The light

blue quilt was like a light feather, covering the body of the little loli who was slightly curled, and her consciousness was like falling in a cloud as comfortable as a marshmallow, and the soft and sticky dream like a newborn kitten was enough to show that her current feelings were extremely comfortable.


Next to the large bed where she was, shadows of different sizes and heights, like small believers in the auditorium, looking up at the huge statue of the god, surrounded the petite figure layer by layer.

As his sleep deepens, those beings who ordinary people will fall into madness at a glance suddenly collectively "crawl" on the swamp-colored floor, sending those who have temporarily escaped the shackles of the body, with a pure and immaculate ethereal body

, into the realm beyond light and darkness, to reach the starry dreams they cannot peep at

, to swim, to explore, to listen, and........... To conquer.


The candlelight fluttered, and twelve white ash candles, according to the established orientation, surrounded the holy one, and he held a moldy scroll with cracked skin, like the yogis of Blue Star, sitting quietly in the center of the twelve candles.

"I will temporarily stop suppressing the curse, but this does not mean that I will give up, I just need to use all my magic power to transform my soul, so you must use all your strength to seal my body during the period when my soul leaves my body, Nolandi."

Wagler seriously instructed Norandi again, and the latter did not feel that this was an old man, but he knew that if Wagler stopped suppressing the body curse, then after the other party's soul manifested

, although it could temporarily restore about half of its strength at its peak, the body left in place would instantly turn into the nutrients of the Blood Shadow Sea Butterfly Egg, and then revive an abyss-level cursed creature that should have been completely destroyed.

"Don't worry, my lord, I will do my best."

Wagler nodded approvingly, and then closed his eyes, he began to stop suppressing his body, the powerful soul power appeared around him, the breath and light and shadow that belonged to the soul were separated from the body like ink, and began to slowly peel off, and

the "tenants" who were entrenched on his body, as if they found the landlord dead, began to want to occupy the magpie's nest

, however, the magic power like ice nailed them to the place.

Norandi said a little nervously:

"Lord, hurry!"

Norandi's practice, in essence, is to continue to bombard Wagler's body with magic power, although it can temporarily suppress the curse, but there are two great hidden dangers:

1. The exhaustion of mana, resulting in the interruption of Norandi's magic;

2. Those eggs realize that they are not the only individuals, and then choose to gather in one place, then they who were originally scattered all over Wagler's body, and the danger level is equivalent to the heavy level, will instantly become a powerful existence that is extremely close to the abyss level - at least more powerful than Norandi.

Wagler did not reply, because the "Traveler's Notes" on his left was emitting crimson flames

, adding an aura close to those beings to the soul floating outside Wagler's body, and the strangely shaped purification liquid on his right hand side also emitted a faint blue light like the deep sea

, as if he wanted to return to its true owner, and poked out a long chain like tentacles from the bottle, and pulled the solid tentacles with the pull of the candlelight. Leaning into the endless void above.


"How is this dream again."

Standing in the vast void of stars, looking at the planet that was constantly running around him, like a small leather ball,

Xiao Nan felt that he must have some kind of mental illness.

Since he became her, whenever she fell asleep, she would dream of this miniature version of the sea of stars like a holographic projection

, she didn't understand what was going on, obviously she was not a star sky lover, why would she dream of such a sci-fi picture———— didn't she say that she thought about it day and night?

What she didn't understand was that she had tentatively wanted to pinch those little ball-like planets - because she didn't know what was going on, she seemed to feel that if she wanted, then she could hold these ultra-realistic model-like planets in her hand and play with them as a grip ball, and even crush them to form what she liked.

But when she stretched out her hand and wanted to try, she had this inexplicable warning in her mind:

"If there is no believer who acts as an 'anchor' to pray to herself, then this unsanctioned behavior

will cause the resistance of those world consciousness, although you can easily erase them, but this will disturb the 'requiem' that is in a perfect state

, believe me, You don't want to hear Gehros' terminator.

Xiao Nan didn't know why, although the meaning of this "warning" was very peaceful, it was like being imprinted in his mind, it seemed that as long as he really did this, something would definitely happen that made him regret it so much.

So, Xiao Nan chose to simply "watch the movie", yes, watch the movie.

She found that although she could not touch the moving stars, she found that there were some planets floating around her that were always centered on herself, and she found that she had no problem touching these small balls.

And she found that the most interesting thing about these balls is that as long as she brings these balls to her eyes, she will be like watching a movie in the VIP private room of the cinema, seeing countless clips to choose from, and then she can choose one and watch it in detail.

The physical picture like 3DMAX, coupled with the super fast playback speed, made her excited, but she didn't know why, every time she watched a "movie", she had a feeling like seeing thousands of lives "marquee".

"Although watching 'movies' is fun, if I can be a 'director', it should be more fun, right?"

She came up with this idea after watching many "movies", and as she watched "movies" more and more, this idea became stronger, and she vaguely felt that if she could bring those moving planets under her control, it seemed that this idea could become a reality.

And this time, just when she was struggling with which planet to pinch to watch today's "Strange World Documentary

", on a pale red planet that she didn't know how far away, an incomparably small "silk thread", guided by the azure blue tentacles, bypassed countless planets, transmitting a strange thought to her mind:

Hello, great existence.


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