[Entrance to the Paranormal Events Administration.]

"Di, C+ level personnel Li Xiaoming, the current SAN value of 22, the state is abnormal, it is recommended to implement short-term control. "

Di, Lin Xia, a C-level person, currently has a SAN value of 45, and is in an abnormal state, and it is recommended to implement relaxation therapy. "

Originally, there were few detection channels for passing people, because this alarm that had not been seen for a long time, and

two rows of guards had gathered at this time.

The special full-body equipment completely armed these guards

to the teeth, in order to isolate the special effects from sound and illusions as much as possible

, they only use wireless walkie-talkies and infrared detectors to achieve basic judgment,

and they are now nervously looking at the man and woman who are stuck at the entrance.

As staff members of the Supernatural Administration,

they naturally know what their department and colleagues are facing.

SAN value of 22, a subtle value only two points away from the red line of "long-term control + top-secret control"

, and the other party is a professional rushing

to the front line, so these colleagues in special equipment, even familiar old colleagues

, will choose the safest means when the alarm is issued————

after all, this is the first line of defense to protect mankind.

"Comrade Li Xiaoming, please throw all the belongings you are carrying into the sealed jar in front of

you, and then kneel on the ground with your head in your hands and feet, thank you for your cooperation.

In addition, Ms. Lin Xia, although according to the prescribed standards, you only need to go to the medical office to receive special treatment

, but because according to the traffic records, you and your partner travel at the same time

, and there is an unknown situation of losing contact for more than two hours

, so for the sake of insurance, please also temporarily accept short-term control

, of course, given that your SAN value is more normal than Comrade Li Xiaoming

We'll have your health care provider diagnose you in the form of a video

. "

In the monitoring room, the staff who conveyed information to the two in a standard broadcast tone

, their hands holding the notice trembled slightly

, after all, the SAN value of 26, placed in the outside world

, can be counted as a "severe psychopath" in the eyes of ordinary people

, and the other party is the backbone member of this sub-bureau,

if it is really "crazy" or.........................

[The stronger the person, the easier it is to go wrong, after all

, when you gaze into the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you.


we look that serious?!


Xia, who was a little angry, wanted to personally report to the leader

, but before she finished speaking, Li Xiaoming interrupted her.

As he pronounced it, the surrounding guards nervously gripped their weapons more firmly.

Looking at the appearance of his colleagues around

him, Li Xiaoming slowly spun his body towards everyone

, and at the same time threw all kinds of weapons, armor, and emergency items into the sealed box in the distance

, and at the same time, he said in a voice that Lin Xia could only hear:

"Calm your heart, just think that you are terminally ill and need medical treatment."

Whether we can pass the word to the boss or not is up to you.

As an old employee, Li Xiaoming naturally knows what the hell is the "short-term control

", [strong light, bundle, infinite loop piano music, high-frequency brain wave detection, liquid food 、..........]

"I didn't expect that the hunter would become a prey one day........... Gee, if you survive and

fight for your resume for the position of section chief, you will add another sum.

Lin Xia listened to her partner's jokes in order to comfort each other, although she was helpless

, but she also knew that compared to the "treatment" with quotation marks that Li Xiaoming wanted to receive

, her side was closer to the mental treatment of a regular hospital, and

she had more hope of recovering in the same time

, [If he hadn't cast his eyes on the endless starry sky, he had stayed on his side for even a while. ]

Lin Xia lowered her head and began to fade all kinds of "dangerous items" on her body.

Not very positive, repeating his partner's actions.

Seeing this, the surrounding guards relaxed slightly the tight string in their hearts.

In the monitoring room, the tall figure standing behind the announcer looked

at the two men and women who were defined as "abnormal", and

his eyes were full of deep eyes.


"Sister Xiaonan, what does this 'shocking' mean

, why am I missing the 'six' that the person just typed, but I can't be nonsense?" Bending

her little knees and kneeling on the high gaming chair

, Lili straightened up and looked at the picture on the screen, feeling very incomprehensible.

"Obviously I have made up enough of what Sister Xiao Nan said.........."

And Xiao Nan, who was holding Liang Qu and counting the inventory in the store,

heard this and poked his head towards the screen on the counter.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, if you have played a certain card, and the others have not eaten, touched, or barged

, then when you can listen to the cards, the cards you have played can no longer be used for Hu, unless.............

" "Hey, how can I order 'and'

?" Lily looked at her cards suspiciously,

and then at Xiao Nan, who was a little dumbfounded

But before the countdown ended, I clicked "and".

[Broken Nine......... Treasure Card......... Red Treasure.......... Libao Card.......... 8,000 points, slam!]

"Sister Xiaonan, I won!" Lily

happily patted her little hands, although she only won the second place

, but as a novice, it was already a good result.

And Xiao Nan skimmed his mouth and

continued to say what he wanted to say with a slightly low taste:

"....... Unless you touch that card yourself......... Well, you've already seen it

........."After speaking, Xiao Nan walked silently towards the container on the side

like a famous writer's "back to buy oranges",

while constantly muttering:

"This is not scientific.......... How can I be luckier than me?!"


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