"Can I meet the grown-up?"

After the guardians dispersed like a low tide, Ritas did not take advantage of the last half hour to tidy up and say goodbye to her family - if it was really an abyss-level cursed creature, then this last rest time would become the last time for many guardians to say goodbye to their loved ones.

As if speaking into the air, she bowed to a place and saluted.

In the inconspicuous corner of the hall, which was exactly the same color as the surrounding environment, as Ritas deliberately stood and spoke, an extremely calm voice suddenly appeared:

"Lord Ritas, although I don't know how you know I'm here, it's not in line with the rules."

A middle-aged man in an evening dress appeared out of thin air like a mirror as his words fell.

Looking at the man in front of her, Ritas silently recited the other party's title in her heart-Star Whisperer Norandi, the first in line of the Tower of Order.

She did not accuse the Tower of Order of wasting precious combat power like those critical scholars, which is obviously the existence of the Tower of Order's actual most powerful combat power, but fled the front line and became the guild leader's guard!

She knew that compared to this entanglement of small details, maintaining the stability of the Tower of Order was the key to ensuring that the world under the erosion of the Blood Moon was not destroyed.

"I want to meet the elders."

"Reason, otherwise you will not only not be able to meet him, but you will also face a follow-up investigation, after all, the Tower of Order's arrangement for me is a core secret, and how you obtain the information will become the focus of the investigation."

Norandi spoke with a cold explanation, after all, as he said, the Tower of Order appointed him as the last guarantee of the Guardian President, this information can be counted as one of the absolute core secrets

, and Ritas, the guardian who did not enter the top three, actually knew about this matter, then it was obvious that either the Tower of Order had an inner ghost, or........ She is polluted and ready to use the power of evil to provoke trouble.


Ritas was a little flustered, she didn't know how to show Norandi what information she had, let alone how to describe that she had just made a deal with a god, and the results of the transaction were likely to help improve the status quo of the Tower of Order.

Just as Norandi's eyes narrowed slightly, and the blue magic in his hand gradually converged, a voice that seemed weak sounded in the hall:

"Let her in."

When Norandi heard this, he quickly dispersed the magic in his hand, and at the same time said respectfully:

"Obey the order."

Then, he turned slightly sideways to Rita and made a respectful gesture, while his fingers pulled the key of the mechanism he was carrying and said to

Ritas: "Please, Ms. Ritas."

At this time, the old voice spoke again:

"You come together."

"Yes, it will grow up."

Both Norandi and Ritas knew that this was the president's warning, but the latter did not care, but bowed his head and walked forward with the other into the secret door.

She followed Norandi through several floors of small stairwells and finally stopped in front of an ordinary wooden door without any decoration.

"Come in." "Obey." "........

The two pushed the door and entered, only to see a wide silk drapery standing there like a screen.

And from the shadow reflected in the light behind the drapery, you can see a figure who looks a little dignified and sitting on a small bed.

"Ritas, is there something going on?"

Ritas hesitated, she glanced at Norandi, and then said a little tentatively:

"Can I talk to you alone?"

"Haha, it's okay, Norandi won't betray me, just say it to his face."

"Okay, it's going to grow up."

Seeing this, Ritas knew that the guild leader did not fully believe her, but she also knew that being able to see each other so close was already the greatest tolerance of the Tower of Order's supreme, so she gritted her teeth and said in as calm a tone as possible:

"Elder, I think I have found a way to help you get rid of the continuous fight against the erosion of the curse."

A brief silence stops in this quaint room.

Then, Norlandi said a little angrily:

"Be bold! How dare you say such impudent slander! After

all, the erosion of the curse means the stripping of the guardian's identity, even the guild leader, who in anger has raised his hand, ready to take down this gibberish guy in the next second.

"Norandi, stop. You don't have to continue 'acting' in front of her, you know whether she is telling the truth or not.

Like the words of the old man panting and resting from behind the drapery, the handsome figure seemed to stand up on the edge of the bed, and then put on a wide robe on the side, and dragged some heavy steps from behind the roller curtain, while he said slowly:

"Ritas, how do you know?"

As the voice approached, a little old man with a kind face appeared in front of Ritas and Norandi, but his face, his hands exposed to the outside of his clothes, and his compromised feet were densely distributed with countless pus that were constantly stirring like living creatures.

If this were an ordinary person, then the professionals of the Tower of Order would determine that the other party had been eroded by the curse, and if left unchecked, it would sooner or later become the end of the cursed creature.

But the old man in front of him is not a small shrimp and a small fish, but nominally, the Tower of Order, no, in this world, the strongest person at the moment, the Holy Wagler [if he is still in his original healthy state], is also the key to making the Tower of Order not fall apart since the last blood moon displacement.

About thirty years ago, the Blood Moon was not as clear as it is now, or so close to the ground.

But the accident happened on that ordinary night, the blood moon in the sky was like a bath ball floating on the surface of the water, was "pushed" closer to the earth, and

countless creatures, including many humans, became cursed creatures in the abnormality of that night.

That night, the Tower of Curses' distress message sounded like the sound of falling plates on a cupboard, and all the guardians were rushing and fighting.

And as the president of the final pillar of the Tower of Order, Wagler was even more so, and it was also on that night that the cursed creature, the Blood Shadow Sea Butterfly, appeared in the world again.

Although he did not have the strength to single out cursed creatures like the original guild leader Patroller Javier, on that night, Wagler turned the tide with the help of three other guardians [who are also the first three guardians of the current Tower of Order] and defeated the terrifying abyss-level cursed creature, the Blood Shadow Sea Butterfly, which can spread curse pollution like rain.

It was also after that battle that humanity's confidence in the Tower of Order climbed to an all-time high, and Wagler's prestige and strength were greatly admired by the surviving and newly promoted guardians.

But what no one knew was that time, how much price they paid - the three guardians of the battle were all seriously injured, and Wagler even fought closely with the huge blood shadow sea butterfly comparable to a mountain.

Although Wagler miraculously survived, he also suffered from the residual poison buried in his body before he died - the pus of the curse.

But all four of the people involved chose to hide the facts, because they knew that

when no one could reach Wagler's prestige and pre-war strength, a hasty change of president would only allow some of the guardians, low-level people, and hidden cultists who were dissatisfied with the Tower of Order to show their minions.

It is precisely because of this that Wagler, who had fought all his strength against life and curses in order to suppress the curse, still served as the ultimate controller of the Tower of Order———— even if he had a little problem with his body in the eyes of outsiders because of his old age.

And Norlandi's vigilance against Ritas also comes from this, he is afraid that Ritas will make this fact public, afraid of how the other party obtained this information, and even more afraid that

if the guild leader really believes the other party's words and receives the "treatment", but the treatment fails, then the world will lose the president of the Tower of Order, and at the same time there will be one more cursed creature.

That's right, the pus pocket that the Blood Shadow Sea Butterfly buried in the guild leader's body was its eggs, and if the guild leader did not continue to suppress or failed to suppress, then these eggs would quickly seize the guild leader's body and transform it into its "heir", that is, an equally terrifying abyss-level cursed creature.

Therefore, Ritas' next words not only determine whether Wagler will take her "method", but also determine whether Norandi will forcibly disobey the president's order and sanction Ritas on the spot.


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