"Maa What is this girl doing?! Make tomato juice with props in front of me... You don't want to touch me, do you?! For

Xiao Nan, who she didn't understand at all, she decided that she didn't see anything - anyway, she set up a monitor, really wanted to make trouble, and immediately taught the other party a good lesson!

So she continued:

"Guest, if you want to buy something, I can help you, but if you do other things, please take care of yourself, the shop is closing soon."


Covering her eyes, Rita only felt whispers of unidentifiable origin around her, as if to accuse her of actually "offending" him

, and as the childish girl's voice came, those whispers became more and more noisy, as if to blame her for "why not respond to his question".

So much so that she felt like her heart was about to be torn in half.

She endured the heart-wrenching pain, forcibly used the last remaining bit of her magic power to clean up the blood stains left in the corners of her eyes, and restored some of her physical strength, and

then she heard an "invitation" from the gods ———— trade.

It is clear that he is just a slightly stronger ant in the eyes of the other party, but the other party wants to "trade" with such a humble self? How ridiculous!

I'm a mortal, how can Ho De trade with the gods?!

However, she knew that since he wanted to "play with himself", there was no other choice, and if he made the other party angry because of his "non-cooperation", would the already devastated world survive on?

"Yes, I want to buy you something."

Listening to the reply of the tall royal sister COSER, Xiao Nan felt a little speechless:

Ya, I asked you three times, you finally gave me a reply, why did this young lady talk to me with her head down? Wouldn't that imply that I'm short, would it? Hey, hey, hey! Shouldn't Lori's height be one of the cute points?!

However, for Xiao Nan, who has not opened for a long time, she must not live with money, so she showed an innocent smile and enthusiastically recommended:

"So, dear guest, what do you need to buy?"

Ritas lowered her head, looked at the bloodstained nun dress on her body, and couldn't help but smile helplessly -

what is needed? Since I was eroded by the curse, I have long lost any thoughts about anything other than fighting

, after all, only if I can continue to contribute to the Tower of Order, then my parents and younger brother can continue to get enough food and not be sent to the wilderness full of bones.

She thought about it and felt that if she could really make a wish to the gods, it would be ————

"Hello, I want something that can completely purify the curse."

She clenched her palms, used the last of her strength, and said her "wishes" while resisting the erosion of the whispers around her.


Cleanse??? Curse????

Xiao Nan only felt that his cute little head was covered with small golden question marks, like NPCs in RPGs who had skipped many side quests, and had accumulated a bunch of complaining words.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in her head, and she felt that she had figured out the cause and effect:

I understood!

She must be a popular anchor on which platform, at the request of fans, released an episode of funny COS photography, completely disguised herself as a depraved nun with a sense of contrast, and at the same time carried a miniature camera to record the reaction of passers-by!

Xiao Nan felt that her guess should be eight or nine, after all, she had also seen many foreign videos of spoof passers-by, and it was even more nonsensical than the situation she was currently encountering.

"Hmph, don't think I'm going to embarrass yourself in front of your camera! As long as I'm not embarrassed, it's you who is embarrassed!

So Xiao Nan raised that cute little face and responded seriously:

"No problem, I think I know your needs, lost lamb."

Lost lambs? Has He seen through everything about me?! Will He help me?!

Ritas, who lowered her head and waited for the true god to speak, trembled slightly, and just when she was constantly fantasizing about how beautiful the world without blood moon, monsters, and filth described in the nursery rhyme was, the

immature girl's voice fell in front of her with something that exuded a holy aura.

"I think this should solve your current difficulties, poor child."

Ritas raised her head slightly, but the magnitude of her head was very small, for fear that she would look directly at the double sun like an abyss again.

But the magnitude of her smile still made it clear to her that the gods had "blessed" her existence.

It is a container shaped like a delicate wine

bottle, the waves of the sea water are constantly rippling in the bottle, like a flowing sea river is fixed on

the bottle, if you look closely, you will find that under those azure colors, there seem to be strange shadows dormant

, and looking up along the bottle, it should be where the bottleneck is, but it is not the "ocean world" of the same color as the bottle at all, but the complete head of a hellish three-headed dog!

The three heads snapped tightly together with each other, as if they were solid "valves" that sealed the bottle body "Sea World".

"Blue Moon Purification Liquid, you can purify the curse you encountered, believe me, you deserve it."

"Blue Moon... Blood Moon......... Purifying the curse!!!!!

Looking at the strange bottle-like object in front of him and listening to the explanation of the gods, Ritas's pupils trembled again and could not be calmed,

"He really knows the way to solve the Blood Moon Curse!" Is this where the hope lies?!

She excitedly received the symbolic presence of hope from the hands of the great deity in the form of both hands, and then she endured tears of excitement and said

, "Excuse me, what price do I have to pay? Great presence.

"Thanks for your patronage, fifteen dollars."

Xiao Nan showed a satisfied smile - sure enough, your girl's photo is cool for a while, and it is difficult to clean, it seems that this laundry detergent, I recommend it correctly.


The unheard of unit of measurement made Ritas seem a little confused

, but she knew that since she had agreed to the gods' deal, she had to pay the price demanded by the other party in time.

She rolled her eyes, and suddenly thought of something, so in Xiao Nan's expression of "seeing that children are not suitable", she took out a delicate small box made of gold from between the two letters, bowed her waist, and handed it to the great existence in front of her with both hands.

"I'm sorry........ I don't have 'fifteen pieces' for the time being, can I use this as a substitute as a price? ..... Of course, if you are not satisfied, I will try to collect 'fifteen pieces' in the next few days!"

Looking at the delicate little box, Xiao Nan scratched her head, although she was not an antique appraiser, but she intuitively felt that its price should not be lower than double digits - after all, it was copper-plated, how good-looking!

She looked at the small box, and then at the instant noodle box next to her cash register that served as a change box, and felt that she should not be a loss, right?

So she casually took the box handed over by Ritas and said:

"Okay, deal, thank you for your patronage, welcome to visit next time."

Hearing this, Ritas only felt amnestied, and was very happy, even she felt that her body was filled with warmth—she did not notice that those whispers had long disappeared, and that warmth was their appreciation for pleasing their master.

Ritas held the laundry detergent in both hands and carefully exited the "Xingwang Department Store", sure enough, just after going out, the thick fog reappeared, and just when she felt that it was time to go back, the childish loli sound sounded behind her again;

"Hey! You wait! It shouldn't be convenient for you to take it like this, right? Use this!

Then, something that was formed into a small ball gently smashed on her shoulder

, Ritas quickly looked down, and saw that it was a transparent object, Ritas quickly bent down to pick

it up, but when she just picked it up, she only felt that the surrounding area changed back to the bloody stone brick street

, the werewolf that was divided in two by himself, still lying quietly on the ground, and the surrounding crows had not yet flown out of the shadows

It was as if everything just now was an illusion of Ritas.

However, she looked down and saw that the holy relic called "Blue Moon Purification Liquid" and the transparent small bag were being firmly grasped by herself, and she looked at the two things, fell into deep thought, and did not move for a long time.


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