Whoops.......... Whoops

.................. The floor tiles are slightly cracked, and in the slightly aged small yard, the cool water falling from the faucet quickly hits the large plastic basin, and

a figure who looks a little haggard due to fatigue is constantly rubbing the clothes in the large basin with his hands.

Snap..... Snap........

Just when the figure, slightly struggling to lift the sheets, but because he could not quickly dry the water, and made himself sigh and soothe

, stepping on the footsteps of the small hole shoes, stepping on the laundry water flowing on the ground, came behind her: "Mom, mom, let me help you!" The

small figure intimately grabbed the clothes that were about to fall out from the corner of the stone pool, avoiding the secondary rework caused by the washing objects falling to the ground.

When the woman heard this, she was surprised:

"Lili, didn't you go to bed early, why did you come out?" "

Because I heard my mother washing clothes, but after listening for a while, I found that my mother washed longer than the original, and I felt that it should be the day of my mother's 'big wash', although it was not like usual, it was washed at noon."

But I thought, 'It must be my mother who cooked too much today, so I lost time', in order to let my mother rest early, I think I should help my mother share some of the pressure!" Lily

tilted her little head and happily expressed to her mother that she wanted to share the housework for her———— because in the past, when it came to washing large piles of laundry

Lily always likes to step barefoot in the large basin, bouncing back and forth to help her mother wash her clothes, and get a reward: watch one more episode of Peppa Pig or Woody the Woody the Woodpecker.

So, in her mind, helping her mother with housework is a happy and "highly rewarding" thing.

When the woman heard this, she felt very relieved, but then, she showed a playful smile:

"Lili, I think, you took the initiative to help your mother wash clothes, do you want to watch more episodes of cartoons?"

Ah, no, no, no!" Lili

, who almost leaked her mouth, quickly shook her head————Mother is really omnipotent, she actually knows this kind of thing!Σ

( ° △ °|||) ︴.........

Looking at the little loli's weak look, the woman was not annoyed by her daughter's "careful" behavior

, but couldn't help but feel a faint sense of guilt, after all, when she had not yet given birth to Lili, the person who promised to protect him for the rest of his life, on the night of the wedding, received an emergency call from the unit, saying to perform an urgent task.

I thought that my husband would come back after an overnight shift at most like during the relationship, but who would have thought that

the next day he received a shocking news:

"Madam, I'm sorry, your lover died in a sudden gas explosion."

She couldn't understand why in the city of Ximu where she was located, the ranking of the security situation in China, which could rank in the top ten, would suddenly break out in the main urban area of a huge accident.

But she never accepted that her husband became part of the cold numbers in that inexplicable accident.

At the same time, some people in uniforms who had never seen the style before visited him one after another at his funeral, and kept saying to themselves:

"Madam, he is a hero, we will take care of you for him."

Indeed, as they said

, she could really be said to be free of food and clothing in the first few years, but after she gave birth to Lili's child, she suddenly felt that she should probably start

a new journey in life, so she said goodbye to her parents and in-laws, and took Lili alone to this small urban village

, and began to work hard, but got rid of countless pitying eyes and gossip of a new life.

"Mom, why are you in a daze again?" the

little man, intimately padded his feet, and waved his little hand in front of her eyes.

She came back to her senses, touched Lili's head, and while dispersing the memories of the past in her mind, she said to Lili with a smile:

"That Lily, come, can you help your mother take these and put them on a few more times?

"Lily is almost elementary school age, it's time to think about where to send her to school... In that case, let's take the time to check on the enrollment tomorrow.

Thinking of this, she said to Lili, who lowered her head and rubbed her clothes carefully with her small hands

: "Lili, tomorrow my mother has something, I will go out in the morning, I will make the meal in advance when the time comes, and at the same time make one more, you take the meal, take the mobile phone I gave you, and go to the next door to stay at Xiaonan's sister for a morning, okay?" Lili

heard this, raised her head, blinked her eyes, and then said with a happy smile:


The woman nodded in satisfaction, and suddenly thought of the sick beautiful girl with "albinism" next door, and sighed: "

I think I think I am also a child who is as hard as Lili, put more meat tomorrow morning, old trouble, if you want to give people some compensation." "


At this time, a certain white-haired loli who was regarded as an albinism patient by the lady next door was looking at the settlement interface on the screen with a stunned expression of doubting life, the world, and the universe:

"Nine lotus treasure lamp... Fishing at the bottom of the river....... Double Dark Engraving.......... Treasure Card*2..........Treasure Card*3............Cumulative Full..........

128,000 points..................????

" Looking at the settlement score that not only reversed himself from the bottom to the first, but also instantly unlocked his many achievements of the "dream card", Xiao Nan looked at the screen stunned, and looked at the little white who was as elegant as a plush toy on the keyboard

, Xiao Nan raised his hand tremblingly, and said with

a snort: "Xiao..... Xiaobai......... This is......... You..."

Xiao Bai's heart at this time was simply mentioned in his throat, and he suddenly felt very regretful:

"Why did I make such a big deck of cards for Lord Immortal Venerable?! If Lord Immortal Venerable suddenly realized that I am not an ordinary cat, and then 'woke up', would I be cold?!OAO?!" Xiao

Bai felt very frightened, but in order to show that he was really just imaginary by Lord Immortal Venerable" Just a clever house cat", it lay sideways on the keyboard as if acting, and then...

After turning the "slightly enchanting" cat body a few times, he showed the somewhat confused Immortal Lord how he "played cards".

"Oh my God... A cat scrolling around the keyboard can play this kind of card?! I meow........,"

Xiao Nan passed his hands under Xiao Bai's armpits, as if holding a loose spring, and hugged the nervous Xiao Bai.

[The cat is indeed in a liquid state.]

"Xiaobai, you must really be a mahjong genius, right?!" His

joyful emotions rippled like waves in the shop, and they sang about his majesty in their hearts.

Only Liang Qu was a meow, and it seemed extremely entangled:

What to do, I'm just a cat, I definitely can't speak to respond to you, Lord Xianzun!

Liang Qu began to miss Zhao Yun immensely, but where it was Zhao Yun in front of him, it directly pasted his face with cat paws and taught the little loli a lesson, but now, this little loli, he dare not do this.

However, the white-haired loli seemed to have figured out something

, [the kind next to her head like a light bulb suddenly appeared, and then suddenly lit up]

, she held the little white flat in her arms in front of her eyes, and spoke with an extremely serious expression

: "Meow meow?" Seeing

Liang Qu's indifferent look, Xiao Nan deflated:

"Ah, the meow language I think can't be implemented?"

Liang Qu: Lord Xianzun, do you really understand what a normal human being is, and what kind of cat is a normal cat????


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