Susan looked at the other party's face like a porcelain doll, listening to the other party's

voice like a marshmallow, but

her heart was terrified:

"Can't the poison gas kill you?"

Although she was a little panicked in her heart, as the leader of the mutineers

, she first smiled and said

, "Ah, young lady, you are very right.

There is a real danger that requires urgent measures.

At the same time, she used the blind spot of her perspective to make a gesture to the subordinates behind her: When

I met you before

, I was unarmed

, and now, monster, prepare to be baptized by guns!

Although Liang Qu was still a little distracted by the scene that was more terrifying than hell,

she had long noticed the small movements made by the human beings in front of her.

However, she did not have any ideas

, because she knew that those "dark weapons", trying to harm him,

were tantamount to ————

drawing a needle on a blank piece of paper in an attempt to stab the viewer's eyes through an 'ambush'.

Xiao Nan didn't care about this at all

, because her purpose was very pure

, that is, she wanted to "play".

"Oooooh~! Sure enough, there is a situation!

So, what is 'danger'?

Xiao Nan widened her starry eyes

and looked at Susan expectantly

, she felt that her heartbeat was a little faster, and she

began to look forward to a

parkour game with "Alien" in the state of first perspective.

[Or rather, to make her feel the 'excitement' itself is the greatest meaning of everything.]

"Oh, young lady, please wait, I will introduce you to..........."

Susan pretended to take the information from her subordinates

, but took the opportunity to turn sideways

, distanced herself from Xiao Nan, and shouted in a conspiratorial tone:

"You are the source of the danger!" Die! Monster! Fire!!!! The

powerful various weapons aimed at the thin and thin figure in an instant

, but what those people could not understand was that

the girl they aimed at seemed

to "suddenly remember something important and wanted to tell the friends who were traveling with

them", showed a happy smile, and turned to the cat-eared girl behind him and said:

"Liang Qu, come, here is a special clip!" It's bubble CG!

Liang Qu looked at Xiao Nan in confusion

, not understanding what the other party meant

, but soon, she roughly understood.


The people with weapons naturally did not care, the girl's strange "last words"

, they pulled the trigger, ready to celebrate the "lifting of the crisis".

However, in the first millisecond they pulled, the trigger was not deviated enough for the attack to be issued.

Their hearts are like Blue Star's old shack and house

, because of the aging of the circuit, and trigger

the "insurance", in an instant, all the blood stops flowing

, or, for unknown reasons,

turns into a "distilled water" state so pure that even ions do not exist.

A body without blood

, that is, a vehicle without fuel, instantly

loses all "instructions".

And this was just the beginning

, golden spots the size of grapes burst

out from their flesh-colored hearts,

like bubbles that came out of a canned Coke that had been completely shaken to the extreme.

Golden spots instantly occupied all parts of their bodies, and

soon, those golden spots became their "body".


, Liang Qu looked at it blankly

, the person in front of him, except for the blonde woman

, changed from a materialized person to a human-shaped large bubble with countless golden bubbles in the blink of an eye

, and then,

completely disappeared..................

"Hey, hey! Liang Qu, let me tell you, the characters in these videos, as long as they shout words such as 'monster' and 'kill me' to me,

it means that it is time to trigger the 'special plot'!

They will all become, the big golden bubble~! The

smile at the corner of Xiao Nan's mouth is still the same

, as if all this is just a small bridge to add a little "laughter" to the process of "watching", that's all.

Liang Qu looked at those starry eyes blankly

, and understood that those eyes that contained all things

, but were so pure

that they were beyond words, had not paid attention to these creatures that were not even "a drop in the ocean",

including himself.

At this moment, Liang Qu felt that she should probably look directly at some reality, some

facts that she once firmly believed and now seemed to be just self-deception———— she

might not be an immortal.


Susan's hand still kept the action of giving instructions, and the

corner of her mouth, the conspiratorial smile had not completely dissipated,

but her eyes were full of disbelief.

A living person, like a pencil sketch on a painting

, touches the "great being" holding the eraser, and is gently "erased" by the latter.

[Perhaps, everything in it is originally a line outlined on paper?]

Emotions such as panic, fear, and self-doubt occupied her brain

, but more than that, it was the indescribable feeling of fear.


Like a madman, she tugged hard at her golden

hair, not too sharp nails, and after "uprooting" the hair as if it were a dead thing, she

scratched the scalp that had oozed blood;

Regardless of the possibility that her throat would hurt and swell

, she tried her best to shout loudly

, as if only in this way could her sense of fear get a trace of non-existent suppression

, but she didn't know that when she "roared"

, some golden bubbles were slowly, like "small pimples" after being bitten by mosquitoes, began to emerge...

If Li Xiaoming were here, seeing Susan's situation,

he would definitely even use the detector and directly give the conclusion:

"This is the pitiful end of the SAN value being cleared to zero."




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