Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1013: 1 answer

Search for new candidates

Zhou Fan squeezed the cup into powder, and he said coldly and angrily, "Brother Li, in order to get a child, one of you is willing to betray your wife, and the other is to betray your body, is that right?"

If it is, then Zhou Fan really thinks that he has misread Li Jiuyue and Li Chungniang, and will not have any contact in the future.

"Brother Zhou, in your eyes, are I and Zongniang so unbearable?" Li Jiuyue said bitterly.

"But I saw that you did this." Zhou Fan said coldly.

"Brother Zhou thinks this way because I concealed some things from Brother Zhou, and I don't blame Brother Zhou." Li Jiuyue took another sip of wine, "Actually, if you try to find a new candidate, it's just a trick."

"I want to have a child with Zongniang, but we won't betray ourselves. However, the agreement to find a candidate does exist, but there is a premise that Zongniang likes that person."

"I have never regarded Zongniang as my wife. She is my sister, so I didn't betray my wife, and I know Zongniang. If she doesn't like you, do you think she will agree?"

Zhou Fan was silent, he couldn't believe it and said, "Why does the worm like me?"

"How do I know this?" Li Jiuyue shook her head and said, "If you want to know, I will call her and let you ask her face to face."

"But I already told you that even if the bug girl likes you again, she can't be with you. You and her are only a short-lived fate. You can leave her a child, but no more. , do you still want to ask her?"

"Of course you might want to take her away, but she might die, and I might die too, so she won't be willing to go with you." Li Jiuyue's face showed grief.

"I don't want to know." Zhou Fan shook his head and said, Li Jiuyue said so, so it would be boring for him to ask the answer.

"Then Brother Zhou still disagree?" Li Jiuyue asked again.

"Brother Li, you are my friend. No matter what you say, the worm girl is your wife in name. If I agree, then you are no longer my friend. As for the worm girl," Zhou Fan paused and said, "Li Brother said that the worm girl likes me, even if it is true, but this short-term fate is not what I want."

"Then Brother Zhou, please tell me frankly, does Brother Zhou like Bug Niang? I'm talking about the love between men and women." Li Jiuyue asked with a chuckle again.

Zhou Fan was silent for a while and said, "Brother Li, does it make sense to ask such a thing?"

"Of course it makes sense. You just think I'm asking for Insect Girl. It's inconvenient for Insect Girl to ask, so I'll ask for her." Li Jiuyue poured herself a glass of wine and drank it.

"Brother Zhou, don't worry about me. I said that when the worm is my sister, that's my sister. You have to give an answer to a girl who likes you. Even if you can't be together, do I make sense?"

Zhou Fan saw that there was no way to avoid it, he picked up the jug, the glass had been crushed by him, he faced the jug, took a sip of wine and said, "I like her, not only because of her appearance, but also because of every Every time I look at her, it's like I've known her for a long time."

The corners of Li Jiuyue's mouth curled slightly, but he soon said with a straight face, "Okay, Zhou Fan, I treat you like a brother, but you actually have bad thoughts about my wife."

"Don't come here." Zhou Fan said angrily, "I just think about it, I've never done anything wrong to you, you are worse than me, and you actually want to let your wife borrow seeds to have children."

Li Jiuyue couldn't hold back first, he laughed, but the smile quickly converged and said, "Brother Zhou, I didn't lie to you, I really cannot be separated from Zongniang, and Zongniang also told me personally that she likes you, but she doesn't. I'll come with you, if you don't believe me, I'll call her out and let you ask her."

"No." Zhou Fan shook his head and said, "Brother Li, I believe you won't lie about this kind of thing, so you really can't tell me what's going on, is it someone persecuting you? Maybe I can help."

"Sorry." Li Jiuyue sighed and said, "No one forced us, but we really can't tell you, I hope you can understand us."

Zhou Fan was silent, Li Jiuyue and Li Chungniang refused to speak, and he couldn't say anything about it.

"Brother Zhou, we didn't say what we just said at the wine table." Li Jiuyue raised the wine glass and said.

"Okay." Zhou Fan picked up the jug and touched Li Jiuyue's cup.

It is impossible for him to promise to have children by borrowing seeds, and it is impossible for Insect Girl to be with him, so these words can only be regarded as not said.

It's just that Zhou Fan still felt a little pain in his heart when he thought that his real relationship ended without a problem, but he didn't show it in front of Li Jiuyue.

"We are still friends, right?" Li Jiuyue asked.

"Of course." Zhou Fan said with a smile, "but don't take the fact that I once liked you as an example, or I will remember the secret you said."

"Brother Zhou, the secret I said was false."

"Oh, really"

When the banquet was over, Zhou Fan said goodbye, and Li Jiuyue sent Zhou Fan to the door, and he whispered, "Brother Zhou, we will not look for any candidates to have children in the future. If there is no heir, then we will consider adopting one."

Zhou Fan was stunned for a moment, and he realized that it was probably because of him.

"Brother Li, you don't have to. It's your business. In fact, others may not understand your thoughts. If Zongniang meets someone she likes in the future, and you feel good."

"There won't be any more." Li Jiuyue interrupted Zhou Fan, "I know Bug Niang, she won't like other men anymore."

Li Jiuyue's eyes were a little sad.

Zhou Fan's mood was a little heavy. He suddenly found that Li Jiuyue's eyes were as similar as those of the insect girl. It seemed that there was a winter lake hidden in his eyes. It was calm, but when he was sad, it made people feel distressed.

Zhou Fan didn't speak any more, but handed over his hands and got into the carriage to leave. He was afraid that he would be soft-hearted for a while and agree to that ridiculous request, thus falling into a situation he didn't want.

Watching the carriage go away, Li Jiuyue turned around and walked back.

Outside the hall door, the maid had already only Chen Pepi was there.

"Young Master." Chen Pepi bowed and saluted.

"Aunt Peipi, I've troubled you for a while." Li Jiuyue smiled and helped Chen Pepi up.

"This is what the old slave should have done." Chen Pepi shook his head.

Li Jiuyue didn't say much, he walked into the hall.

Chen Pepi was still standing outside the hall door. With her around, no one could quietly approach the hall.

Li Jiuyue sat on the main seat.

Li Chungniang brought hot water from a copper basin, twisted the white towel in the basin to dry, and handed it to Li Jiuyue.

Li Jiuyue took the hot towel, wiped her face and said lightly, "He refused."

"Isn't he expected to refuse?" Bug Niang's eyes closed slightly, her eyelashes trembled, "If he agrees, you will be disappointed."

"Yes, I just want to try it." Li Jiuyue showed a faint smile on his face, he seemed satisfied with Zhou Fan's rejection.

"Then what do I do now?" the bug girl asked again.

"What can I do?" Li Jiuyue sighed, "I can't be a big girl before I die. It's so embarrassing. It's better to be like a mother and leave a child. If you're unlucky, then forget it."

Li Chungniang was silent.

"Why didn't you speak?" Li Jiuyue asked.

"Do I think it's interesting that we talk like this?"

"It's boring, but aren't we used to it?" Li Jiuyue said softly.

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