"Hmph, I'm really a business-minded person~ Providing customers with convenience bags with their own logo and address

can not only make it easier for them to take things, but also leave a good impression of my generosity, and then give priority to my store when buying something next time, I am really......... Thai stick spicy (๑•̀ᄇ•́)و✧!

Xiao Nan hummed an unknown ditty, happily pulled down the roller shutter, and then closed and locked the double-split glass door.

She looked at the counter again, or the small metal box on the counter that looked incomparably delicate

, she stepped forward, picked it up again, and looked at it carefully, looking at the intricate pattern similar to Latin on its surface, and the pattern in the middle of the box, which resembled the "rook" shape in chess, she rubbed her cute little chin

and said to herself: "What is this thing?"

Saying that, she swayed up and down and found that it seemed to be empty, but she looked at it three times, from top to bottom, left to right, and was stunned that she did not find the opening of this small box.

"Huh? Isn't this a simple storage box? Hi Yikes! How do you feel like you're losing a bit?

I thought that I used laundry detergent to replace the upper position of the change storage box, but I didn't expect it to be an

unattractive thing, which made Xiao Nan feel a little regretful about this transaction, but just when she was about to throw this delicate little box as a waste product to the debris pile, she suddenly found

that in the center of the "car" shape facing the top of the box, there was a small round bulge that was not very conspicuous.

"What is this?"

As if curious about the possession of a baby, she stretched out her tiny little finger and gently pulled the inconspicuous bulge.

The "click"

was accompanied by a slight sound, and the slight bulge was cut parallel to the side, and a small miniature hole was revealed at the top of the box.

"So small? Not to mention putting change, even if it is water, it is not easy to pour it in and then take it out, right?

Looking at the hole smaller than the meniscus of her finger, Xiao Nan felt that this small box was not only not a piggy bank, but also not a portable kettle.

She brought her eyes up and looked inside, but in the container without any light source at all, she couldn't see the situation inside at all, but

she still vaguely saw that there seemed to be something like powder in it.

"It's not going to be a makeup, is it???

So, she put the small box under her small and cute nose and sniffed tentatively:

"Hmm.........?!" This tastes............!

Xiao Nan, who suddenly felt that her head was a little clearer, quickly sniffed the small hole again with her small nose

, and then she squinted her eyes like a cat's ear that was smoothed, the corners of her mouth were slightly upturned, and said happily:

"Ah! It's actually a new snuff bottle! This smells really......... Awesome!

She took the small iron box in her hand to her eyes again and looked at it left and right, and felt that this was really a good thing - after all, in the development of science and technology, the

snuff bottle, such an unpretentious refreshing gadget, unless you deliberately go to order online or go to the antique market to search, it is basically impossible to buy.

"Hey, hey, good stuff! I feel like I'm in a very bright head right now, it's time for another game of bedtime mahjong! This time, I must score points! "


While walking on the streets of the upper town paved with bluestone slabs, although she has not yet reached the city gate inspection office, the surrounding painting style can be said to be the difference between heaven and hell compared to the dangerous wilderness and the lower city with only more sieges.

She unconsciously raised her head and looked at the azure light curtain above her head - a collection of generations of guardian wisdom crystallization, the "sky curtain" formed at the cost of constantly burning magic crystals, which can block the threat from the Blood Moon Curse, so

in the upper city, these people who are considered the happiest in the world by the outside world can go out and walk at any time without worry, and even do those entertainment activities that the bottom public dare not think of - maybe privilege exists in every world.

Although Ritas rose to the top of this pyramid from the bottom with her particularity, she did not just want to settle for pleasure like a small number of guardians whose thoughts deviated from their original intentions

, and while hurrying, she touched the "holy relic" that the gods traded with her with her waist with her hand, thinking about the appropriateness of her actions:

"I have been a guardian for almost twenty years, and in that purification box, a total of no less than three hundred souls have been sealed and transformed. But if that existence and the purification liquid that was traded for me can really solve the problems facing the world

, or even if it is only to restore the guild leader and restore the strength of the Tower of Order, then the consideration I paid must be unequal

, according to the description of the gods in the Tower of Order "Traveler's Journal",

[if they ask for it" Trade', then everything must be reciprocal, otherwise they will demand endlessly until the whole world becomes their plaything. But

why did he agree to this deal......... That's right! It should be the kind of existence that the other party likes to eat souls!

I guess he gave me this, that's what it means, right?

Thinking of this, she took out the transparent "little ball" and looked at the special symbol on it [presumably it should be his exclusive prayer], and Ritas felt that this should be the key medium for communication with that person, or a special container for offering soul tributes!

"If this is the case, then I must prepare enough tribute to 'pay the debt' as soon as possible, otherwise we will not only face the threat of curses, but also face the claim of a foreign god!"

Thinking of this, she quickened her pace and rushed towards the station that detected the identity of the entry and exit of the upper city and the infection of the curse.


"Identity authentication passed, there are no signs of curse infection, Lord Ritas, welcome back."

The girl dressed in a black and red robe and wearing a bird's beak mask put away the dial used to detect whether the personnel entering and leaving the Tower of Order showed signs of cursed infection

, while taking off the protective mask that was a bit of a hindrance but actually protected the monitor from being infected by the curse as much as possible,

and greeted the tall and beautiful visitor in front of her warmly.

After all, she was just a commoner in Kangding City, a subordinate district, and was still hidden in the sewers of the city, and those cult alchemists were taken

as sacrifices———— those madmen thought that the Blood Moon was some kind of great existence, and the curse was just a way for that being to clean up the "unsuitable object", and only those who were exempt from mutation after receiving the curse were the "suitable candidates" who were recognized and could continue to survive.

Therefore, the hapless maiden was taken away in a sack by those madmen in her sleep and had to perform a sacrificial ritual.

But fortunately, the tall nun in front of her, with a hand still stained with the blood temperature of the cultists, gently patted her back that was constantly trembling with fear, and comforted her in a gentle voice:

"Don't be afraid, it's all over, the Tower of Order is guarding you."

Recalling the many pictures of the past, especially in this bloody and cruel world, the nun in front of her interspersed with the subtle scenes, the girl's face was slightly flushed, and at the same time said a little nervously:

"Lord Ritas........ After you return to life this time, you can please ..."The

girl originally wanted to invite Ritas, on the one hand, to thank the other party for taking care of her a few days ago, on the other hand, to exchange some thoughts that were suppressed in her heart and felt that she was a little deviant... Or rather, to indicate.

But before her words fell, piercing bells rang in every corner of Uptown.

Ritas patted the girl's shoulder, and then the shadows flickered under her feet, and the whole person was like pressing the accelerator button in the video in the Blue Star player, and quickly left the place, towards the towering giant tower that symbolized absolute authority.

The girl turned to look at Ritas' departing figure, the worry in her eyes became more and more intense, she knew that it was the Tower of Order emergency order, not only from the Tower of Order collection information, but also a crisis reminder to all the residents in the upper town.

"Sister Ritas, you must return safely


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