Luo Qiuli's pace couldn't help but slow down

, she hesitantly looked at the other party

, and thought: My broken bicycle,

shouldn't it be worth the favor of a big guy like him who looks like "with an iron rice bowl"?

Then, she looked around the circle

to make sure that she didn't park her bike in the wrong position,

and then made it clear that the other party was not here to fine her.

So, she leaned forward

nervously, and asked a little nervously:

"Hello, I....................."

But who would have thought that before she finished speaking,

the bald man in a suit and large sunglasses with rimless sunglasses on his eyes suddenly

made his hands like the hotel lobby manager saw a big customer.

In an imposing tone, he said:

"Hello ma'am! Would you like to come to our school?!

Our school enrollment, do not need to consider any matters related to housing, transportation, etc.

, different new teaching mode and teaching content, bring you and your children,

'ship new' class experience!

Moreover, as long as you enroll, you can enjoy a special allowance, tuition is free, and at the same time, you also ...

Hey, ma'am, wait for me to finish! When

the bald man trembled to unlock the car, the bald man began to

use his fastest speed to carry out "propaganda instructions"

as if he was memorizing lines

, however, as he spoke

faster and faster, Luo Qiuli only felt more and more nervous and afraid

, and finally, after she

unlocked the car in a hurry, she didn't even care about dropping the chain lock on the ground

Directly pedaled the car and began to "run for your life".

However, just as Luo Qiuli began to think about whether

to find a hidden place to call the police

, the voice like a "magic sound" appeared in her ears again: "

Madam, your car lock has been dropped."

Luo Qiuli was choking as if she was eating

, turned her head to look

to the side, and saw that next to the bicycle that was rapidly driving away with the downhill

, the bald man was taking big strides

, running quickly next to his

car, but obviously, looking at the other party's face was not red and breathless, the other party

kept parallel to the car,

just deliberately

Not the limit of the other side.


Luo Qiuli wanted to scream in fear

, but the other party intimately put the coiled chain lock into the basket

, and said in a voice that did not know the sorrow and joy:

"Madam, you don't want to.......... Your own children, there is no school to go to, right?

Between the words, there seemed to be a light flashing from his sunglasses,

faintly revealing a "tyrant qi".

Luo Qiuli was stunned, she involuntarily clenched the handbrake

, and when the man saw this, the corner of his mouth showed a smile like "black toothpaste

", but the next second,


Luo Qiuli got down from the car

, looked at the telephone pole that was broken by the lazy waist, and

asked a little at a loss:

"First....... Mr? Are you okay.......... Is it?

"Oh, ma'am, no problem at all."

The words came from the smoke, and

the bald man, like a certain boxing teacher

, calmly helped the telephone pole back to its original position,

ready to contact someone to repair it after he finished speaking.

While elegantly pulling out a tissue from his pocket and

preparing to wipe the blood stains on his forehead

, he said, "Madame, please for the sake of the child, be sure..."

"What do you mean?"

[The strong man said to himself in his heart: Huh? How did this toilet paper stick together?

"I mean, if you're 'stealing business' for your school

, why should you just look at me, and not those who are obviously better than me... Are there more parents who are likely to pay?

Luo Qiuli looked at each other hesitantly

, if the other party is really "digging into the wall", then you should first consider those rich parents

, not yourself, who has nothing to fish at a glance......... Beggar.

"Oh, madam, it's actually like this, our school is somewhat special.........." [

The strong man said to himself: Hateful! This paper was actually wiped by me before! I actually wiped my head with it! YUE!

"My child is not disabled."

"No, I mean to say..."

"I haven't heard of schools that are aimed at ordinary children who can be free of tuition, or even put money to pull their children to school;

After all, my child is not going to go to vocational school or the kind of school that is assigned and forced to work

, she is still a child, not yet of the age to go to that kind of school, in addition

, we are not a difficult family, and we do not need that kind of fixed help.

Luo Qiuli seriously said her thoughts

, although she is not generous

, but she has received a good education

, since she was a child, she has not been accustomed to those who are obviously not poor money at home and their family is healthy,

but they take the initiative to reach out and hold the "bursary" as "scum" with "pocket money".

[Luo Qiuli insisted: As long as she can still earn money by labor, she will not let Lili become a "poor child" defined by others. ] Seeing

this, the bald man found that his eloquence was indeed not good enough

, except for memorizing drafts, he was really not the piece of material that "fooled" people.

[The bald man thought helplessly: If Brother Li did it, he should do it much better than me, right? ] Suppress

the "grumbling" in your heart.

The bald man thought about whether he should tell part of the "truth" to this strong woman who faced him

and looked guarded.

Just then, his cell phone rang.

He glanced at the number, and his expression instantly became serious, which

also made Luo Qiuli nervous: How

? Poked by me lies and ready to show your true face?!

Who knows, the bald man kept nodding yes to the other end

of the phone, and then said to himself:

"Madam, is it convenient to answer the phone?" It's our leader, and he has something he wants to say to you. "




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