A huge space battleship, traveling in the silent universe at supersonic speeds.

The silvery-white body is a product of cutting-edge technology that can withstand solar storms.

The azure tail flame fixed the battleship in its established orbit and flew towards the planet suitable for the life of frozen people in the dormant chamber.

At the very front of the battleship is a silhouette of a city painted in a variety of colors

, which is the trademark of the manufacturer of the ship, ———— Solian United, which is known as the Holy Fire.

Although it is a "company", within the alliance, even ordinary children who live on planet B76 and have received basic education

know that this company is actually the "sword" of the alliance to colonize other planets————

with almost slaughter, "cleansing" all the natives who do not obey the alliance

, and then, with an arrogant attitude, let those who are renamed "letters + numbers" The indigenous leaders

of the planet, signed and pledged on the "letter of reconciliation", and then began to describe it as "plundering", which was all glorified colonization.

[So, it's just a layer of gloves that the ruler wears to cover his shame.] Using

super cloning technology and cryodormant technology

, Solian United Company has easily leveled more than 100 "low-level planets" with "beautiful but barbaric" by relying on this kind of space battleship with interstellar autopilot function, with more than 2,000 clones in each battleship


At this moment, when the autopilot "Holy Flame"

was less than 0.25 light-years away from the established planet

, inside the battleship, under the control of the intelligent system, the rows of dormant capsules like large eggs

began to be injected with special gas that allowed clones to wake up.

"Ahem.......... Ahem!! "

With the soothing and beautiful sound of electronic music throughout the cabin, numerous

coughing sounds followed.

This is a special symptom of the clone after waking up from hibernation, and

it is also a key difficulty that cryonics technology has not completely overcome

, of course, Solian United Company is still increasing its efforts to overcome

, after all, it will help reduce the cost of constantly updating the clone, effectively saving the budget of the alliance.

"Ahem, I don't know how long I slept."

Morse, is it there? The

tall, blond woman staggered up from the separate sleeping cabin representing the captain while

conversing toward the large screen overhead.

"Dear Captain Susan, it has been thirteen years since you last said goodnight to me

, and your current physical condition is not yet at its best, it is not recommended to start working immediately

, the restaurant has prepared a rich nutritional package and recovery drinks for you and your subordinates, please eat it in time."

Finally, on behalf of the Group and your mother, I wish you a pleasant work. "


Susan ended the conversation with the artificial intelligence Morse with a look of indifference

, after all, she was just a stronger "worker ant".

Walking inside the empty cabin, Susan listened to the shadowy voice and knew that many people were beginning to wake up.

And as the captain, she was naturally the first to wake up.

[Not a privilege, but a responsibility of the pilot]

In order to recover her fitness as soon as possible, she did not take the initiative to greet the subordinates of the other sleeping pods,

but went straight to the direction of the restaurant.

Looking at the corridor where even her brain was still a little confused, but she was still familiar enough to walk to her destination with her eyes closed

, Susan felt that the comments she had heard from the first mate before made sense:

"What pioneers, we are just a group of prisoners serving sentences in mobile prisons!"

That's just a little later than those natives!

Susan thought about those words, then looked at the floating photos displayed on the mechanical wall

, shook her head, and said to herself:

"At least, we still have a little time

to become the 'master' for a short time when we are on the mission


Let go of the thoughts in your heart, in case the facial muscles do not control your mouth

, say the words in your heart, let Morse give a "small report"————

can not underestimate Morse, the previous captain was monitored because of his dream talks

, was thrown out as floating garbage,

will let himself be the captain.

"Huh? Someone woke up earlier than me?

Looking at the illuminated sign at the entrance of the restaurant, Susan was surprised

, and then, her face remained unchanged, but she said to herself in her heart:

"Could it be that the Alliance side has added 'monitors' to monitor us clones?"

Susan is not an optimistic individual, just like her aging mother and a retired mayor are

the kind of people who are calculating.

Therefore, he will never consider the possibility that the "Holy Flame" will fail inside and make his subordinates wake up earlier than themselves.

But at the same time, her heart also became a little anxious————

when the alliance sent "monitors" to the battleship, it meant that some of these clones, or tool people, on the ship had reached the point of "scrapping".

This is a secret within the alliance, although all clones think that

as long as they can work seriously and survive the interstellar shuttle

, then they can get compensation from the mother's pension or death pension as the starting money, and then enjoy "retirement life", but

in fact, these clones who are fighting outside, once they end their mission,

it is the time when they are about to be forced to undergo maternal transplantation.

And the reason why Susan knew this information that should not have been her clone was only because

she accidentally overheard the conversation between the monitors hidden inside the battleship when Morse "executed" the previous captain


And the one she remembers most clearly was:

"The ship's 'parts' are also about to be scrapped, right?" Maybe the next time you occupy the planet, you can send them back to the alliance, and

by the way, you can also earn those mother's money, which is really a perfect waste use.

I hope that when the time comes, we will do this beautiful errand, gee...

"The two monitors, after performing the "execution" and "scrapping" tasks, took the mini spaceship and left the battleship.

And Susan was always thinking about this in her heart, and now, the things she was worried about day and night finally came

, although she had made a "bold" adventure plan before she went to sleep

, but she did not expect that the other party would appear so swaggering, so............

"I'm not aware of it, and let me meet you."

In order not to startle the snake, Susan decided to treat the other party as a crew member who woke up early.

She spread her palms and aimed them at the door opening button, and after the palm print recognition passed,

she stepped into the dining room.

But when she saw the "watchers" in the restaurant, she felt a little stunned.

I saw that two silver-haired girls were standing in front of the dining bar

, they were like the residents of the alliance at the bottom floor, in a large supermarket, they saw a buffet without money, and they

all pressed the buttons on the screen that symbolized food ordering.

The two girls seem to have their own "division of labor":

the girl who seems to have "ornaments" hanging behind her back and a "cat's ear hair ornament" on her head

, like a caring servant, brings down the hot food on the conveyor belt of the machine

, digs a small part of it, packs it on a small plate

, and then hands it to another slightly delicate, but seems to be in a "master-servant combination" as the "master" The girly of the character.

The latter tasted it with a small spoon, and if it was delicious, she would order the girl with the cat's ear "hair ornament" to bring

the whole portion, anyway, throw it in the corner.

Looking at the "eliminated food" in the corner, which was about to pile up to the ceiling,

Susan's face showed an extremely complicated expression:

This is the "monitor" who can decide the life and death of our clones??????


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