high, but as a seller, the act of taking the initiative to cut her own price was a very faceless operation, but she thought that she had not opened for several days

, so she felt that she might choose to choose other ways to give herself a step, such as, add one yuan to buy an extra bottle of Coke?


Xiao Nan opened his mouth and was about to speak, but Zhao Yun, who was in a state of panic, was obviously frightened by Immortal Venerable's "prompt tone".

"Ah, ah!! Master Immortal Zun is going to blame me! What to do! What to do!"

Suddenly, she thought of what Liang Qu had just said that "attitude is the most important

", so she closed her eyes, her brain was like a blue star person thinking about the choice question

, she would think of "it was born by mother!" This basic rule that transcends thousands of laws, and she used her first feeling to

make her own choice:

"Master Immortal Venerable, the little woman doesn't mean to offend

, she just really wants to respond to your considerations, so

I will give this most precious place to your hands for the time being, and wait for the little woman to collect enough ninety-nine yuan, and then redeem it?!"

Zhao Yun used the loudest voice he could shout, with the most sincere tone and the most sharp movements, and took his "collateral" with both hands He was only less than 5 centimeters away from Lord Immortal Venerable.

Xiao Nan looked at the teary-eyed pupils who were looking at his eyes with a confused look, and there was only one thought in his head:

"Ah???? I'm going to be cold again today????????


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