Xiao Nan's fingers rested on the picture that circled in front of her like a "playlist

", but her attention was not focused on it,

not because of the "rest" at noon On

the contrary, she felt that if she could "celebrate the New Year" in her dreams,

then she had to pour two bottles of 82-year-old snow coins on her head

to tell herself:

Strange XP is not so strong that she dreams about it!!!!!

The white hair that looks very similar to his own

, but unlike his "standing" dull hair,

the hair in the sight naturally falls from the middle of the two cute cat ears and

gently falls on the thin shoulders.

In the vertical pupils like night owls, there is a slight starlight

, a small nose and pink lips, which do not show the innocence and cuteness that match the appearance of the other party

, but like going through the world and seeing through the red dust,

revealing an indifferent color to all things in the world.

But it is this sense of contrast with the face of

the loli that makes the cat-eared loli in front of him more indescribable......... Sense of comedy.

[Obviously a child, but pretending to be an old Zhuang, with a blank face and pouting, it really is......

..] Cute drip pinch! (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~]

Without thinking deeply about why, he couldn't see his reflection in the other party's eyes, and

the novel Xiao Nan withdrew his finger to slide the "video list"

, and instead stepped in the void, standing in front of the cat-eared girl.

Look at the "big cutie" in front of him who is the same height as himself, but is five centimeters taller than himself due to the blessing of his ears.

Xiao Nan stared straight at the other party's white porcelain-like cheeks and fell into a state of silence.

And then..................

Xiao Nan tilted her head to the left, and the cat-eared girl kept her eyes level and her head turned slightly to the right;

Xiao Nan tilted her head to the right, the cat-eared girl kept her eyes level, and her head turned slightly to the left;

Xiao Nan's body took the waist as the point of strength

, tilted to the side, wondering whether there would be a cat's tail behind Kang Kang that matched the cat's ears under

the premise of "maintaining politeness", but the other party used a 100% movement to maintain a 100% synchronization rate with himself, and tilted his body with himself

, and at the same time, a royal sister voice that was slightly inconsistent with the appearance came out of her mouth:

"Master, what are you doing?"


This is the case with Liang Qu's (writing) moderation, (read) compromise.

As a "witty" holy beast, Liang Qu chose to take the initiative to step into Xiao Nan's dream, and

took the picture Xiao Nan showed him as a model to actively transform his appearance.

[Although she doesn't understand why in the supermarket where so many bigwigs gather

, only she can do this, but I think she should be too weak, so it won't affect Lord Immortal Venerable, right?]

As a result, as soon as he came in, he was stared at by Lord Immortal Venerable with his big eyes like a pearl of the deep sea.

This made Liang Qu's heart very nervous:

It's over?! Could it be that I didn't go home in shape, causing Lord Immortal Venerable to be displeased after seeing me?!"

I think it's also, people with cat ears, how to think, are all demon people, how

can someone really like this kind of thing?!

That's pretty weird, isn't it?!

Therefore, in the face of the "temptation" of Lord Immortal Venerable, Liang Qu felt that perhaps the other party was looking for the defects of his own transformation

, such as "too much hair", "the paws were not hidden", "the cat hair on the body was not completely transformed into clothes"..................

Therefore, Liang Qu faced the "scrutiny" from Lord Immortal Venerable and chose ........... Dissemble!

[As long as I sincerely look into Lord Immortal Venerable's eyes, she should withdraw her gaze because she is embarrassed, right?] ]

Liang Qu felt that since Lord Immortal Zun was at the peak of "returning to the basics", then he should have also achieved "consistency in appearance" and

transformed his mind into a child's state, after all

, normal people, where would they let a cat play mahjong for themselves?

But I never thought that Lord Immortal Venerable actually wanted to look down to see if he had transformed himself after simply "tilting his head" at the beginning......... Fat times!

This made Liang Qu, who only transformed the visual range of normal people, and was shocked in his heart.

Therefore, in order to prevent Lord Immortal Zun from seeing the "line of heaven" that would make people feel full of offense

, Liang Qu decisively chose to call their owners according to the cartoon pictures that Lord Immortal Zun forcibly pulled himself to watch

, and said:

"Master, what are you doing?"


Xiao Nan, who wanted to "go around the back" and check the tail, heard the mature voice

, just like the naughty child in the village who wanted to steal the apple of the boss next door was discovered, shook

her wit, and quickly straightened up and stood up

, but after understanding the other party's name for herself

, her eyes widened like copper bells, covered her small mouth with her hands, and

said in surprise:

"You call me master?!" Ma Ya !!!!!!!

Xiao Nan jumped excitedly, she didn't expect that the "compensation benefits" she received because of her "transformation"

would finally arrive! It's actually a cute cat-eared lady servant!!!!

If Xiao Nan, who has been depressed for a long time because she has not received the "golden finger" obtained by the protagonist who encountered an accident in a similar novel

, then at this moment, she feels that at this moment, her mood is like

"one shot and ten consecutive shots, all golden", "the beginning is straight, and the country is matchless"

, so that in the void, everything that runs around her presents a kind of All things are racing to life".

And the liang qu that the cat's ears quietly erected was just constantly shaking his ears, trying to think about a question:

"What? Lord Immortal wants to call me 'Ma'?????? "

【( ̄△ ̄; )????? 】


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