"Director, everything is normal at present

, according to the plan we made in advance

, 172 of the 300 invitations have been opened

, and there are 143 pre-selected people who have been guided

to enter the lower level of the Dream Realm, according to our expectations, the number of people who can enter the Dream Realm this time

should reach the established 200 people, in addition..."

The staff dressed in engineer costumes, with excited smiles

, reported the collected information to Director Zhang and others behind him, and

the reason why he was excited was because some of the figures he reported

would eventually become the pillars of the bureau.

Zhang Xifeng clapped his hands, took the initiative to interrupt the other party's words, and interjected:

"Xiao Liu, you don't need to say, I know that

the newcomers this time are all newcomers with great potential, at least, from the perspective of integrity

, there are still many honest people who honestly abide by 'personally open the envelope'

, after all, the premise of joining us, you must have a basic bottom line to adhere to."

Director Zhang sat at the top and spoke in a serious tone to

the others present, not only praising these newcomers, but also spurring the others present————

dare not follow the rules? Smash your iron rice bowl right away!

Then, after confirming that everyone, at least on the bright side, showed fear

, Zhang Xifeng asked the engineer in a low voice:

"Xiao Liu, that child, how is she?"

"Huh? Miscellaneous......... Oh! Understand! Understand!

Engineer Liu originally looked a little confused after hearing Director Zhang's question

, but noticing the other party's gloomy old face

, he immediately recalled the night before

, the other party ran to his dormitory in a hurry,

and he was interested in himself.............. (omitted here) "additional work"

, although I don't understand why Director Zhang came to the door to get a blank invitation letter from himself

, but since the other party promised that it would be an object worth cultivating,

the simple-minded science and engineering man chose to believe in the leader.

"Report leader, that kid.........." Engineer

Liu looked at the signal point symbolizing Lili, changed color

, and just wanted to keep Director Zhang safe, however, his eyebrows twisted like twists in the blink of an eye, and

his mouth seemed to be unable to close because of some unexpected emergency.

"Huh? What's wrong? Tell me quickly, the others are still watching.

Director Zhang found that the engineer did not continue to speak for a long time, so he was dissatisfied

, and at the same time slapped the engineer's back with that thick palm to show his dissatisfaction

, but he never thought that Director Zhang had just finished patting Xiao Liu's back,

and the latter suddenly jumped up directly like an ant on a hot pot:


The sudden change not only startled Director Zhang, but

also made everyone else present so frightened that they almost moved their own guys out.

"What kind of plane are you engaged in?!"

Director Zhang skillfully used the SAN value detector, and after making sure that the other party did not have any abnormalities, he

grabbed the engineer's neckline with some anger and physically calmed him down.

And while he grabbed the other party's collar and pulled the other party closer to his side

, some female colleagues had already begun to exchange the results of "small compositions": "

Wow, Nian Shang · Attack X weak qi · suffer ~~~~!"

"It's still the combination of a grumpy uncle and a weak science man!"

"Thank you, it's already sweet."


Listening to the whispers among those female colleagues that made ordinary male colleagues feel their scalps numb

, even Director Zhang, who was middle-aged, felt that he was about to stop Bengbu.

But just as Zhang Xifeng was thinking about how to teach this fussy engineer a lesson

, the latter seemed to finally recover from his state of shock

, quickly raised his finger to the LCD screen on the operating table,

and said in a trembling

voice with a terrified voice as if he had seen a nuclear bomb explosion with his own eyes:

"Her letter........ Occupied everything! The

emotional engineer, using fragmented words, expressed the most important information to Director Zhang with the most important information he could think of


Although some of the preambles do not match the afterword,

Director Zhang always prides himself on "What scene have I never seen?" The strong man

, the sword eyebrows crossed, pushed the engineer away, and stepped forward to check himself

, but the next second, his motto was invalid at this moment————M D,

this face......... I really haven't seen it.

I saw that the signal point, which symbolized the strength of the SAN value

of the invitation, should have been a scatter distribution map like a torpedo detector under normal circumstances

, but in the area that was independently marked,

the mark that was expected to be the size of a freckle like other light spots was

now completely occupied by the area like a rising sun

........ What's going on?!

