The slender eyelashes blinked up and down, and the cherry-colored little mouth opened slightly

, looking at the sci-fi fan uncle's expression that was so serious that he seemed to be talking about the purchase contract,

whether to pay in full at one time

or in installments for a certain number of years.

Xiao Nan scratched his head

, feeling that the world was too crazy, and the rats were all with cats........................

"Ma Ya, it looks like this uncle really doesn't look like a joke,

okay! Since he wants to change, then I will change with him!

Xiao Nan repeatedly thought about the "requirements" mentioned by the other party

, and thought in his heart:

"This uncle said 'ant', I think that the place where he lives should be for some reasons

, and there are new 'neighbors', but judging by the way he wears, it is obviously not a 'brother from all over the world'

, so maybe I should consider giving him some, pesticides?"

However, Xiao Nan glanced at the VR eyes on her uncle's eyes again

, and thought for a while, and suddenly, her eyes suddenly widened:

"That's not right!" If it were really that simple

, according to the 'fair trade principle', I would at least give him something of similar value!

If it is a low-end commodity such as an insecticide, even if I give him a box, it

will not be enough! If

this is his conspiracy, I think I have seen through the truth————

he wants to find fault!

Xiao Nan instantly looked at the uncle who seemed a little helpless with a vigilant gaze.

However, the abrupt change of aura by Xiao Nan frightened Williams, who was about to pants, and Xiao Nan

, who held the big baby in his hand, felt that he might think a little wrong.

After all, where is there anyone who wants to find fault, who is scared into that look at a little loli...

Well? Wait a minute?

Xiao Nan's brows furrowed again, which made Williams' face flush with a color like pig's liver,

and it was obvious that the spiritual oppression from the supreme existence had made this unlucky lucky man about to collapse.

Who knows, Xiao Nan showed a bright gentle smile a

second before William was about to shout

: "'tragic martyr', I already understand your troubles, don't worry, I

will definitely not let you down."


"Tragic martyrs?! Is this His summary of me?!

In an instant, everything Williams has experienced in the past few years

, like a PowerPoint Powerpoint, recreates those indelible moments in front of his eyes.

[He is indeed the greatest being!] Even a small individual like himself, he can look through the past, understand everything, I..................]

William listened to the golden voice, while feeling solemn,

he also felt a sense of joy that his long-term efforts were finally affirmed by others.

Just when he felt that the corners of his eyes were a little moist

, the mist that separated the supreme existence from the earthly reality, I don't know when,

had come to his side.

"Take this, it will change your situation."

Williams' pupils trembled, he hadn't imagined that the

Dominator would be so close to him, but

his eyes in his head also reminded him in time: this was a deal.

So, William hurriedly took off the laser goggles on his face and

handed them to the fog that was isolated from all detection, and at the same time,

an object glowing with a dazzling golden light also came to him.

William squinted and looked cautiously, but the next moment

, he trembled with excitement, making the white-haired loli on the opposite side show a clear look.

"That's true."

In Williams' eyes, it was a barrel-shaped object with a black abyss at the front end

, but unlike any kind of firearm he recognized

, the long strip was surrounded by dense tumor bags and granulations, and

the constantly wriggling subject, like an ancient beast with great vitality

, looking down the black abyss, was a huge crystalline mass of purple

, if you just glanced at it, You will think

that it is transparent glass, but if you look closely, you will find that

the crystalline mass is actually a storage device containing a sticky and thick colloidal

night body, countless pale non-human bone claws, intertwined in the outer layer of the crystalline mass

, and the night body stored in it always exudes a chilling aura

, as if everything in the world, without it can not be dissolved,

like the "aqua regia" in chemistry For active metals in general.

Of course, if it is just like this, it will not make William even if he holds it with both arms

, it will look extremely tormented, and

what makes Williams tremble the most is that the front of this seemingly spear-like object is

a wailing face that is no different from a living person except for its dark color!

Looking at the face of the person who was constantly trembling and seemed to be shouting some curse words loudly,

William suddenly felt that the "human beast" described by those cultists had a very high degree of overlap with this object similar to a spear.

[Death shall not be superborn, but transformed into an object exchanged with others.]

"Is this the result of punishment for disrespectful believers in Him.............?!"

William trembled his body, constantly warning himself in his heart

, don't lose etiquette, if he provokes the displeasure of the lord because of this, then wouldn't he also have to.....!


Seeing that William was so "happy" that it

was a little difficult to even stand, Xiao Nan held his VR eyes in both hands and showed a smile full of accomplishment:

"Sure enough, the 'torture' suffered by this uncle should be similar to the room where he hid his figurines, which

was broken into and destroyed by the bear child, so for the eyes of a little loli like me

, PTSD was produced,

but because of these." Puppy bears' have the protection of bad parents,

so this uncle is struggling to find a way to 'reasonably retaliate' on these 'ants'!

Now, his problem is solved! Looking

at the other party's arms, the high-value Thomas Little Train joint high-power water gun

, Xiao Nan's mind has begun to make up his brain,

those bear children who broke the strange XP uncle's figures,

what a terrible sanction!

[Accept the sanctions of justice! ] Little 'ants'!

Seeing the uncle's eyes staring at Thomas's little train's face, his eyes were about to pop out

, Xiao Nan comforted and said:

"Don't worry, this is big, absolutely OK."

[Vent your anger to your heart's content, 'tragic martyr.'] 】




[Readers with high SAN values, from these ellipses

, found a strange digital information:

(8) six 7 three 240 (7) six

, it seems that this information, vaguely

, outlines the appearance of a penguin,

which is puzzling. 】

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