Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1004: Harvest and Notes

After the discussion was over, the sky was still dark.

Those three monsters should not reappear so soon, but in order to avoid accidents, Yuan Hai decided to stay in the Yiluan Sifu until dawn.

Zhou Fan discussed with the four envoys from the four towns. Shen Jing was on duty at night, and everyone else who wanted to rest could go to rest.

After all, there is Yuanhai, and if something really happens, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Wen Ti was injured, so naturally he had to rest, but after thinking about it, he still came to see Yuan Hai alone. In a room with no other outsiders, Wen Ti respectfully said, "Uncle Master."

"Nephew, you don't need to be so polite." Yuan Hai asked the injured Wen Ho to sit down quickly.

"Is Uncle Shi injured?" Wen Ho asked.

Yuan Hai said that he was stopped by a Taoist cultivator, Wen Ti had no doubts, he was worried that Yuan Hai was injured.

"I'm fine, it's just a pity that the person escaped." Yuanhai shook his head.

"That's good." After Wen Ho said this, he hesitated, "I have something to ask my uncle."

Yuan Hai flicked the monk's sleeve, and a golden light spread out, enveloping both of them, "Let's talk about it."

"Uncle Shi, the cultivator who stopped you really doesn't have any clues?" Wen Ti said with a serious face.

Yuan Hai glanced at Wen Ti and said, "Are you standing on the side of the Great Buddha Temple or asking for Yiluan Si?"

There is a difference between the two. If Wenti is asking for Yiluan, then Yuanhai may not answer. If Wenti is standing on the side of the Great Buddha Temple, the answer cannot be told to other Yiluan. .

"The Great Buddha Temple." Wen Ti hesitated and said.

"It's Yuanlu." Yuanhai said softly.

"Yuanlu" was stunned when he heard the hoof, "Uncle, how is this possible?"

Yuanlu was the preacher of the Little Buddha Temple in Gaoxiang City, but Wen Ho remembered that Yuanlu was just a qi-gang segment.

"His face is covered, and his figure is not like Yuanlu, but I can still vaguely sense that it is him." Yuanhai said calmly, "He either concealed his realm before, or he recently broke through."

"The little Buddhist temple is so cruel, in order to ruin the reputation of my big Buddhist temple, it has killed so many people in Gaoxiang City." Wen Ho trembled with anger, "Uncle, you didn't tell Master Huang and the others because you didn't have any evidence. is it?"

Yuan Hai sighed, "That's right, he didn't catch him, even if anyone would believe it, he would only say that our big Buddhist temple is slandering the small Buddhist temple, which is nothing but a joke."

Wen Ho was silent. If there is no evidence, it is useless to say it.

Zhou Fan didn't go back to his house, but stayed in the Yiluan Sifu. It wasn't because his house was affected and destroyed. In fact, he didn't know if there was anything wrong with his house, but these can be seen tomorrow. Anyway, he put all the valuable things in the book of storage.

The reason for staying in the Yiluan Sifu is to avoid any unexpected incidents from happening again.

Zhou Fan entered the resting house and listened to the footsteps walking around outside the house, and knew that many warriors could no longer sleep tonight.

He shook his head, and first put the three talisman bags harvested tonight on the table.

One is from the masked man of the Thousand Delusions Alliance, the other is from the man in black from the Eclipse Sun Sect, and the last is from the Taoist cultivator.

Because of the emergency at the time, Zhou Fan didn't have time to search their bodies to see if there was anything valuable, so he hurriedly took away the talisman bag.

Zhou Fan first opened the masked man's talisman bag, which contained a stack of silver notes, four pill bottles, a book, and some talismans.

Zhou Fan first glanced at the book. It was a Qi Gang section called Yin Yin Line Gang, which was obviously the unique skill of the masked man.

It's a pity that Zhou Fan already has the Wuji Dao Gang, so he naturally won't consider the Yin and Hidden Line Gang, but this Yin and Hidden Line Gang is strange and difficult to guard against.

Zhou Fan counted the silver note again, 300,000 profound coins, he put down the silver note, and then looked at the man in black's talisman bag.

The man in black's talisman bag was much more shabby, with only a silver note of 500,000 profound coins, three elixir bottles and some talismans.

Perhaps the man in black put his valuables in some hidden place, Zhou Fan shook his head helplessly, not every warrior would carry a lot of valuables with him, after all, if he lost it, the loss would be huge.

Zhou Fan put down the talisman bag of the Eclipse Sun Sect man in black, and he opened the Taoist monk's talisman bag.

The realm of this Taoist cultivator is not high, and it is estimated to be the lowest level. He doesn't even have storage tools, so he can only use a talisman bag.

Zhou Fan opened the Taoist cultivator's talisman bag and found two elixir bottles, three silver-level talismans and some auxiliary talismans, a blue leather book, a silver note, and a black leather book.

Zhou Fan first flipped through the blue-skin classics, and soon his face showed joy. The blue-skin classics were body cursing techniques.

It is a technique that a Taoist monk can use. Tonight, the Taoist monk is using a body-cursing technique. This technique can curse people's bodies, such as making people's bodies weak, or making people's hands and feet suddenly disconnected. Some Curses can be lifted as time passes.

Some can't be lifted. For example, if a limb is broken, it will be broken unless you find a way to get it back.

To Zhou Fan's disappointment, this body cursing technique generally only works on warriors below the Dao realm. If they are Dao realm cultivators, they can easily resist such a Martial Realm and Dao Realm Heavenly Land The difference is that one of the strengths of the Taoist monks is that they can perform a variety of spells, and it is difficult for a warrior to resist such spells.

Zhou Fan put down the body-cursing technique again. No matter how bad this body-cursing technique was, it was still a technique of a Taoist cultivator, and its value was only higher than that of the Qi Gang segment.

In Gaoxiang Academy and Gaoxiang Yiluan's mansion, there are no classics of magic techniques. Obviously, these things are not easily spread.

After Zhou Fan put down the body cursing technique, he picked up the black-skin book with great anticipation, but he was stunned for a moment. This black-skin book was not a kung fu technique, but a notebook.

A note written by the Taoist cultivator.

After Zhou Fan turned over a few pages of boring records, he found a narrative about him.

"After a hard search, I found him, the box was on him, there was nothing wrong with it, I definitely sensed the existence of the box," the note wrote.

"But why is 3288 dead, and why is the box on the body of this martial artist of Yiluan?"

"After investigation, this person is the Zhenfu Division of Yiluan Division. I don't care about his identity. It's just that 3288 died strangely. I suspect that there is a high-level person helping Zhou Fan. Before I know it, I decided to continue to observe him. ."

"Soon, I discovered a strange thing."

"Someone sent him a letter"

"It made him know that I was hiding in the dark."

"Who is it?"

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