"Sister, why is there one less person in this game?"

Lili knelt on Xiao Nan's gaming chair and

asked Xiao Nan, who was looking for something on the shelf on the side.

Although she is only one step shorter than Xiao Nan,

Lili will not be like someone who "deliberately puts on a 'stable chair' in order to maintain the fact that she is an 'adult'."


is inconvenient to sit in, so obediently admit that your height is a little short, and

choose a comfortable posture is the best solution, right?

Xiao Nan stepped on a small stool, took two bottles of drinks with a relatively late production date from the shelf

, came to Lili's side, and said with a smile:

"This ah, called 'three-person mahjong', as the name suggests

, is a deck of cards is no longer played

by four people, but by three people, the rules are the same as for four people, you play this first."

[I won't say, I'm about to be promoted, I'm

afraid Lili will lose points, so I will do this! ] "

Oh, okay sister, and, thank you sister for the drink."

Lili carefully manipulated the mouse and threw the cards out while

thanking Xiao Nan for the drink she handed her.

Xiao Nan heard the cute loli sound

, and reluctantly looked at the other party because he was kneeling, so that the "absolute domain"

slightly showed a fish-white scene.

【(〃> dish <)! A little further up, you can see it! A little bit!!!!

She shook her head regretfully, then picked up the package that Luo Qiuli gave herself, and said: "

Lili, you play first, I'll cook."

When Lili heard this, she immediately paused the operation of the mouse, shook her little head, and said:

"No, sister! How can I play a game like my mother said humanoid borer,

and let others do it for me, which should have been my own doing?! When

Xiao Nan heard this, he only felt that his back seemed to have been inserted with a few arrows, and if he could make a whole face or something, he could

directly go on stage to sing the kind of drama.

And the naïve Lili, seeing Xiao Nan's expression

, also immediately realized that her words might be "ambiguous", and even apologized repeatedly, and even, the

corners of her eyes were slightly red.

Xiao Nan naturally knew Lili's sincerity, so he touched the other party's little head and said:

"Little thing, I just recently learned some cooking skills

, I want to practice practice, so I don't specifically want to embarrass Lili you, as the daughter of a master chef

, I think, Lili must be very suitable to be a judge, or

does Lili have different ideas about her sister's requirements?"

Lily blinked her eyes and thought for a long time, as if her mother had not said how to deal with such things,

so she shook her head in confusion and nodded her head again.

Amused Xiao Nan.

"Okay, okay, you can play with peace of mind, you see, the countdown to the cards is almost over."


When Lily heard this, she quickly shifted her attention back to the hand.

And Xiao Nan looked at the other party's innocent and cute appearance, and couldn't help whispering to herself:

"If only Lili had always been so cute, I really want to do something bad to pinch."

Huh! How can I have such thoughts?!

I'm not the villain in the comics, how can I have this 'very punish' impulse?

This is not good, this is not good...................

", so he smiled and prepared to "do a big job".

At this time, she found that her own Xiaobai, who didn't know when to curl up next to the chair, was looking at herself with a blank expression, or in other words, the food in her hand.

"Okay, don't look at it, when it's done, I'll get you a small bowl."

When Xiao Bai heard this, the tail was like a wishful golden hoop stick, and it swooped

up, causing Xiao Nan to laugh heartily:

"Haha, what a 'little gluttonous cat'!"

After that, she went into the kitchen.

A certain Xiaobai, who left his tail trembling slightly from fear

, began to think about Meow Sheng, who didn't have much meaning.

But then, Xiaobai seemed to sense something

, jumped up at once, jumped to Lili's shoulder in three or two strokes

, and swept a few times with his tail like a broom, like

a wiper on the other party's back


"Hey? Xiaobai? How are you?! In other words, don't be naughty first, I'll finish this game first, and then play with you.

Lili turned her head and said to Xiaobai, completely unaware of the strange essence in the other party's eyes.

And Liang Qu did not react to Lili's words,

but opened his mouth as if yawning.

[Why stop us?] If the master wants her, he should lock her up and put her on his bed. Liang

Qu slapped away the shadows that spread like frost with his tail, and

asked this guy who was recognized by the owner with a questioning attitude.

[The time has not come, it will only disturb his interest.]

Liang Qu forcibly brought his perspective into the perspective of "them" and

tried hard to give his own explanation.

Perhaps because of the longing for a certain little master

, or perhaps because of his own "salvation",

Liang Qu thought of protecting this girl who had not yet "fallen".

Obviously, its rhetoric this time made them approve.

[What you said makes sense, we are anxious.

As a result, those black spots, which were as dense as frost spots, dissipated.

Liang Qu breathed a sigh of relief, but at this moment,

it suddenly remembered that there were bigger problems that had not been solved!


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