Liang Qu felt the support from his waist, and suddenly felt that if he didn't have a long mouth, he might be able to live longer.

It really wants to stretch out its tiger claws, and then break open Zhao Yun's little head to see what the hell is inside

?! I let you offer you something cherished, you handed me over???? am I a thing?! I'm

not a thing, hey!!!!!

although Liang Qu is very excited in his heart now, he doesn't dare to move now, and he doesn't dare to breathe.

He was actually held by this stupid girl and looked at each other face to face with Lord Immortal Venerable.

Perhaps because of the closer, the squalor shrouded in Immortal Venerable's face seemed to dissipate a little when it didn't know, although it still couldn't see Immortal Venerable's face clearly

, but Liang Qu's vision had two more dazzling beautiful eyes like the sun and moon, like Taiji Yin and Yang fish-like eyes with countless star spots around it, revealing a supreme majestic aura while setting off the worldly beauty.

Liang Qu only hated that he didn't learn how to sycophant with the Tengu seniors, otherwise how could he not help but want to tremble now, but was shocked by the breath of Immortal Venerable, so that he couldn't even meow a word of praise for Lord Immortal Venerable?!


Xiao Nan looked at the cat in front of him who stared at him without blinking, and felt very confused:

It's not ???? where you took it out?!!!!

[Xiao Nan feels that there must be many reasons for this, but the most unlikely thing must not be because he is not tall enough to see the top of the costume girl's head.

Xiao Nan couldn't understand how a person could hang a cat on his head like a hat, then swagger around the store, and finally use the cat as collateral to give it on credit.

But she looked at the weird cat in front of her, which showed "fear of life" from time to time in addition to the big watery eyes

, and looked at the other party's clean cat body, furry cat paws but no sharp toenails

, and she sighed:

"This cat is so well-behaved, it doesn't scratch people or dig people."

And her words, naturally, in the form

of "Immortal Venerable Oral Oracle", fell into the ears of Zhao Yun and Liang Qu, Liang Qu wanted to refute, showing that although he was not a thing, at least he was not a cat

, but his "good" teammate Zhao Yun immediately replied: "

Yes, Lord Immortal Venerable


!Liang Qu beat Zhao Yun like a leather ball in his heart, but this did not affect it to continue to pretend to be a "good cat" in the population of Lord Immortal Venerable - Lord Immortal Venerable, you have a big fist, you have the final say, you say I am a cat, I am a cat, isn't it also .......

When Xiao Nan heard this, he half-believed and doubted:

"If you can let it do a backflip, I may consider agreeing to your 'mortgage'."

[Xiao Nan thought in her heart:

After all, my electric mosquito auction purchase price is enough for me to eat several "Shaxian International Meals" in Lili's store, in case this cat is actually not worth 50 yuan, and this little actor does not redeem it in the later stage, won't I lose a lot?!

But if this little cat is really so fun, even if I lose an electric mosquito shooter, I can also consider raising it for fun.........].

Xiao Nan's white fingers were pointed at the corners of her mouth, looking like a curious baby, but her words made Zhao Yun and Liang Qu seem to be people who fell into the abyss and saw the dawn of hope.

Zhao Yun slightly raised his head to look at the Liang Qu he was holding, and at the same moment, the Liang Qu who was being held was also like an old father visiting prison, twisting his hairy head slightly to look at his silly "girl":

["Master Xiaobai, you go well......."]

["Zhao Yun, I think, this matter may be negotiable, how can I say that I am also a holy beast, if this matter is passed on............"

Completely different messages met silently through each other's eyes, but unfortunately, both sides thought that the other had their own meaning.

Therefore, Liang Qu deliberately twisted his cat body, wanting to perform a compromise show for Lord Xianzun: I would actually just roll on the spot.

However, Zhao Yun misdivided his fingers, transferred the force supporting Liangqu's back to its waist and crotch, and flipped it in his direction..................

Xiao Nan's eyes did not blink, and instantly glared to the extent that it was completely comparable to the "Kazilan big eyes, a pair of eyes can occupy half of the face" depicted in the two-dimensional comics:

"Oh my God?! This cat can actually dance ballet?!" In

Xiao Nan's eyes, the "little white" who was originally like a plush toy, her body flipped back with Zhao Yun's hand, and at the same time, its upper body deliberately tilted to one side, so a perfect picture of "human-cat ballet" was presented in front of her.

"Okay! Deal! You can go first! This cat temporarily borrows me to play!" Xiao

Nan excitedly reached out and grabbed the two forelimbs of "Xiaobai", for fear that this little actor would regret

it, she didn't understand why she would look at a cat, there was an illusion of clear eyebrows, but she knew that

this can dance ballet, and will not bite, will not scratch people, is definitely the best of a million

! ! Therefore, she felt that even if she lost the 50 yuan purchase price of this electric mosquito shooting, she would also set this cat!

And in the eyes of Liang Qu and Zhao Yun, the "grasp" of Lord Immortal Venerable just now was naturally a different scenery.

Countless avenues spontaneously formed because of its joy, gathering into a picture full of bright colors

, they fixed their eyes, and saw that the painting behind Immortal Venerable

seemed to depict a figure composed of stars all around, putting his hand on a small white ball in front of him

, while a small figure with the same color as Zhao Yun was standing respectfully on the side, listening carefully to the "teachings" of the figure.

Suddenly, they understood that this was Xiaobai's chance, and it was also an additional gift from Lord Immortal Venerable————

immortal caressed my top and received immortality.

The gift of Lord Immortal Venerable even made those avenues take the initiative to turn into a picture to record and publicize this beautiful and significant scene, Zhao Yun and Liang Qu couldn't help but worship in their hearts: Is this the power of Lord Immortal


Horror !!!!!


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