In that endless universe

, on an extremely developed civilization planet

, on the top floor of the building that stretches through the sky and tops all the mountains, eight

people in formal clothes are sitting together.

Although their appearance is very young at first glance

, I don't know why,

but it faintly reveals a sense that does not match their age.......... A sense of twilight.

But their youthful appearance could not hide the

extraordinary temperament in them.

Combined with the identity information on the ID identification card in front of them,

we can see that these people who seem to be in the "youth stage" are

the big guys in the alliance who have absolute control in key areas.

But if you look closely at their exposed and clenched fists

, you can know that at this time, these bigwigs in high positions actually

showed a state of tension.


A prompt to symbolize the arrival of someone came from the doorway

, but they would not deliberately look at who was coming

, after all, the nine chairs, except for the silver-white chair in the middle

, which symbolized the supreme ruler,

there were no more empty seats.

"Oh, Ministers, Commanders, Justices, and General Representatives of the Commission,

I'm sorry I'm late."

The elegant and easy-going intellectual voice came from the doorway

, and as the footsteps that seemed a little out of place in the solemn environment gradually fell,

the appearance of the person who came also came into everyone's eyes.

It was a young man with silver-white hair

, his playboy-like hairstyle, and his azure blue eyes,

like a prodigal son who had just returned from a nightclub;

However, his skin is extremely pure

, even if it is a newborn baby, compared to it, it looks too much.

The handsome fingertips gently rubbed the large conference table with a diameter of more than ten meters, and

slowly walked towards his "throne".

"Welcome to the Great Sage!" *n

Those present simultaneously issued words of welcome.

The latter smiled and waved his hand, and said with a smile:

"Don't be so surprised, although it is the first time to meet with your new leadership

, I can see that you must have experienced at least three 'brain changes', right?"

[Change brain, transplant your own brain into the body of the clone to

make life "continue"

, but everything has an end, and as the number of brain changes increases,

its success rate and effect will gradually decrease. ]

Therefore, the top of these alliances

, although they have a longer "lifespan" than ordinary people,

will eventually return to nothingness and cede their power.

The man known as the Great Sage casually crossed his legs and

sat on the tall chair that symbolized the supreme ruler.

But the other eight people here will not have any rumors

, because they all know that this great sage in front of them is a great

person who has existed since the very beginning, the beginning of the establishment of the alliance.

Although the history textbooks of the alliance have long been constantly "revised"

in order to rule

, as the eight seats who know the original truth,

they know a fact that the outside world does not know:

all the technology and all the development of the alliance have the shadow of this person.

And the reason why he can always let successive generations of leadership let it go is that

the final approval power of the brain change work is in his hands.

Although he claimed to successive leaders:

"I'm just a freak who can change my brain all the time

", they privately preferred

to regard this great sage as a "god" who transcended all reasonable explanations,

a wise deity who coexisted with mankind............

The great sage saw that the eight people were waiting for him to speak

, and he no longer engaged in routine communication

, but said bluntly:

"I, there is something that needs your cooperation to help me deal with it."

When the eight people heard this, they looked at each other

, because since the minutes of the meeting, the great sage

had never asked all the leaders to carry out collaborative work

, and often only unilaterally notified a few of them, and

such a situation that required all the personnel to be mobilized made

them a little confused.

"The thing is like this, our alliance before there was an exploration ship called the 'Holy Fire

' that chose 'mutiny', so I will trouble you

to deal with this matter seriously."

When the minister in charge of law enforcement heard this, he said suspiciously:

"Your Excellency Great Sage, if it were just this kind of thing, our department would be able to complete the work unilaterally..."

The Great Sage stretched out his hand and made a negative gesture

, and brought up a three-dimensional starry sky map on the big screen

, and then, drew a long line on it, and drew a

huge circle around that line.

Then he said

, "I mean, 'seriously'.

All creatures in all the ranges involved in the diagram

are 'removed', and then the combatants must end themselves in place.

Finally, use Star Destroyer Cannons and Proton Bombs to completely block this star field. Hearing

the order of the Great Sage, everyone was stunned.

After all, this order can simply be described as "vexatious"———— similar to asking the leaders of Blue Star to take out the accumulated nuclear weapons, blow up a certain continent, and then completely block it.

(Feasible, but not practical).

Just as they were about to say something to stop this "joke-like" plan that was almost to hollow out the alliance's family

, the silver-haired playboy had already stood up and walked towards the teleportation platform

, and said at the same time:

"Anyway, you don't do it, some people do it, it's a big deal, I'll change people in advance."

Everyone closed their voices, just sat there quietly, greeted the departure of the great sage, and then discussed.


After taking the teleporter and returning to a secret room

, the Great Sage closed the door, and at the same time a silver light flashed in his hand,

isolating the entire space.

Then, with a serious expression

, he raised his head and said to the void:

"Your Excellency the Great Black Goat Gauze Nicholas

, the Ancient Immortal Tavel Yat Umr

, have sent those foolish humans according to your wishes

to solve the risk that may attract the attention of the 'alarm clock', and

at the same time, please rest assured that I will never take action personally. And what hidden dangers are left

, of course, if it really attracts the attention

of that guy, I will also imitate the practice of Lord Naiarathotip, and

directly use all my believers in this star field

as 'bait' to avoid that tragedy."

After speaking, he stared at the void for a long time

, letting the silver-white hair between his forehead fall messily,

until he heard a voice: Very




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