"Lao Lu, I can't hold on............

..," Inside the main hall of Xuantian Sect, an elder with gray hair and sparse eyebrows was complaining to another elder next to him who was about the same age as himself and had a shiny head on his head.

Because his hands continue to output True Qi, the surface skin has been dry like a dead vine and an old tree, and

his meridians have also felt blocked because of the long-term maintenance of operation

, he can still insist now, it can already be regarded as self-pressing, if nothing else, when he stops the output of True Qi, it is the node where his cultivation begins to continue to fall.

If it weren't for the potential elixir refined by that guy from the ancient head to forcibly absorb and release True Qi like a blast furnace, how could you old boy complain to me?!" The

other four elders were also ridiculing each other as if they were bitter when they heard this, although they were each exporting True Qi at the cost of their own potential and even Shouyuan to ensure the stability of the formation, but they did not choose to surrender because of self-damage

Because they were more willing to regard Xuantian Sect as their home than the sect.

However, no matter how strong the will

is, there is a limit to it, and the elder surnamed Lu forcibly swallowed the fishy sweetness that caused his throat to flow back because of his words, as if asking

himself, more like preparing himself and everyone to be a little prepared for the "worst outcome" that could happen:

"You say, Luo is in charge of him........ Can he still come forward............

.." Hearing the words of the elder surnamed Lu, the bitter words of the other elders also came to an abrupt end.

Yes, the reason why they have survived until now is entirely because only the period of tribulation can fight the period of tribulation.

Although the six elders of them, relying on the Sect Great Array and the home field advantage, forcibly dragged down the Refining God Stage peers of the Righteous Path Alliance several times that of their side.

However, as the only two cultivators of the current Righteous Path Alliance, the current leader of the Righteous Path Alliance, Zhang Tianao, he has not really made a move.

Of course, this is not to say that Zhang Tianao is really like his own words, "I am a decent gentleman, I don't disdain to deal with the weak, I just

want to talk to Luo Zhangmen", but he is afraid that Luo Sedum has the special means left by Zhao Zhangmen when he ascended

, and at the same time, he does not want to implement the truth and discredit his righteous path.

And the reason why the six elders were still desperately insisting also overlapped with Zhang Tianao, that is:

what is Luo Jingtian's current situation, and whether Zhao Zhangmen really left him a special backhand.

But all the fears and expectations will gradually pierce the "window paper" that covers the truth over time.

The six elders knew that if Luo Zhengmen could not come forward before the sun went down, not to mention whether Zhang Tianao, the hypocrite, would make up his mind to personally end, even if the six of them would also run out of oil and make their last line of defense break.

Just as their complexions began to lose the last trace of redness and gradually turned into a wooden hesitation

, a sound of footsteps came from far and near in the inner dormitory of the master, and at the same time, a voice full of confidence and calm sounded in the main hall of Xuan Tianzong:

"I'm coming." Hearing

the voice that would appear in the opening and concluding stages of the sect assembly in the past, whether it was the six elders or the disciples who were hiding in the main hall and the ordinary people who came to pay tribute, they all raised their necks high as if they had found the backbone of the main heart, and cast excited eyes at the figure,


"Luo Immortal!"

Different titles and various jubilant emotions spread in the originally depressed hall, and Luo Jingtian walked quickly towards the six elders, nodding to the excited crowd around him.

"Elders, I'll go outside and deal with it, but please do me another favor.

"Chief, you just have to order, we will go to the soup, and we will not give up!" Luo

Jingtian's somewhat pale face barely squeezed out a grateful smile, and he spoke: "

During the time I go out, you should transfer all the disciples and these ordinary people out as much as possible, which can be regarded as a precautionary measure." Hearing

Luo Jingtian's words, several elders had some bad worries in their hearts, but seeing Luo Jingtian's straight posture and his calm and relaxed appearance of holding the sword against the palm, they did not have any doubts,

but began to transmit a message to the disciples of each family and assign evacuation tasks.

Luo Jingtian nodded, and continued to walk along the Zhongzheng Road towards the gate, but just when he passed by the ancient elder in charge of alchemy in the Xuantian Sect,

the latter had a much stronger sense of smell than other cultivators because he had been immersed in the way of alchemy for many years.

He smelled the special fragrance that flashed around Luo Jingtian, and he always felt a little familiar.

Looking at Luo Jingtian's back as he was about to step out of the main entrance, his pupils shrank suddenly:

"In charge, he... He actually took

Hui Slow Dispersion?!!" "Hui Slow Dispersion, a heaven-grade elixir, can temporarily return the user's body to the best state that can be achieved in the current state of the body, and temporarily improve and reduce the pain perception.

But the side effects are also obvious, if you do not use the supporting side medicine within an hour after taking

it and continue to use true qi, it will not only make the meridians in the body appear inch-broken, true qi will flow backwards, hurt the heart, liver, spleen and lungs and other parts, but also make the pain that was originally delayed and accumulated several times erupt, making people feel painful, it

can be said that this medicine is the last choice of those who are seriously injured but want to fight to the death.

Elder Gu looked blankly at the back of the man who was shouldering everyone's life opportunities step by step to meet the sunlight and walk outside

, he wanted to call out to the other party, but he didn't know what to say to this Tianzhi Jiaozi who was younger than his own children.

He endured great grief and indignation, and silently said to the back in his heart:

"Congratulations to the chief." "


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