Director Zhang couldn't sit still at all, not that he hadn't seen this kind of signal

strength, but that this kind of influence strength, if not the ancient gods in the middle layer of the Illusion Dream Realm

, was at least the lower region, which was enough to be regarded as the dominant level of pillar existence.

"Check it for me! Did a fish slip through the net and take the opportunity to run out of the fantasy dream?! The

roar not only represented his anxiety,

but also conveyed his concern for the widow of the original capable general.

Of course, if Director Zhang is fortunate enough to hire a certain cat with a strong sense of responsibility (

Xiaobai) to let him "guide" the business,

Xiaobai is estimated to roll his eyes and say in a tone of seeing a fool:

[Haven't you thought that the girl you are paying attention to

has changed qualitatively?]

That's how you do surveillance?

Of course, none of this will happen

, because at this moment, Liang Qu does not have the opportunity to answer the message

from the outside world, and at this moment, in its admiration with a group of invisible beings

, it should be an "invitation" that separates the present world from the spiritual world

, or in other words, it is clearly like an "invitation" to the ontological relationship.

The tidal phantom, which was so soft that it could only be regarded as a prelude to a lullaby condensed

into an entity

above the closed Titan's skull,

illuminating the secluded street as if it were daylight.

You know, it is the Lord of Naralaiye who

puts all his power here,

but it can only make the phantom be captured with the naked eye by the powerful person with a very high SAN value;

And now, when the silk of the spirit world, which had been weakened an unknown number of times

, came into contact with its mighty power

, it was freed from the shackles that the gods regarded as an iron law,

and was forcibly expanded into

a place that could carry its glimpse back.


At the moment when the azure shimmer shone on the girl curled up

on the bed, accompanied by the symphony of her leisurely dreams rippling on the pillow

, at this moment, Director Zhang's side, described as "burnt out", seemed to be a little insufficient: "

Report to the director! Although the observer comrades in the fantasy realm

can still contact us,

their physical bodies in this world

have temporarily lost vital signs! The

female staff member reported this bizarre scene to Director Zhang with a panicked face

, after all, unless it was met with the gaze

of the ancient god body, it would appear, and through the damage of the spirit body, the evil consequences fed back to the current body were feedback

, but if it really attracted the gaze of the ancient god body,

then the people in the entire bureau should be coerced by them.

But now, those colleagues can still keep in touch with

their side, but their bodies are not responsive, and on their side, all those who have not dreamed

, there is nothing at all, which is simply a violation of the rules that can be called truth.

Director Zhang looked at the flustered female subordinates

, and then at the contacts in the room who did not know how to explain the actual situation to the dream

, he pondered for a moment, and asked:

"Those who were chosen, how are they doing now?"

"They........ It seems that all of them went in..........

, and according to the feedback of colleagues in the Information Section

, a small number of invitees' families also accidentally found that something seemed wrong with the invitees

, considering that more of the parties' families may not have checked the current situation,

we speculate that it is very likely that all people who are in the dream at this moment

may have a similar situation.

But Director, I think we should still give priority to trying to get our observer colleagues

to evacuate as soon as possible and return to a normal state



, if we can't even protect these innocent people, then how can we protect

more innocent people?"

The woman looked at Zhang Xifeng's undoubted tone and steady-like expression

, and felt great encouragement,

so the corners of her eyes were slightly moist and began to convey Director Zhang's orders to the others.

And Director Zhang saw that no one was looking at his side anymore,

and he slowly put away the hardened tentacles that had been tied to his lower back to relieve tension from his back, and

at the same time said to himself in a skeptical tone:

"Buds........ What's the situation?! I just want to install a related account,

can I really let some big guy exploit the loophole? ? No, I'm going to see for myself!

Saying that, he supported his somewhat painful waist, stood up

, but did not want to, at this moment, the bald man Guo Dawei

, was running over with some information to report to

Director Zhang, looking at Director Zhang's strong sense of déjà vu

, his throat was stalked, and finally persuaded in an extremely admirable tone:

"Director, your way of relieving pressure is really ......... It's amazing......

But also in moderation, after all, when men reach middle age, there is already some degradation there. "

[Unexpectedly, what they said, Director Zhang and that Engineer Liu, is actually true?] Director

Zhang: ?????????


(PS: For the sake of the author's 3K chapter

, lovely and handsome readers, can you give some tips!) Thank you all! )

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