Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1012: 1 request

"Brother Zhou, I told you that I can't do without the bug lady, and the bug lady can't leave me, this is not a joke." Li Jiuyue said slowly again, "After the bug lady knew about my physical condition, I I gave her a choice, or we will be separated, life and death depend on fate."

"Either you two stay together and live like this for the rest of your life." Zhou Fan sighed, this is not a question of whether the lady is willing or not, but she has to choose.

"Exactly." Li Jiuyue took a sip of wine, looked at the swimming fish in the pond, and said with a light smile, "She said it's good for her life, she's really a silly girl, right?"

"Brother Li, there will always be a solution." Zhou Fan comforted, even though Li Jiuyue wouldn't say why she and Zongniang had to be together, he guessed that maybe the two families were too deeply connected to get married.

If so, it shouldn't be difficult to solve.

"Maybe." Li Jiuyue shook her head and said, "But before we see no hope, we can only be together like this."

"After talking for so long, I haven't told Brother Zhou, why did I let Zongniang come to Gaoxiang City to take the class A exam?" Li Jiuyue put down the glass, and he said solemnly: "Actually, with the background of my family, the resources of class A are not It's very important, let the worm come over so that she can see Brother Zhou."

"Meet me?" Zhou Fan was slightly startled and said, "Why did you make a special trip to see me?"

Could it be that he was supposed to take care of the worm girl after the incident to avoid something happening in the future? But this is not right. The Chen Pepi who served next to Li Chungniang is better than him, at least before the big exam, Zhou Fan can't guess what Li Jiuyue is thinking.

"The two of us want to ask Brother Zhou for help. Only Brother Zhou can help us in this matter. I don't believe in others, I only believe in Brother Zhou." Li Jiuyue said softly.

"What's the matter? Brother Li, just say it, if you can help me, I will definitely help." Zhou Fan said.

Whether it was Li Jiuyue or Li Chungniang, Zhou Fan was willing to help.

"It doesn't matter if Brother Zhou can help or not, but I hope that after I finish speaking, Brother Zhou will not be angry or look down on us for it." Li Jiuyue said, "Brother Zhou, I hope you can have a child with Zongniang."




After a while, Zhou Fan slowed down and asked, "Brother Li, did I hear it right?"

"You heard that right." Li Jiuyue said again: "Brother Zhou, I hope you can have a child with Bug Niang."

Zhou Fan was speechless. He wondered if he had met a fake Li Jiuyue, first told him that he would not do it, and then asked him to have a child with his fiancee?

"Brother Zhou, I know that this matter will have a great impact on you. Don't rush to answer me, just listen to me first." Li Jiuyue was much calmer instead.

"I am married to Insect Girl, we must have a child, or I will be sorry for our two fathers."

"This is not only my idea, but also the bug girl's idea."

"But our situation is so special... so special that I don't know how to explain it to Brother Zhou, you should think that you have thousands of family wealth waiting for a descendant to inherit. If you find a stranger with an unreliable character, it will definitely lead to disaster. , that's not what I want to see."

"So I reached a consensus with the bug lady, I was the one who suffered the most in this matter, so the bug lady suggested that the person must be chosen by me. After I approve, the bug lady will see him again. If the bug lady also agrees, then this matter No problem, if the bug lady doesn't like it, then choose again."

"My biggest gain from going to Tianliangli is to meet Brother Zhou and spend some time with him. I know Brother Zhou and know that Brother Zhou will definitely not be greedy for my family's wealth, so I..."

"That's why you chose me." Zhou Fan said numbly, he felt that his internal organs were upside down, he really didn't expect him to encounter such a thing.

"I chose you. Brother Zhou is the most suitable person in my opinion. After I went back, I told Zongniang about it, and then Zongniang came to Gaoxiang City to see you, and Izuku agreed." Li Jiuyue said with a faint smile, " Otherwise, I wouldn't talk to Brother Zhou about this."

When Zhou Fan heard the bug girl agree, his heart jumped up: Could it be that the bug girl likes me? If you don't like it, how can you agree to such a thing?

But you can't think that way. After all, it was Brother Li who chose me first. Maybe the bug girl just thought I was not bad, so she agreed. After all, it's too difficult to find someone who both of them are satisfied with.

What do I want to do with this kind of thing? Do I still want to promise Brother Li that the two of them will fail? Zhou Fan's heart twitched faintly.

"Brother Zhou, what do you think?" Seeing that Zhou Fan was silent, Li Jiuyue said again, "Maybe you go back and think about it..."

"Don't think about it." Zhou Fan said angrily, "I don't know why you and Zongniang can come up with such absurd things, Brother Li, if you treat me as your friend, don't mention this kind of thing in the future! "

"Brother Zhou, we agreed not to be angry." Li Jiuyue said with a wry smile.

"I'm not angry." Zhou Fan said with a straight face.

"Brother Zhou, why don't you want to? Don't you like the bug lady?" Li Jiuyue sighed and asked, "I have seen many women, but very few of them can compare with the bug lady in terms of appearance."

"It's not the bug girl's Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly: "It's the absurdity of having children from seeds, I can't accept it. "

I have already been borrowed twice by a monster and a dragon. Brother Li, you are afraid that you don’t know the shadow area in my heart... Zhou Fan thought with a chill, if there is another child, he will have no reason for it. had three children.

How will he explain to the woman he likes in the future?

Can't you say that I'm an unmarried man who already has three children?

Of course, more importantly, Zhou Fan couldn't accept such absurd things.

"Brother Zhou is worried that the child born will not be taken care of? If so, I can assure Brother Zhou that I and Zongniang will take good care of the child. He is our heir, so there should be no need to worry in the future." Li Jiuyue is again So advised.

"That's not the problem." Zhou Fan frowned slightly.

Li Jiuyue said: "Brother Zhou definitely can't accept the fact that the worm who has a relationship with you is my wife, but I don't think so. In fact, I always treat the worm as a sister, and we will be together in the future. Life is also sleeping in separate rooms."

"In addition to Brother Zhou, Zongniang will not have a second man. I can assure Brother Zhou of this..."

"Brother Li, I have already expressed what I mean, please don't talk about it again." Zhou Fan's face turned cold and he cupped his hands.

Li Jiuyue didn't know the various thoughts in Zhou Fan's mind. He sighed, "Brother Zhou is unwilling, and I can't force it. In this way, I and Zongniang can only find new candidates."

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