Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1005: eat bones

"I've been monitoring him, but I'm very careful. No one should find me. Even if I do, I shouldn't send a letter to this person, but tell this person secretly."

"I don't know what was written in the letter, but he became more careful in his actions. He obviously found me. The content of the letter can be imagined."

"Later, there were even powerful Taoist monks searching for me. Fortunately, I had already noticed something wrong and hid, otherwise it would be bad."

"This person is not simple. Now that I know my existence, I have to be more careful, not to die inexplicably like three, two, eight, eight."

Afterwards, the notes were filled with all kinds of things that the Taoist cultivator wanted to monitor Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan looked through the notes, and his face showed a look of astonishment.

The letter was not written by the friars of the Shougang Society, who would have written it?

Zhou Fan never doubted this, because the only one who could know that the three-two-eighty-eight box was on him would be the Mian Shou cultivator. Who else would know about this?

Is writing this letter to warn me or for other purposes? Zhou Fan is puzzled. He has a shuddering feeling.

This is so strange, Zhou Fan couldn't think of anyone who would know about it, he didn't tell anyone about it.

Zhou Fan frowned and thought for a while, then he was very sleepy. He knew he couldn't drag on any longer and had to sleep.

He hurriedly cleaned up the things on the table, then lay down and fell asleep.

In the foggy gray fog, Zhou Fan and Qifu both appeared on the boat.

Zhou Xiaomao was sitting at the square table, and there was a plate of things in front of her, but it was only foggy, and it was difficult to see what it was.

Qifu looked at Zhou Fan with concern and asked, "Why is it so late tonight?"

"Something happened, and I only have time now." Zhou Fan retracted his gaze and shook his head helplessly, and told Qifu what happened tonight.

After Zhou Fan finished speaking, before Chu Fu could speak, Zhou Xiaomao put down his chopsticks and said angrily, "You said that Taoist monk asked you to be slaughtered"

"You can't beat even a single martial arts segment, trash, trash, idiot"

Zhou Xiaomao was angry because the Taoist cultivator was too useless, so she lost a chance to possess her.

Of course Zhou Fan understood, he just chuckled, he didn't call Zhou Kitten possessed at that time, it was just that the situation was too urgent, he wanted to try it himself, and he succeeded once.

It seems that the Taoist cultivator is not unkillable, at least he can do it now. Of course, the premise is that the cultivation of the Taoist cultivator cannot be too high.

In a word, Zhou Fan is still very satisfied that this saves one possession.

The gray mist in front of the table drifted away from the square table, Zhou Fan saw what was on the dish, it was chopped white bones.

"What did you eat?" Zhou Fan couldn't help but ask curiously.

"The bones of the soul fish." Zhou Xiaomao said with a stern face, "That is to say, the possession agreement of the Taoist monks has been cancelled."

"The bones of the soul fish can also be eaten." Zhou Fan's eyes jumped, and it was the first time he heard it, "If you don't want to cancel it, maybe the other party will continue to send Taoist cultivators to kill me, and I will find you later. You help, it's still the same agreement."

"Nonsense, didn't you see me eating?" Zhou Xiaoxia said, picked up a piece of bone with chopsticks and chewed it in his mouth, "It just doesn't taste good, you don't want to cancel the agreement, then if you meet Even tough enemies can call me."

"Then thank you Senior Zhou first." Zhou Fan wondered and asked, "Since it's not delicious, why do you want to eat it? Are you so poor that you can only eat bones?"

"Fart." Zhou Xiaomao said with a look of contempt, "You can have as much food as you want. Of course, eating bones is to complement the shape. I want to be taller."

Wanting to be taller, Zhou Fan looked at the boat kitten that looked like a child, and he twitched his mouth and said, "A cultivator of such a high level like you, even if you want to change a body, it will be fine, right? The problem is hard”

"You don't understand." Zhou Xiaomao sneered, "Maybe you will understand in the future, now that the Taoist monk was killed by you, you promised before that after the Taoist monk's matter is resolved, you will let me possess. "

Well, I really don't understand, just like Miss Zhao insisting on losing weight, Zhou Fan's face is helpless, because of Wuji Dao Gang, he owes Zhou Kitten a possession, he coughed and said, "Can you slow down for a few days? There have been a lot of things going on recently, and I’m afraid I don’t have time recently.”

I don't know when that nightmare will reappear, all kinds of things are mixed together, Zhou Fan wants to delay it for a few days.

Zhou Kitten looked unhappy.

"And I'm also worried that the Taoist cultivator has companions, so I can't ask you for help." Zhou Fan said again.

"Seven days, I'll give you seven days at most." As soon as Zhou Xiaomao thought that there might be another chance of possession, he let out a sigh.

Zhou Fan nodded and thanked him again. He had a conversation with Chufu, and after confirming that there was no problem with Chufu in the wild, he immediately seized the time to ponder the Wuji Dao Gang.

There are too many things that happened tonight, and there is no shortage of danger. If he can enter the Qi Gang stage, the danger he encounters tonight will not be so dangerous.

It is the kingly way to improve one's own strength as soon as possible.

Time passed when Zhou Fan was pondering the Wuji Dao Gang, and when the time was up, Zhou Fan and Qifu disappeared on the boat.

Zhou Xiaomao was slowly eating fish She snorted, put down her chopsticks and thought.

Possession is imminent, she has to prepare well.

The old man of the ship now allows the guide to be attached to the boarding person. There must be enough confidence that the guide cannot escape.

It's just that she has to try to escape no matter what

Three days passed in a flash, and to the surprise of the Yiluan Sifu, the whole city was on alert for nightmares and monsters, and no predators appeared again.

"Maybe it's far away from Gaoxiang City." In the meeting room, Huang Bujue looked at Zhou Fan and said.

If it hasn't appeared for three days, it probably won't appear.

"Then let the two neighboring counties and the five townships of Gaoxiang County be careful. These two nightmares are not easy to deal with." Eunuch Zhang said worriedly.

If it appeared in the village, the power in the village would not be able to deal with such a powerful nightmare. When the time comes to wait for Gaoxiangcheng to rush to rescue, maybe it will be too late.

"That's all we can do. Let the townships pay close attention. If we find any signs of them appearing, we'll find a way." Shen Jing said.

The Nightmare and Strange no longer appeared, at least it was a good thing for Gaoxiang City, but the five people in the meeting room were not very interested.

Because the loss of Gaoxiang City was too serious this time, after dawn that night, there were corpses everywhere, devastated, and ruins everywhere.

It took two days to clean up the corpse alone, and the death toll was as high as 100,000.

Gaoxiang City has always been in a sad and sad atmosphere.

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