"Wow, that's pretty.

Xiao Nan looked at the "mini rabbit" with white feathers in front of him and an angel-like halo on his head, showing

a very appreciative expression.

Because she had the experience of touching things inside many times in "dreams", but it would not cause any harm to herself,

Xiao Nan grabbed a "little rabbit" and put it in her hand to look carefully.

"Is it a mutant sea rabbit that can emit light?

She grabbed the strange creature in her hand and looked around, not knowing when the "rabbit group" that had already appeared from the broken box had already appeared, Xiao Nan showed a regretful expression of "It's a pity that there is no mobile phone, otherwise I have to take a photo and send it to the circle of friends".

Because this time, she felt that the strange creatures she encountered were even more than the ones she had encountered before... Moe some.

"It's much more fun than the previous snake woman who has the body of the royal sister, but the head is more two-dimensional style."

But why, when those humans face those snake women and sisters, they are as frightened as if they are visiting a haunted house?"

Xiao Nan casually rubbed the wings of the "little rabbit" in his hand, constantly turning into a doll-like look, thinking about his little questions.

Suddenly, she noticed that there was a "little rabbit" that seemed to be injured and could not open its wings.

"Ah, unlucky boy.

She used bubbles to grab the "little rabbit" and looked at the wounds on its body that seemed to be caused by burns, feeling a pity.

But with the wrap of bubbles in her hand, the injured "little rabbit" seemed to show signs of recovery.

"Okay, little brother, pay attention next time.

After that, she sent the rabbits in her hand and all the bubbles back to the "rabbit group" that seemed to be bowing to her and maintaining a movement for a long time.

Watching those little rabbits turn their "cute heads" at themselves in unison, using the appearance of seeing a god, Xiao Nan waved his hand helplessly and decided to continue his underwater circumnavigation.

"It's really strange, why every time I participate in the 'video', I automatically become a strange aura as if I am the protagonist, so that these fictional guys respect me so much?


Suddenly, she turned her head and saw that

the "little rabbits" were maintaining a close guard like following the emperor who followed the microservice privately, following her from a distance and neatly arranged, and the "little rabbit" that she had just "rescued" seemed to be regarded as a leader by other "rabbits", standing abruptly at the front of the "phalanx".

"Ah, it's like this again, it's really.............,"

Xiao Nan rubbed her dull hair, feeling a little speechless, she thought about it, and opened her mouth to the "little rabbits" behind her: "

Don't follow me, I'll just wander around, after all, I don't belong here."

After speaking, Xiao Nan didn't know what was going on, feeling that those "little rabbits" seemed to show some sad emotions when they heard that they "didn't belong" here, Xiao Nan

felt that it should be her good deeds and planted the seeds of friendship, right?

In that case, work hard

, try to conquer everything with your cuteness!!

towards the stars and the sea, set off! After

saying this, she found that these "little bunnies" fell into a brief silence, and then emitted a fierce feeling of joy———— after all, their wings were happily spread and shining.

"Hey, it seems that it is another 'basic exercise' of using template-type 'poisonous chicken soup' to carry out racial planning for strange species, hey, I'm really becoming more and more proficient." In

the first few "movie-watching" states, after finding that he could cheer up those "bullied" strange creatures

and get inexplicable satisfaction

, Xiao Nan was already able to recite the manuscript like a speaker,

and skillfully feed the "poisonous chicken soup" that can be said fluently by replacing individual keywords

to these strange creatures who have a strange "sense of dependence" on themselves.

Seeing that those "little rabbits" seemed to be in a sluggish state of "strange knowledge increase",

Xiao Nan nodded with satisfaction and began to continue his journey in one direction at random.


More sharp and sharp speech, rougher tentacles, and obviously hardened, and even faintly purple carapaces all highlight the fact that these zergs from the extraterrestrial sky have become more powerful.

They have been sleeping for an unknown number of years, and in their inherited memories, they regard the primordial god who gave birth to them as the direction of their own race that needs to be fully served and obeyed,

and implement its will to "continue to multiply and multiply".

However, today, when they finally see the light of day, the gods who are more "kind" than their original gods have given them more powerful blessings and strength to them who should have completely disappeared from this planet!

They excitedly secreted strange mucus from their huge heads, the mouthparts that looked like giant pincers,

to pay high respect to the new Lord who gave them all these changes!

God says to conquer all. "

Frenzy spreads among these hordes of strange insects that boil the waters around them

, and they swear that they will level every inch of land and every body of water on this planet, just to make everything on this planet

a tribute that can please him, repay him, and respond to it!

"Report to the commander, the shift schedule has been arranged, and the soldiers have basically rested. The

young man dressed in the captain's uniform respectfully gave the last report of the day to the commander who was looking at the documents and maps inside the tent.

When the middle-aged man heard this, he nodded silently, obviously satisfied with his report.

The young man breathed a slight sigh of relief, feeling that according to the custom, he should be ready to retreat

, but who knows, the commander picked up the teacup next to the hand stove and spoke:

"On the coast, is there any manpower?"


young man did not understand why the commander asked this question, after all, according to the terrain, the base camp at the sea cliff

did not need to make a defensive arrangement for the position where there could not be an enemy attack.

The middle-aged man said:

"Then you can temporarily send a few people, after all, we can't guarantee that those guys from the enemy country will follow our traces and attack from the sea."

"Yes!" Although

the young man felt that the commander was a little worried, he immediately went to carry out the commander's arrangement, and did not drag the mud at all.

After making sure that the young man had left

, the middle-aged man rubbed his right eyelid and said to himself with some self-deprecation:

"I'm really old, I actually worry about those strange insects during the day,

and I actually believe the joke that coaxes the old people and children to 'the right eyelid jump will have misfortune'..."

It seems that when I go back this time, as long as the battle on the front side wins and the pressure on the logistics side is relieved, I will immediately ask His Majesty to retire. "

[Of course, if you lose, there is no need for this.]

He got up and began to pack up his camp bed, ready to rest and recharge for tomorrow's action.


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