"Hmmmm~~~ I'm really looking forward to those bear children

, when facing that high-powered water gun, their

faces turn pale and they look terrified."

While fiddling with the newly arrived VR glasses, Xiao Nan

imagined the cheerful picture of the powerful water jets spit out by the magical "black charcoal round face" of Thomas's little train to

the bear children who beat the flowers and water.

"In other words, this VR glasses are really interesting

, I haven't got any external lines, I just put it on and there is a picture

, but I looked for a long time, where is the menu button of this thing??????"

Looking at the scene that seemed to be sharpened in the field of vision,

Xiao Nan deliberately swung his two small hands in front of him to

experience this high-tech product and bring him a novel experience.

"Forget it, let's wait for tomorrow and go online to see if there are similar products."

Xiao Nan looked at the clock hanging on the wall and

found that the time of the VR glasses was obviously wrong, but

he didn't care too much, after all,

debugging in front of Little Lily might be

more cool.

However, when she considered that she was carrying a little one who could be used as a throw pillow,

her cute eyebrows furrowed slightly:

"Hey? Strange, what about my cat???? "


The orange light set off a warm atmosphere in the room

, and Luo Qiuli looked at the small figure curled up like a kitten on the small bed, and

gently caressed Lili's smooth and delicate cheeks like jade porcelain.

Looking at her daughter, who had fallen asleep

, Luo Qiuli closed the storybook she had just read,

and then left the room lightly.

Before leaving, she glanced again at the open envelope on the small pink desk


"It's a strange 'entrance exam' that actually lets children sleep 10 hours before

they can open the exercises under the envelope."

Luo Qiuli simply recalled what happened after returning

to the store———— "Lili, it's not very late for us to come back, and the admissions officers of those schools said that the

exam can only be taken after dinner and before twelve, so do you want to do it now,

or tomorrow night?"

Luo Qiuli squatted down and asked

Lili's opinion in a way that seemed to be an inquiry, but in fact a restrictive choice question, after

all, the day after tomorrow is the deadline, as a parent

, although Luo Qiuli does not like "forced" education methods

, but considering that this is of great significance to Lili's next development

, so, she still hopes that things will be settled as soon as possible———— even if it is eliminated.

And the sensible Lili can naturally detect the anxiety displayed between her mother's words

, so Lili smiled, shook her mother's big hand, and

replied quietly:

"Mom, I think, I'm ready, I'll

do the problem in a while."

When Luo Qiuli heard this, she quietly breathed a sigh of relief

, she took out the envelope from her bag

and put it in front of Lili, but just when Lili was about to reach out and take it

, Luo Qiuli seemed to think of something, and said with some worry:

"Really, don't think about it.......... Review or review or something?

However, as soon as Luo Qiuli finished speaking, she saw Lili's somewhat doubtful gaze

, and then she realized that she should have said the wrong thing————

and did not apply for any preschool tutoring classes, let alone any interest training

, in fact, let children contact the content of the school in advance

, in a word, for Lili

, the word "review", It's just a meaningless new word in itself.

[Even simple word recognition and number calculations were learned when

I took orders, how did I do this mother.............]

"It's okay, Lily, take a look, I'll go out and clean up the housework."

Considering that the husband always said before his death that if the people in the bureau, no matter what rank the other party is,

must abide by any instructions or explanations they have given to themselves,

he emphasized that

it must be true.

Therefore, Luo Qiuli told the admissions officer that "the exam should be conducted in an unmanned environment" and

did not want to violate the law.

However, before she could completely leave, she was pulled by Lily and shouted

, "Mom, I can't open this thing."

Hearing Lili's voice for help, Luo Qiuli hurried over to check

, and found that Lili's small hand grabbed the open envelope

, but the opened letterhead was not paper, but

an origami with a "lock" shape.

Luo Qiuli stepped forward, took the delicate-looking origami from Lili's hand in front of her

, looked at it carefully, and judged that this should be a beautifully shaped paper product

, she looked down at Lili, and said with some dissatisfaction: "Lili

, mother told you, this question should be opened by yourself, do it yourself, if mother reads it, it

will not do you any good."

"But, Mom, I really can't open it,

even if I use the strength to help you wring out your clothes..."

Lily explained with some grievances.

Luo Qiuli saw that Lili looked a little wronged

, so she personally reached out to

pull the lock, but in the next second, she found that

although it

was a paper product, she was an adult, even with the strength of opening a can

, she could not pull the tightly buttoned paper lock,

which made her a little surprised.

And Lili looked at Luo Qiuli's actions, covered her mouth and secretly laughed a few

times, which made Luo Qiuli look a little embarrassed

, after all, she really blamed Lili


However, just when Luo Qiuli removed her

hand from the lock and was about to call the bald muscular male teacher

, the lock turned out to be like a small snake, actively twisted away

, and finally turned into a piece of

paper, and on the paper, it was clearly written:

"This parent, congratulations on receiving this letter from the child's hand, otherwise,

." Your child has been in the very beginning of the 'integrity assessment', lost the qualification for

the exam, next, we will officially enter

the exam link, of course, before the exam, please be sure to ensure that the candidate after 7

pm to before 10 pm, into a deep sleep state, and let this state last for no less than 10 hours

, this is to ensure the child's true level of play

, need to pay attention to, please this envelope, Place within a radius of three meters around the child's body, and

after the child is asleep, ensure that the environment is a comfortable single room

, finally, please do not disclose this information to a third party, and after you finish reading

, the text description of this section will be automatically eliminated, thank you for your cooperation.

When Luo Qiuli read this short and long text description in confusion, sure enough, these words were like touching a candle, and in Luo Qiuli's surprised eyes,

they turned blank.

She quickly put her eyes on the envelope, but the truth was that in front of her

, there was only one letter left, sealed with tin ingots.

Luo Qiuli was stunned for a long time, and finally, in Lili's urging, Luo Qiuli

blinked and said to

Lili: "Lili, let's rest first, and then do the questions tomorrow."

"But, Mom, didn't I just say..."

"There are stories to hear."


Looking at Lili, who was easily fooled over, Luo Qiuli sighed and

said in her heart:

"My husband, what kind of unit did he join?" How did it get so mysterious..."

And what she didn't know was that behind her

, at the small square window, a pair of golden vertical pupils stared at

the envelope for a long time, and

after determining that the substance scattered by the envelope, like butterfly wing dust,

simply made people hallucinate

, it breathed a slight sigh of relief.

However, when it was about to squat a little longer, trying to determine what

was in the strange envelope that made it feel a little familiar


it suddenly felt that its neck was tightly entangled in several hot and transparent iron chains


"He is looking for you. The

incomparably cold sense of oppression made Liang Qu instantly lose all resistance

, like a grounded sack in the hands of a waste picker,

dragged back by an invisible existence in the shadows, where

it should stay———— where he could see.




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