"Sunny day, the scenery is good~~, the red is the flowers ~~~, the green is the grass~~~~"

Xiao Nan, who was wrapped in golden bubbles, looked at the endless ice field in front of him,

feeling "optimized" by golden bubbles After the warm sunshine and the comfortable temperature around her, her

thin cherry little mouth hummed a joyful song.

Looking up, she noticed that something seemed to be slowly moving on the glacier in the distance.

"Is it the polar creature in this 'dream'?

Saying that, she tiptoed lightly, and the golden bubble lifted and floated the small body as if she had been instructed

, and then, as if losing her neutral restraint in a vacuum,

moved in the direction of the black spot.

"It's still good to 'watch movies', you can casually do those things that Xiu Xian novels say 'Douzong powerhouse, volleys, and horrors'~

" Looking at the white strange bird passing by, Xiao Nan greeted him enthusiastically, and then thought:

"I don't know if those little rabbits who drank my 'poisonous chicken soup' have encountered fishermen who went to the sea to fish at this time?

God's Messenger's existence attracts onlookers, and then becomes a special group of recipients, right?

Just as Xiao Nan continued to explore what polar creatures in this world looked like,

the "little rabbits" that had just flashed in her mind were doing their "business" at this time.


"Porphyry.......... Poof............."

The veteran's body became unusually bloated as if it were inflated.

Around his corpse, the swarm of insects headed by the leader of the zerg, as if performing some mysterious ceremony,

surrounded the corpse in a circle.

Like the sound of an oviparous animal hatching its cubs, came from the bulging abdomen

, and the white worm knots that were originally like carrion and maggots, I don't know when,

have been replaced by pus the size of sandbags.

Those pustules, together with the remaining tissue fluid in the veteran's body, constantly produce irregular creeping

, and finally, at some point, a ........... Two......... Three............

Dozens of large and small pus burst open one by one, and

the newborn zergs the size of praying mantis suddenly woke up as if they felt the call of the supreme will, they

gnawed and licked the "heroes" they had conceived and licked the almost snow-colored liquid that remained in the epidermis of their bodies.

"GA! roar!

Just as the fanatical believers witnessed the great miracles of the gods of faith

, the surrounding zergs used their multiple jaws that could tear Jingo,

constantly opening and closing, emitting a shrill jubilant sound.

Under its mighty power, the restriction that originally needed more energy to reproduce was lifted

, and they regarded "reproduction" as a racial characteristic, just like long-distance runners on the sports field

, with the "enhancer" given by it,

they punched the referee called "World Guardian

" and snatched the only "starting gun" in their hands that could balance themselves and protect other races.

At this moment, they have become an exception to breaking rules and trampling on

rules, but unfortunately, the right to make rules is no longer in the hands of the world consciousness, but in their own hands!

The leader, whose head is larger and uglier than the rest of his kind, spreads all its winding limbs and

gives the warmest welcome to those of the new generation.

Several Zerg crawled in, hugging the new clans who seemed weak now, but who would succeed their obligations in the future.

Then, in the blink of an eye, the leader put away his knuckles and tentacles, spread his broad wings, and flew up.

As it takes off, all the insect that are not holding the larvae rush to follow, and "carefully" surround the individuals with the task of protecting the larvae in the center of the group.

They follow the direction in which the leader flies, making all the slightly larger creatures they can see their first meal upon awakening.

Countless animals passing by, before the brain realized that they had been cut in half by some extremely sharp mouthparts, had been eaten by the sharp and orderly mouths of the zergs.

Those new individuals who have been given the most food begin to emerge from the inside out with a very vigorous momentum

, they continue to break through their upper limits as they eat, and their bodies are steadily getting bigger, and

I believe that it will not be long before they become individuals close to maturity.

But the Zerg led by the Zerg is still not satisfied, because this is not enough to quickly conquer this world

, and it is divided into three large pieces of the worm brain, and finally from the memory of the two-legged creature that was briefly manipulated by itself

, it has searched, a fast and effective method............

"War. "

The pronunciation that belongs only to humans, from the fishy mouthparts that are still hanging with flesh foam

, as a group of creatures that are the sole favorite of the world consciousness, human beings have the ability to indirectly influence the scales

, although their bodies themselves are extremely weak, but as long as they use these pathetic but useful "means" of human

beings, the leader of the Zerg tribe feels that those prey that need their own time to search will naturally gather obediently

Then they were happily fed by their own clansmen.

"Go, Akira ........ Looking for humans........ Parasitic, no ....... Eat.............

"From the available human knowledge, they "learned" that they worked livestock as means of production and

ate them as food in old age or other captivity that had no value for further feeding.

The leader of the Zerg found this a very interesting and efficient method

, so he made the wisest decision for the entire race:

parasitic useful humans, wage war, and rule the world by means of nature's favorite



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