William felt his eyes "forcibly relaxed" by his own heavy punch

, and although he felt a little speechless because of the swollen eye sockets

, the effect was obvious, at least,

his attention was diverted from the statues that didn't look right.

However, he soon realized that

his actions might only be regarded as "escape".

He looked in the direction where the female voice came from before,

and only felt that it was the feeling of heartbeat———— the spontaneous escape from the unknown fear of wanting to immediately take a car to escape the body.

The white light body is so real and illusionary,

but the fine black dots that shroud it and depict blurred outlines seem

to perfectly separate the figure from the surrounding environment.

However, William felt assured

that if he dared to approach those black spots that looked like a cross-section of hair

, even if it was just one of them, he would immediately evaporate from the world!

Why, you ask?

Isn't it clear enough to use all your strength to observe the constantly distorted and reconstructed space around him


Of course, what William didn't

know was that he thought that this information was the improvement of his observation power as a warrior born into death, after a long battle with inhuman monsters, but

what he didn't know was that his eyes in his head were in a state of opening and closing at the moment.

"Hello, do you need help?" ............

Well, of course, if you have a unique idea of the use of goods, I will look at it normally!

After all, the transaction is just the exchange itself.

Xiao Nan looked at the strong man who stepped into the range of light from the shadows

, and felt that he could consider changing the name of the store or

something———— something like, "a temporary gathering place for social terrorists of all ages" or something?

Looking at the other party's similar to the Blue Star Special Forces, but more futuristic

, as well as the large-caliber airbrush model on its back, and the laser pistol model with a sense of déjà vu of a superhero series

of film and television works............ There is also the VR glasses in his eyes that seem to be constantly running, and it seems that some technology unicorn company is developing new products internally.

Xiao Nan stroked his upturned dull hair and shouted in his heart:

Good guy, this guy who can stand against Transformers toys is actually a military fan + technology enthusiast!

[No wonder there is such a strange XP, understandable.............]

But at the same time, Xiao Nan found that this uncle

actually looked towards his side in the state that the blood from the corner of his eyes had flowed down the edge of the VR glasses!

This made Xiao Nan exclaim in his heart: "Wocao! Wouldn't you want to give me a 'memory elimination punch' to cover up the truth?!"

So, she quickly began her professional speech exchange as a supermarket owner

, and at the same time, those white and tender little hands had quietly touched her "big baby baby" - 200V high-power anti-wolf stun gun!

[If you become a girl, you must be prepared to fight weirdos!] 】


William wanted to look up to see the mysterious

existence in front of him, but when his gaze wanted to bypass those black spots and fluorescence

, the eyes in his brain were like fish beaten on the shore by a big wave

, and the huge eyes twisted wildly, and even, as if by some invisible existence

, like pinching plasticine, suddenly squeezed out a long bloody mouth without a tongue from the center of the pupil,

In a hoarse voice, he shouted:

"Don't look!!!! You don't deserve !!!!!

This sudden voice quickly occupied all of William's thoughts

, making his eyes choke on an onion, constantly shedding "tears" ———— blood tears.

William panicked and touched his eyes

, and he vaguely remembered that the last thing he saw seemed to be not the face of a girl who matched the voice

, but the burning light of the sun when he was young, despite the teacher's dissuasion,

using a telescope to look directly at the sun - mysterious and terrifying.

However, the great being did not seem to care about the disrespectful behavior of the small one,

but transmitted the original intention to Williams' consciousness again.

However, perhaps because the message of the supreme being is too long, or perhaps Williams' mental state is not good because of this sudden change,

William can only grasp two information that seem to be key points:

[Transaction] & [Exchange].

"Deal? Exchange? Is it necessary for such an existence to act with such a small self that only exists between equal individuals?! William

felt that there must be some misunderstanding of the other person's understanding of the message!

After all, the consciousness that suddenly appeared in his head clearly said..........

His gaze seems to be fixed on your goggles for a long time.

Just as William was in a state of confusion, the voice that seemed to have more control in his brain said to



Xiao Nan held her "big baby baby" in one hand

, while carefully looking at the strange uncle who was standing in a military posture, she repeatedly looked at

the other party several times, and finally, her attention was still focused on the other party's eyes, the

VR glasses that have been exuding technological green light and constantly projecting scanning light around————

this horse is too cool, right?!

As a (former) male, Xiao Nan liked this kind of technological sense of

existence very much, and even, she began to make up her brain

, find a few 3D cartoons by

herself, let Lili take it to watch

it, wink at herself, and happily shouted:

"Sister Xiao Nan is really powerful!"

Boys have a natural sense of pride and satisfaction in praising girls, especially little girls.

"What a wonderful thing it would be if I could get this uncle to give me that VR eye..."

But Xiao Nan's rationality warned himself that his thoughts should be "want to eat peaches".

Who would be so stupid............

"Excuse me, can I exchange my goggles for you?"

The unexpected voice came from the mouth of the uncle in a sincere way,

so that the dull hair on the petite loli's head was slightly rounded and became the shape of a question mark.

Her weak and boneless little hand gently touched her cheek and


"Ma Yay???? Did I hear you right????? Is this pie in the sky?! "


Feeling the joyful emotions from all directions

, not only let William know that the emotions of this great being can affect the surrounding environment explicitly,

but also let him understand that the "advice" of the voice in his head is very correct.

"So, what do you want?"

The majestic but slightly excited voice came again.

William thought for a moment and felt that such

a terrifying existence on the other side, no, even those terrifying existences who were waiting outside the "temple" like subordinates

, should be easily destroyed, those monsters entrenched in their homes.

But obviously, there should be no self-knowledge to make a deal—at least reciprocity.

"I need a help to eliminate the 'ants' that are entrenched at home."

[Come to think of it, comparing those monsters to ants should be an appropriate description for a great existence, right?] 】

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