"You don't have to think about ways to do things all day! Look now! What time is

it?!" "But didn't we still come out before they handed over..."yes

, it was less than half an hour ahead! And then what?

Li Xia's nails creaked on the ground, she really wanted to punch Li Xiaoming's chin, and let the other party bring her own "pain mask" once————

[Time goes back to a few hours ago]

"C+ level personnel, Li Xiaoming, current SAN value of 251, normal state, passable. "

C-level personnel, Lin Xia, the current SAN value of 217 points, the state is normal, passable.

Listening to the detection equipment on the roadblock and the values reported, Li Xiaoming scratched his head like a chicken nest, and said unpleasantly:

"I'm a man who has ever reached a maximum value of 270 SAN, how come this almost became 250?"

When Li Xiaoming heard this, he stretched out his palm towards Lin Xia that appeared white because he had not basked in the sun for a long time.

Lin Xia said in annoyance

, "Why, you still want me to give you this money from my office funds?"

"Why are you embarrassed?!" "

I used up the funds by drawing a limited pool of kryptonite."


"Anyway, if you don't spend it, you will take it back at the end of the month, I will simply spend it with the meal supplement

, in short, you borrow me this time, and I will pay you back next month."

Li Xiaoming lowered his head, dodged Lin Xia's ninety degree flying kick, handsomely took the car keys, prepared to open the door of the passage, and set off, but..................

"Why don't you open the door yet?"

asked Lin Xia suspiciously after kicking Li Xiaoming's ass fiercely.

"This door was welded to death by that brother, I didn't bring blasting tools.........."

When Lin Xia heard this, her head was bruised:

"Then you go to the heavy equipment room to get a guy's business!"

Today, the key to the heavy equipment room is

on the brother...."So, the two of them were stunned in the most traditional way - on the phone, and called back the "brother" they called back, Guo Dawei.

But because the intercity subway had been closed, the other party drove for hours to reach the base, so in Guo Dawei's expression of rubbing flames and small question marks, the two finally drove and left the base.


"Sister Xiaonan, good morning!"

Lili, who was wearing a ponytail, knocked on the opposite glass door of the "Xingwang Supermarket" with an excited face, and then jumped into the store.

"Oh, it's Lili, why did you come so early today?"

Xiao Nan put down the broom in her hand, reached out and touched Lili's head, and asked with a smile.

Lili smelled the mixed aroma of the delicious packaged food and daily necessities in the supermarket, and felt that she was a little happier than the endless stir-fry smell in her open kitchen.

While shaking her little head out of Xiao Nan's "devil's claws", she lifted the handbag in her hand and said happily:

"Sister, my mother is going to go away this morning to do errands, and wants me to stay with you for a while, okay?

Oh, it's okay, Lily, you are so well-behaved, of course I welcome you to play in my store, next time tell your mother, don't be so polite.

Although he said polite words, Xiao Nan still took the handbag from Lili's hand and prepared to heat it up in the microwave at noon.

Lily didn't think so much, but blinked her eyes, thinking for a while whether to finish the two episodes of Peppa Pig that her mother promised she could watch, or next to Xiaonan's sister, watching the other party play the two-dimensional mahjong game full of cartoon characters.

Suddenly, her head stopped moving, and her eyes looked straight at the counter, or something on the counter, revealing a curious look.

"Oh, it's actually pork foot rice and umeboshi buckle, sweet corn soup and vegetable soup

! In addition, two apples and a paring knife are loaded, Lili really hurts Lily and careful!

Gee, okay, so that I can help watch the children to be motivated~!" Standing

next to the microwave oven, secretly opened the handbag, looked at what delicious Xiao Nan was prepared inside, and couldn't help but sigh "A child with a mother is a treasure".

"I don't know why, how do I remember that my parents are always in a state of travel?

But she didn't think too much, it should be the result of her flexible employment for a long time after graduating from college.

She put away her cleaning tools, washed her hands, and was ready to start today's business – even though it was just playing mahjong and other customers who were basically zero.

But when she walked back to the counter, she found two creatures who didn't seem to be very smart.

Liang Qu looked at the girl in front of him who was constantly cross-eyed at herself, imitating rabbits with her hands on both sides of her head, and pouting at herself

, although she didn't understand why the other party would not detect the danger of this "terrifying gathering place", but considering that since Lord Immortal Venerable wanted to "return to the basics and integrate into the mortal world", he felt that this girl was not worth taking care of———— the main reason was that the other party seemed stupid, but who would have thought

.................. "There is no reaction, is this a real cat or a fake cat? Mom said that you can't touch other people's things, but if I don't touch it, I should be fine with my finger, right?" After

discovering that her "provocation" could not make the mascot-like plush react, Lili, who was eager to know whether the other party was a doll or a real cat, stretched out her little finger between Liang Qu's eyebrows, and then......


Liang Qu's claws were like a dark weapon that came and went without a trace in a martial arts TV series, and slapped Lili's fingers away————

I can't afford to provoke Immortal Lori, I hide from you a mortal or not?

So, Lili, who was "rejected" by this strange cat with its furry paws, her eyes were shining, and she was excited to "point" madly, while Liang Qu calmly saw the trick

In the end, in Xiao Nan's field of vision, one person and one cat are like swordsmen, constantly clashing - although the sword is Lili's finger.

Xiao Nan: I went to peek at the food, how I felt like I missed a lot of ?????


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