Ritas looked at the kind old man, then at the Star Whisperer beside her, and then spoke:

"First of all, let me explain to the two adults why I knew that I would grow up with you... Twenty

years ago, the 'blood baby' incident that broke out in the redemption center, you asked Lord Star Whisperer to come forward in time to deal with it, although that sinful life that has been cholera level since birth, I can overcome it alone now

, but at that time, I was just an ordinary nun in the redemption center who assisted the Holy Shepherd to help the wounded people to pray, naturally, weak nuns like me and people who had no 'potential' at all, suffered a huge impact.

And that is, at that time, Lord Star Whisperer, as the blade of the Tower of Order, rushed to the scene and solved the blood baby who could make the smeller's mouth and nose bleed

more and more just by crying, but more importantly, you, who had not made a move for many years, also rushed to the scene and implemented a miraculous purification technique for us poor people who had suffered greatly.

Saying that, Ritas made a more reverent salute to the guild leader:

"Thanks to your selfless help, the eroded crowd present was not all 'cleaned up', especially

me, perhaps because you are closest to me, your purification technique not only helped me successfully overcome the influence of the curse, but also gave me the ability to kill the curse.

But because I woke up from the coma closest to you, I saw you half-holding me like a loving father, and although you were also wearing a wide robe at that time, I, because of the angle, saw the situation as described in the book from your hood, cuffs, and other places.

It was precisely because of this that I, who had great doubts and fears in my heart, chose to continue to pretend to be unconscious, and at the same time, I heard your conversation with Lord Startalker, 'Norandi, escort me back, I can't bear it'.

Wagler, who was leaning over, smiled at Norandi like the kind grandfather next door:

"It seems that in the future, the way we communicate will be more hidden."

Norandi looked at the president's smile and the hint in his eyes, and understood what the other party meant: what Ritas said was true and could rule out suspicion.

Wagler turned his head and continued to Ritas:

"I remember that night, after all, it was the negligence of the Tower of Order, and I, as the guild president, also have the responsibility to remedy it."

Ritas, on the other hand, said with a reverent and admiring look:

"Later, I verified my ideas through some means and your performance, so I understood more and more how great and selfless you are to this world!"

So, to help you with your problems, I'm trying to sanitize those cursed creatures.

"I know, your report on the results of your work catches my eye every year, and that's why I asked Norandi to allow you in, well, now, Ms. Ritas, can you tell me about your solution to my situation?"

Although my three old guys have secretly tried a variety of methods, but it has basically failed, I hope you can give me some hope.

Ritas knew that any lie was meaningless for the elders who existed as faith in her mind, so she took out the uniquely shaped "Blue Moon Purification Liquid" in Norandi's vigilant eyes, and offered it with both hands, and said: "

Respected elder, as you can see, this is the consideration for my accidental transaction with a great being."

After that, she re-described the transaction process with the great being and what she saw and heard in the eyes of the president and Norandi mixed with shock and thought, and also explained her possibility that the other party might like to "taste the soul" as the price of the transaction.

And Wagler looked at the purifying liquid in Ritas's hand, which exuded a mysterious aura, and fell into a state of thought, while Norandi next to him wanted to speak many times, but did not know what to say,

because whether it was Ritas's experience or the purification liquid in front of him that he could not see, it seemed to indicate that Ritas's words may be true.

"Ritas, can you go to the door for a cup of tea first? I'm a little uncertain about the fantasy experience you mentioned, and I want to think about it a little.

Ritas understood that the guild leader wanted to avoid herself temporarily, and she quickly left and respectfully exited the room, and the waiter who had been waiting at the door at an unknown time naturally led Ritas towards a portal and into a bright and spacious reception room.


"My lord, why do you believe her?"

"What are you talking about?"


Wagler raised his head and looked meaningfully at Norandi, the pus on his face streaked around his face like a wriggling reptile, and then he slowly spoke:

"Would you be surprised if I said that the main person responsible for the blood baby incident was me?"

"What's in this? Isn't this what you're saying to the outside world? Only in this way will the impact of that incident on public opinion not be worse.

"No, Norandi, I mean, if what I say is the truth. Or was it at my behestment that the checkpoint allowed the pregnant woman who had conceived the cursed creature to enter the Uptown Redemption Center?

"What........ What the?!

Norandi looked at Wagler with a shocked expression, he didn't expect that this hero who had saved the Tower of Order would do such a thing!

"Don't be so surprised, Norandi, you look at me like this, do you think I can last a few more years?"

Saying that, Wagler unfastened his robe and showed Norandi the miserable situation on his body.

I saw pus of different sizes spreading wantonly on his body like ants and centipedes, and some wounds could already see the puncture bulge like termites, and it was clear that Wagler's time as a human was running out.

"The three of you have also tried more than a hundred methods directly or indirectly, but the result? It's all in vain.

Norandi said with some disappointment:

"Yes, didn't we finally reach a conclusion?" Unless there is an existence stronger than the Abyss level willing to help you, you have no hope at all, in other words..."

"Only God can help me."

Wagler rearranged his robe and calmly continued

, "However, what you know about the gods is limited to their mighty power, but we have no clue whether they are willing to help us mortals, or whether they will communicate with us.

So, I bet on Ritas.

"Why? I don't understand.

"It's simple, because she's the only person in the world who has ever seen the gods, the bloodline of His Excellency Worshippers Javier."

Nolandi's pupils shrank sharply and he looked at Wagler in shock.

"I have sent special personnel, and by various means, I have finally investigated the last blood of His Excellency Javier, who was exiled in the lower city and adopted by that lucky couple.

My idea is very simple, since His Excellency Javier once looked directly at the gods, then his descendants should also have this possibility of re-realization

, after all, you also know, 'awakening' can be inherited with the bloodline, which is why we divided the upper town, only in this way, can we ensure that our guardians will not break the generation, or in other words, the 'blood' that keeps us running, will not stop flowing. Wagler

calmly spoke of absolute secrecy known only to the very few Tower of Order management.

"But I didn't expect that she didn't 'awaken' in the lower city, so I planned everything in order to 'wake up' quickly, otherwise I wouldn't have been the first to treat her when I arrived at the scene."

Saying that, Wagler looked at the purification liquid in his hand excitedly, and said with some suppressed excitement:

"So you see, isn't this a success?" A very successful 'bet'.

And Norandi said a little cautiously:

"But what if.......... This thing bestowed by that god does not have the effect we expect, you know, His Excellency Havel died in the 'wrath' of

the gods..""Oh, don't worry, I won't use this without verification, you go, take the original copy of the "Traveler's Notes" written by His Excellency Havel under my bed, I

believe, the cover with his blood is combined with this from the gods." Holy Relic', should allow me to pray with this miraculous being...................

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