"Whew......... Ha..."

The yawning sound full of fatigue, with the tide swept up by the sea breeze in the middle

of the night, seemed to become more similar to the "spread of the virus"

, not only making the recruits who yawned want to yawn a few more times,

but also made the seniors standing guard with long knives next to him also feel that their eyelids were a little heavy.

"You boy, don't yawn, Lao

Tzu is about to be overwhelmed by your contagious thoughts. Forced

to follow the veteran who was about to yawn, and took advantage of this to vent his inner unhappiness by the way.

"Hey........... My brother

, this matter, just like the 'stomach growls when hungry' and 'men can't pull out their legs when they see beautiful women'

, it is not at all able to survive by the 'perseverance' of the special lady..." The

recruit stretched out his hand, knocked on his somewhat sore shoulder, and responded.

"Bah, you boy, it's clear that I stole a few drinks at dinner!" The

veteran's sharp words did not make the recruits ashamed, but made the latter start to complain:

"Hehe, brother, I don't blame me, I have been out with the team for so long, we

do the dirty work and tiring, these captains, clerks and whatnot, they are all like uncles."

The commander arranged some work, and they could press down on us with added oil and vinegar

, as if just now, obviously according to the duty schedule

, we should rest in the first half of the night today and patrol in the second half

of the night, the dog captain who did not have hair on his mouth took

us out of the tent and a few other brethren without saying a word, and

let us patrol this windy ghost place

After arranging by himself, he went to sleep in the tent

, really brewed shameless!" After

that, he stepped on the side angrily, as if sensing some danger, and fled the small crabs passing by

, looking at the crab shells rotting on the ground, as if he saw those comrades who were burned to pieces————

they were also so miserable.


have never seen such an evil thing this morning!! such

a big ghost worm, a few strokes to make several brothers not ghosts and ghosts, and

finally became a cold corpse!!!

I was so frightened that I couldn't hold the butt of the gun


If it weren't for the commander's knife next to him,

I would have seen him run better than anyone else......... Ay..

My ears are

going to break!" The

arrogant curse was forcibly interrupted by the forceful tugging of his companion's ears

, and the older soldier called "Brother" looked at the environment around him that seemed to be a little silent and turned back, and

said in a face:

"You boy, don't be drunk at this time."

If you let any of the bastards who come around nearby listen

, neither of us will have good fruit to eat!" After

that, he let go of his hand and kicked the junior who was covering his ears to the side, and

after this fight,

the sleepiness of the two dissipated a lot.

At this time, as if to relieve the inexplicable pressure caused by this seemingly too quiet environment

, the veteran said:

"How about we shake our legs and go around?" When

the young soldier heard this, he looked up at the sky and found that the sky was originally cloudless and starry, and he didn't know when

It seemed to be shrouded in a thick layer of dark clouds, making the surroundings that could be illuminated by the moonlight look a little gloomy.

"Brother, it's not me who said, just this dark and autumnal

day, let's not stroll, lose our feet and slip into which ravine.............

" The young soldier refused in an indirect way, but after finding that the senior's face was a little displeased

, he quickly added:

"Brother, it's not that my younger brother has become intimidated because of the day's events, it's simply that I'm afraid that someone from above will be sent to check the post, or else,

You first go to the neighborhood to see if there is a suitable place to see the scenery, and when you find it

, you say hello, and my brother will follow me immediately!" Seeing

this, the veteran knew that if he said anything, he might let the recruit guess something:

in fact, he himself was a little scared because of the strange thing in the morning and the quiet and panicking environment around him.

But in order to maintain his posture of "having been on the battlefield and experiencing the test of life and death

", he slapped his junior's shoulder vigorously, and said in the other party's painful

grinning expression: "Okay, I'll take a look myself!"

After saying that, he walked to the side and entered the forest that was like the mouth of some kind of giant beast.


"What a special silence ..............,"

At this moment, the woods shrouded in night were filled with silence and darkness.

The cold wind on all sides blew on his face, making his attention become a little more focused as if he had drunk decanting soup.

He clutched the rifle in his hand and looked around warily.

Suddenly, a subtle sound reached his ears.

"Click......... Click..."

He stopped and listened warily and carefully.

The sound seemed to be the sound of frosty leaves rubbing against each other, and

it was a little unusually harsh in the shadows of the trees that seemed a little tight.

The veteran felt an inexplicable unease, and he quickly took out his standard saber from his waist and

looked around vigilantly.

"Click: Click... Click... Click... "

The strange sound, I don't know why, after the first sound

, began to appear more sounds————

just like the empire in the twilight years, in order to show its ridiculous aftermath

, and in the harvest season, organized the king's parade

, [The cavalry commander rode first, and the fully dressed soldiers followed in the rear in neat steps. ]

The magnificent scene seems to be recreated in the minds of veterans in the form of stripping out all the images and retaining only the sound of stepping on the ground


He couldn't understand why, in this small forest, there was such a strange sound.

"What! Come out for Lao Tzu!" It

was as if the rogues had encountered a group of pursuers, and they were extremely panicked because of the unknown "trial".

The veteran finally did not hold back and shouted.


the neat but strange sound that had been like a military parade suddenly stopped with his roar

, like the commander of a symphony, suddenly pressing down the baton in his hand, and

all the members stopped moving as quietly.

Gradually, the veteran began to feel a strange change,

as if the entire forest was enveloped by some evil force.

The stars in the night sky have completely disappeared, as if swallowed by something.

The soldier's heartbeat quickened in this brief silence, so fast that he felt his heart being burned by a fire.

He began to back off, trying to get back to safety.

"Click..." The

sound of the heel stepping on the branch seemed to be some kind of signal, and

the strange sound that had disappeared for a short time for less than a few breaths suddenly came towards the veteran from all directions like a flood like thousands of sharp knives, scraping a heavy shield


His sweaty hair stood up suddenly, and his brain immediately sent the most accurate signal:


At the same time, a dark shadow snaking from among the trees shot towards him.

"Swoosh!" Like

a bullet hitting the target, the veteran only felt that his stomach seemed to

be forced to drink several large buckets of water after eating something indigestible, falling and hurting.

He looked down, and finally, at the moment of his death, he saw his own misery, the initiator, and the end of his life—the terrible tragedy that he did not want to recall.

The strong abdomen, at this moment, was like an inferior shield being penetrated by a refined siege spear, pierced

, but the snow liquid that burst out of the wound was like red wine in a tavern, flowing

down several finger-thick "straws" to one side.

Looking at the straw, it was a "bug" the size of a baby

, its body covered with a black-gold shell, and its antennae were covered with sharp barbs.

Three cracks comparable to the size of an adult's palm constantly "taste" the "tofu brain" in

the veteran's head, and with its "tasting", the veteran's body began to change.

His skin became pale and shriveled, covered with wriggling tentacles.

It's like maggots growing in carrion.

His distracted eyes turned deep black, completely devoid of humanity, and became dull and lifeless.

His thinking began to become confused, and the original complex human language was constantly "deleted"

, but it remained, the fragmentary combination that pointed to the final will: to

conquer everything for him.


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