"Squeak........ Squeak..."

The sound of the old bicycle, with a hint of an old man's sigh

, brought the silent alley out of the state that seemed a little too quiet.

Under the big sun hat and bluish white sun protection sleeves, sweat has long dried.

Luo Qiuli (Lili's mother) looked at the potholes on the ground in front of

her, shook her head, got off the bicycle, and chose to push the bicycle over to

prevent the only transportation in the family from being damaged.

The bumpy dirt road, just like what she encountered today, made Luo Qiuli can't help but complain to herself:

how can you bully yourself even on the road.

[Is this the house leakage that coincides with the rain overnight?]

"How can I have a house............"

Luo Qiuli thought helplessly about the news she had heard all day, and

felt very helpless.

In the downtown area where elite schools gather, the admissions officers there

, after hearing their own inquiries, basically replied without raising their heads:

"As long as you have housing within the designated area and have lived for more than one year, you can come to us to apply for admission

, but note that if there are too many people, we will give preference to children who are closer and live longer."

Knowing that she had hit a wall, she carried her bicycle and took a bus to the suburbs

, where schools with stricter management and relatively good promotion rates asked, and

although their staff would greet them with a smile because of the rare arrival, they could not avoid the core problem:

———— have a house within the boundary.

"Who made me a stubborn temper, otherwise I . Forget it, let's go back and think of a way,

I don't know if Lily caused trouble for that same poor child.

Thinking that he was about to meet his daughter, who had not seen him for a day, his originally bleak face

showed a look of longing for life.

[After all, the child is the most important, the little angel who accompanies me instead of him.] Shallow

dimples appeared on Luo Qiuli's face, and under the reflection of the setting sun

, it seemed to coincide with the cute little angel, and

as for the Senleng Alley entrance that was only lit because of the aging circuit,

it became like Alice in Wonderland.

"I don't know why, but I always feel that as soon as I enter the alley, I feel

that I have said goodbye to the hot summer. Feeling

the cool and refreshing breeze, she couldn't help but muttered to herself.

Pushing the car, walking on the comfortable path that seems to be stepping on a sponge compared to outside the alley

, Luo Qiuli casually looked at the sporadically lit houses around her,

[I think everyone who still lives here probably has their own "story".

She feels that if her position is not defined as an "urban village" by the

city, but the streets and alleys of the bustling streets of the city center

, it is estimated that there will be many young people holding cameras and taking beautiful photos here, right?"

It seems that within a year, three leaders have changed in a row, and each leader has something

wrong for no apparent reason, so that the current leader has directly 'rotted'..................

It's a bit of a mysterious rumor.

As she approached, Luo Qiuli saw her fast-food restaurant, which was old but very clean.

She leaned her bike against the door

of her shop, took off her hat and sleeves

, wiped the sweat stains on her face with the back of her hand, and finally rubbed her hand on the clothes behind her.

After all, the upbringing she received since childhood made her firmly believe that other people's homes (shops) are the embodiment of the owner's character.

The spotless tiled floor, presumably the result of the careful cleaning of the child with albinism before

the scorching sun appeared,

then he should maintain the greatest respect for this poor child.

"Knock knock. "

The knuckles of the fingers gently knocked on the glass door of the store, and as the knock fell, there

seemed to be some abnormal noises in the store.

[It seems that the two little guys are playing Zhenghuan, are they frightened by my knock?]

Luo Qiuli thought like this, the cute figure appeared

in her mind, she covered her mouth and smiled, and she planned to enter the store to say hello,

but a silent shadow stopped in front of her.

"Huh, cat?" Looking

at the cat in front of her, Luo Qiuli felt that

if she didn't want to maintain her majesty as an adult, she was afraid that she would have to rub this cute cat.

"Are you raised by Xiao Nan

?" asked Luo Qiuli casually, but she didn't think that the cat was like looking at a fool, got up and wagged its tail and walked away.

[Sure enough, stupidity is inherited, I am a cat, how can I talk, stupid.]

"Ah, Mom, you're here!" Lili

opened her arms and suddenly threw herself into Luo Qiuli's arms, and coquettishly.

Luo Qiuli smiled and rubbed Lili's little head, and then looked at the white-haired loli who smiled at her.

"Thank you Sister Xiaonan.

"Little things, little things, I haven't thanked you for bringing me delicious food." The

two simply exchanged pleas and said goodbye, after all, the business of fast food restaurants has been empty for a whole day.

And Xiao Nan also took advantage of Luo Qiuli's turn and made a "wink" expression to Lili who made her eyes:

Don't worry, your mother definitely didn't see you watching Peppa Pig on the computer with me!

【Yeah! The accumulated anime episodes were not deducted by my mother!.......

Looking at the departing mother and daughter, Xiao Nan felt that today was really a beautiful and fulfilling day.

"Although it is rare to experience a fairy experience of 'waiting for the meal to be delivered to the mouth, no need to wash after eating', but..."

I don't know why, Xiao Nan remembered the duo who came to promote "don't believe in feudal superstition

" in the morning: "Obviously I also participated in the live interaction, why does it always feel that it is

very unscientific?" Yes, Xiao Nan felt that the experience of these two days was very unscientific, or to be specific

She found that it seemed that the whole world, except herself, cats could play mahjong better than herself.

[Is there really something in this world that Teacher Ma's materialism can't explain?

Xiao Bai, who felt the strange gaze, was like a radar, and quickly turned his head to look

, however, Xiao Nan's hand had already hugged its belly.

Looking at Lord Immortal

Zun with a solemn expression in front of him, Xiao Bai thought to himself: Isn't

it? Lord Immortal Venerable, are you so vengeful? QAQ?

I don't know why, Xiao Bai looked at Xiao Nan's expression and thought of a corner of the massive strange knowledge:

[Bold demon, I can see at a glance that you are not a human!

Just grabbed Xiaobai's neck and sat down in front

of the computer, and then, she rummaged carefully and finally found the "thing" she wanted.

Immediately, she held Xiao Bai with an unloveable face in front of the computer desk

, pointed to several cute girls with cat ears and long tails on the screen, and

shouted in a cute and awe-inspiring voice

to Xiao Bai, whose face had collapsed into "Metro Old Man

": "You change me!"



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