After the soul left the body, before Wagler sighed at the ease that he had not experienced in these decades

, he felt that he was holding the strangely shaped purification liquid in his hand, and under the action of the candle and the magic array, it seemed to temporarily show a glimpse of its true appearance through the cover of his blood and that of the tourer.

"This... This power!"

he looked down, and saw the magic thread that could only be regarded as a shadow when

his soul left the body, at this moment, in the spiritual vision of his soul body, everything changed, the three-headed dog that roared wildly, pulling his soul forward in the void

, he who has lived for more than a hundred years, in the face of the large and small affairs of the Tower of Order, he has long been calm.

However, looking at the evil spirit creatures under him, several times larger than himself, even if his strength temporarily returned to half of his peak state, he could clearly feel that the strength of this three-headed dog that pulled himself to move, the strength was definitely not something that the abyss level could measure.

————Is this the embodiment of the taboo knowledge that His Excellency has described and that is not allowed to be passed on?"

"Even a wisp of His breath, once branded with His imprint, produces an immaterial property: a constant desire to return to His side." This

is also the experimental principle of Wagler's "verification", and at this moment, he believes that the person who traded with Ritas is indeed a god.

He began to think about how to express kindness to the great being, but the three-headed dog under him suddenly began to accelerate like a shadow at a certain point, which made him only feel that his soul body, which was the strongest human soul body in the eyes of outsiders, seemed so fragile at this moment.

And when he noticed that the three-headed dog under him slowed down, he looked ahead as if he had a feeling in his heart.

But at this moment, he felt that his consciousness was about to shatter into countless particles.

It was a "behemoth" that his spiritual vision could not contain, and countless stars surrounded

him, allowing himself to appear like duckweed-like "whirlpools" along the "river of stars" formed by the convergence

of stars, and the sound of chords that broke bones constantly washed his soul,

even if the sound was not played for him solo

It is the tranquility played for Him by the terrifying things around the Great Being that smell of destruction.

The big hand, which can be completely defined as "covering the sky", randomly grasps a collection of thousands of living beings

, as if to pass the time in the third person, into the pleasant screams of those sorrows, and get a glimpse of it.

Wagler did not know why, but suddenly absurdly felt that the stars had changed from movement to silence because of their appearance, as if their own existence had disturbed the elegance of the great being who was expected to "taste" the death of the world.

The hatred that made his soul freeze seemed to completely shatter Wagler's small soul that seemed like a paramecium to the blazing sun in the next second.

However, the great being seemed to be interested in this otherworldly soul who came up on his own initiative, and

those hatred turned into joy in an instant, and even, before Wagler could understand what was going on, he felt that his soul seemed to be madly watered by a raging tide of magic power, becoming more powerful.

[Only when this soul becomes stable can the master's words be heard clearly by him, and the master's joy will be amplified.

Those beings that are enough to be defined by the Tower of Order as "above the catastrophe", just want to please the master who can play with all the worlds, so they scramble to inject power into Wagle and make it stronger———— at least, not to let the master's pleasure end.

Wagler's soul was like the emperor at the ball, the clan king contributed exotic treasures, was regarded as the most precious delicacy by those "natural disasters" who were the first to go, and the three-headed dog body was sent to the master in the most respectful posture with the three-headed dog body as a tray.

Wagler's mind had been thoroughly pressed by this taboo knowledge beyond all he knew

, and he did not know what to do, or whether he should continue to think about this seemingly philosophical proposition, he could only obey his instincts and

prostrate with the body of a flawless soul to him, who seemed to cast curious gazes on his side:

"Hello, great being. "


Xiao Nan didn't know why, but felt this strange thought, like a fisherman catching a big fish, and had an excited idea.

[This is an opportunity to get new "videos.] It's something to be happy about.

"Why do I have this strange emotion

, forget it, compared to that kind of thing, can I actually 'chat' in a dream?!


tried to open her mouth to greet the strange "chat initiator",

but she found that she twisted her head and couldn't find the source of the voice.

"MD, can you dream of 'voice calls' now? "

--Hello, which one are you?

] [Ru's name, Xu Yu's name.]

Wagler felt the sound of the great being and hurriedly wanted to speak, but he found that he could not describe the words in his mind in the form of words, just as he could not understand that the transmission of the will of the great being entered his mind in various forms.

It can only indicate that the consciousness of emotions and thoughts is transmitted.

"Ask you for help and make up the consideration for the transaction. The

short and unclear message entered Xiao Nan's mind, and she thought about it and felt a little dazed:

(⊙_⊙) "Help? Am I the reincarnation of a good person in the tenth life? Is it even the imagination of the five good citizens in my dreams

???????? Xiao Nan only felt that she had no clue, she wanted to adopt a mentality similar to meeting an old lady who fell on the side of the road and immediately returned at the speed of light, wanting to express to the other party "refuse three times":

I'm not, I don't understand, don't talk nonsense!

But in her mind, the underlying consciousness seems to remind herself: Promising it will only be good, and there will be no harm.


a department store owner, she has a strong sensitivity to "money" and "monetary equivalents", and in line with the principle of "I don't suffer losses", she responded: "



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