Hearing Zhou Fan's agreement, the lecture hall was silent, Du Ni stared at the avenue: "Brother Zhou, you are not a self-abuse person, but do you think you can win?"

"Why do you care so much about winning and losing?" Zhou Fan glanced at Du Ni and said lightly: "Winning or losing is not important. For both sides, the purpose of mutual learning is to make progress together."

"Amitabha." Xing Xing sighed: "Zhou Shi can let go of victory and defeat, but he is a free person, not a little monk."

"It's strange to believe you." Du Ni muttered.

Li Chungniang frowned worriedly, but did not persuade her.

"Find a place." Zhou Fan looked at Xing Xingdao.

"Let's go to the wilderness outside the academy, the place is big enough." The party pondered for a while.

Zhou Fan naturally had no opinion.

Zhou Fan and his party walked towards the back door of the academy.

Class A, seven people walked around the academy at once, and received the attention of many students in the academy, but no one dared to approach at will.

When they walked to the back door of the academy, they found that Wrinkled Shen and Hou Shisanjian were already waiting at the back door.

"Why are you two here?" Zhou Fan asked in surprise.

Zou Shenshen didn't answer, Hou Shisanjian smiled and said, "I heard Brother Du said that Brother Zhou and a group of brothers want to learn from each other, so I left things behind and rushed over."

Everyone glanced at Du Ni.

Du Niqian smiled and said, "I thought it was a more important competition for Class A after all, so I sent a message to the three of them to see if they were interested in coming over, so it would be more lively."

"Fortunately, I came to the academy today, otherwise I would have missed a good show." Zhang Li Xiaohu's voice sounded behind everyone.

Zhang Li Xiaohu also came.

Now all ten members of Class A have gathered.

The reason why Du Ni has the contact information of other people in the class is because when they were stationed in the village last time, they exchanged the information symbols for the convenience of contact.

Going out through the back door, everyone used their physical skills to hurry.

"Big Brother Zhou." Li Chungniang walked with Zhou Fan, while Yelaitianxiang was on her other side.

After Yelaitianxiang was rejected by Li Chungniang, she did not give up, and was looking at Chungniang with admiration.

If you add me, it will be a complicated relationship between four corners. Zhou Fan, who noticed this scene, twitched his mouth and said calmly, "Insect girl, this is just a discussion, don't worry."

"I'm not worried." Li Chungniang smiled softly: "Big Brother Zhou dares to take on the challenge, he must have a certain degree of confidence, I just want Big Brother Zhou to be careful."

Zhou Fan hummed, he sighed in his heart, and he didn't know how Li Jiuyue told her yesterday, but her attitude towards me didn't change at all.

On the other side, Wrinkle Shenshen walked quickly, and when he arrived at Yixing's side, he glanced at Yixing and said, "Have you entered the realm of Dao?"

Wrinkle deeply knew that his party challenged Zhou Fan, so he hurried over, but he didn't know the specific situation.

The line nodded slightly.

Zou Shen Shen did not speak again, he was not surprised by this, if there was no breakthrough in the line of Qi Gang section, how would he dare to challenge Zhou Fan again?

Soon they ran all the way and found an open meadow, which was far away from the academy, and they didn't see any weirdness.

Li Chungniang and the others walked aside and looked at Zhou Fan and his party in the field.

The party glanced at Zhou Fan and said, "You still have a knife that you haven't brought with you. Does it matter?"

One line refers to Zhou Fan's German-character knife. The knife was too big for Zhou Fan to carry it all day. He put the German-character knife into the storage book.

Zhou Fan hesitated and said, "Wait a minute, I'll go get my knife."

Of course they have no opinion, and they also understand in their hearts that Zhou Fan should have a special storage device. They all come from extraordinary backgrounds and will not covet Zhou Fan's storage device.

But it's not surprising that Zhou Fan wants to keep them secret.

Zhou Fan's figure disappeared in front of their eyes in an instant.

"Before Brother Zhou comes back, let's bet." Zhang Li Xiaohu rolled his eyes and said, "I'm in the village, you can bet on Brother Zhou to win, or you can bet on a line of mage to win, bet one loses one, whether it is Xuan Coins or Qi refining crystal jade can be used."

"Zhou Fan definitely didn't enter the Dao Realm, why didn't the odds go up a bit?" Xiong Feixiu asked Zhang Li Xiaohu with a sideways glance.

"Ms. Xiong, this is a small business, but I don't dare to raise it. A group of mages have already entered the Taoist realm, but Brother Zhou has never lost." Zhang Li Xiaohu said with a bitter face.

Xiong Feixiu snorted, she took out a stack of silver notes from her talisman bag and handed it to Zhang Li Xiaohu: "I bet 200,000 Xuan Coins, Zhou Fan, to win."

Zhang Li Xiaohu smiled and accepted the bank note, "Is there anyone else?"

Xing Yixing was both a martial artist and a monk this time, so he reluctantly recited Amitabha.

"One line, you don't want me to lose everything." Du Ni gritted his teeth and handed ten pieces of blue qi refining crystal to Zhang Li Xiaohu: "Bet on one line to win."

Li Chungniang smiled and said, "Brother Zhang Li, I bet 1 million Xuan coins, Brother Zhou, to win, but now I don't have so many silver notes with me, can I owe it first?"

"One million profound coins..." Zhang Li Xiaohu's face trembled, he silently recited a sentence of wealth and danger, "Miss Li, of course there is no problem."

Ye Lai Tianxiang was looking at Li Chongniang intently, she heard Li Chongniang say this, and she also said, "I bet 500,000 mysterious coins, Brother Zhou to win, and if I lose, I will give you the silver ticket."

"Okay, okay." Zhang Li Xiaohu gritted his teeth in response, and Zhang Li Xiaohu looked at Wen Xiao, Wrinkle Shenshen, and Waiting Thirteen Swords who hadn't made a bet yet.

"I'm a poor guy~www.readwn.com~ I don't have much money." Hou Shisanjian spread his hands and said, "But I can bet on the supply of blue gas refining crystal jade next month to bet that Brother Zhou will win. , Brother Zhang Li, will you take it?"

It's Zhou Fan again... Zhang Li Xiaohu's expression changed slightly, his eyes rolled around, looking at the group of people who were standing still, he snorted, "Take it."

"I don't gamble." Wen Xiao shook his head and said, "I think the two of them are similar, and the outcome is unpredictable."

Wrinkled Shenshen still had a sullen face, but when he looked at Zhang Li Xiaohu, his eyes became hot: "I want to bet three million profound coins, betting that Zhou Fan will win, do you dare to accept it?"

Three million profound coins... The corners of Zhang Li Xiaohu's eyes jumped up sharply, this is already a blue qi refining crystal jade from the Class A class for almost a year.

"What? Are you afraid that I can't afford it? If I lose, you can take the one-year blue qi refining crystal jade." Wou Shen Shen said again.

Except for one row, everyone looked deeply wrinkled.

"Brother Wu, you are really brave." Du Ni praised with a smile.

Zhang Li Xiaohu shouted at Yixing: "Axing Mage, have you really entered the Dao realm? Don't cheat on me."

From Zhang Li Xiaohu's point of view, if the party entered the Dao realm, the chances of winning would be very large. Otherwise, only Du Ni, the poor scholar, had staked ten pieces of blue qi refining crystal jade for his party, and he would have to pay for one and go bankrupt.

A group of people stood in the cold wind and did not answer Zhang Li Xiaohu's words. He felt a little cold in his heart.

It turns out that few people believed that he would win.

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