Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1016: Don't be careless

"Will you accept it?" Wrinkle Shenshen urged coldly.

Zhang Li Xiaohu shouted again, "Master Yixing, have you entered the Taoist realm?"

Three million Xuan coins is not a small amount, and with so many bets in front of him, Zhang Li Xiaohu did not dare to take it randomly.

"Amitabha, monks don't lie, the monk has indeed entered the realm of the Tao, but don't blame the monk if you lose." The party was silent for a while and replied helplessly.

"Isn't the Taoist realm still able to win a martial realm?" Zhang Li Xiaohu snorted coldly, "I'll take it, so many people are here, so don't think about reneging on your debt."

"I hope you don't default on your debt." Zou said deeply.

"Open the book of storage." Zhou Fan, who walked to no one, took out the book of storage.

"Xiaoshu is honored to serve people who love books. May I ask Xiaoming's family to buy four chickens on the first day, and four more chickens the next day. How many chickens are there in Xiaoming's family on the third day?"

Xiao Ling got out before she finished talking about the book of storage. After listening to the question, she called out, "Master, let me answer it first."

"Then hurry up." Zhou Fan said helplessly.

"First of all, it's definitely not eight, the answer won't be that simple." Xiaoxiao muttered to herself, "How many will it be? It said that on the third day, if you buy four on the third day, it should be twelve. right."

"But how can we confirm that he bought four on the third day? Xiaoming may not buy one on the third day, or maybe two, three, five, or six."

"And even if he bought it on the third day, he might have slaughtered the chicken two days before and ate it."

"So how many are there?"

Xiao Ling felt a little dizzy, "This question is too difficult, no matter what, I can only gamble. The answer is twelve."

"The answer is wrong, book lovers have another chance." A pleasant voice came from the book of storage.

"The answer is eight." Zhou Fan said hurriedly.

"Congratulations, the answer is correct, the book of storage has been opened."

Xiao Qian said angrily, "Why is the answer so simple, why eight?"

Zhou Fan opened the book of storage and said with a smile, "This question is so simple, its answer is not reasonable, but it is set up for those who think it is not so simple, it is anti-psychological, anyway, the answer is this , don't be unconvinced."

"Shameless little book." Xiao Ling said angrily.

Unfortunately, the Book of Storage did not respond.

Zhou Fan took out the German sword from the book of storage, and he closed the book of storage.

"Master, is that group difficult to deal with? You need both swords to come together." Xiao Ling looked at Zhou Fandao with some puzzlement.

"It's not difficult, it's rare to have such a good opportunity to get a pair of knives, of course you have to practice it." Zhou Fan smiled and put the book of storage into the talisman bag, "Okay, get back to my body, we have to go back. already."

Xiao Ling suffered another failure to answer the question, she let out a listless hum, and burrowed into Zhou Fan's bald head.

Zhou Fan's body returned to everyone's side in just a few teleports. At this time, Zhang Li Xiaohu had just accepted Wrinkle's deep bet.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Fan felt that the atmosphere among the crowd was a little strange, so he couldn't help asking.

"Brother Zhou, you should be pitiful. If he wants to win, you are going crazy. You must keep your hands and lose to him." Zhang Li Xiaohu looked at Zhou Fandao with a sad face.

"Sect Master Zhang Li, this joke is too much." The party said with a serious face.

Zhang Li Xiaohu coughed lightly and didn't speak any more.

"Donor Zhou, Donor Zhang Li is just joking, please do your best." The line said solemnly again, he wanted to win, but he didn't want to win by begging.

"Brother Zhou, Brother Zhang Li opened a bet, and many people bought you to win, so he thought you would lose." Li Chungniang explained with a smile.

Only then did Zhou Fan understand. He looked at Zhang Li Xiaohu and said, "Can I still bet? If I bet to buy myself to win, then I will definitely go all out and never cheat."

"How much do you want to buy to win yourself?" Zhang Li Xiaohu asked with a wary expression.

"How much is the highest at present?" Zhou Fan asked.

"Currently the highest is the deeply wrinkled three million profound coins." Zhang Li Xiaohu said.

Zhou Fan glanced at Wrinkle Deep with some surprise, and Wrinkle Deep had a cold face, without much expression.

"Brother Wrinkle really looks down on me." Zhou Fan smiled and said, "Then I want to buy myself to win, 10 million profound coins."

Ten million Xuan coins, Zhang Li Xiaohu's face trembled slightly and said, "Brother Zhou, you are a contestant, I will not accept your bet."

"Brother Zhou, why don't I raise it for you." Li Chungniang said with a small smile.

"That doesn't work either, I've already closed the plate." Zhang Li Xiaohu said again.

Zhang Li Xiaohu really didn't dare to take it any more, otherwise Zhou Fan would win, then he would have to consider what kind of suicide method would be more suitable, and he was a little panicked now.

"That's a pity." Zhou Fan said with some regret, he walked towards the field, and soon stood opposite the line.

"Ten million Xuan Coins" said with a faint smile on their faces, "It seems that Patron Zhou is very confident."

"My cultivator, if you don't have this confidence, how can you go further on this road?" Zhou Fan pulled out the rusty knife and said, "Is there any rules for this competition?"

"Just follow the rules of martial artist competition." The smile on Yixing's face converged.

In non-life-and-death competitions between warriors, except for their own weapons, it is forbidden to use any talisman equipment.

"You have already entered the Dao Realm, and you can use many tools that warriors can't use. I'm afraid this is unfair to you." Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows.

"No problem." Yixing shook his head and said, "I don't have any tools I want to use. Besides, I have already taken advantage of my cultivation realm. How can I take advantage of everything? If Donor Zhou has nothing to say, then I think we can start."

Zhou Fan didn't speak anymore, he nodded, indicating that it was time to start. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

The people on the side were watching intently, wanting to know who would win in this battle with a similar realm.

A line of awe-inspiring faces, he slapped it out with a palm, and the still golden astral palm pushed out horizontally, and the compressed air became a little suffocated.

A line of golden palms arrived in an instant, and Zhou Fan slashed the palms with a knife full of true energy.

With a bang, Zhou Fan flew out and landed on the ground. He stepped on three deep footprints in a row, and then stopped. He looked at the line that was standing still.

Xiong Feixiu let out a light snort. She felt that Zhou Fan wouldn't be so bad, but she slapped her with a palm.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, even if she first entered the Dao Realm, the true qi that has been tempered three times has really undergone qualitative changes. It contains true qi, but it is not completely true qi. In terms of pure power, compared to The True Qi that has been tempered three times in the Qi Gang segment is much more terrifying." Li Chungniang explained softly.

"Master Zhou, don't be careless." The party did not pursue the victory, but said slowly.

Zhou Fan felt a slight tingling in the tiger's mouth holding the rusty knife. Strictly speaking, this was the first time he had a face-to-face test with a Taoist cultivator.


The transparent sword gang was looming in the air, and before everyone could see it clearly, they tore a line of monk robes on the left arm in an instant.

It was only then that Yixing came to his senses. He looked at the white rags that fell on the ground, his eyes were stunned, "What a quick knife."

"Don't be careless." Zhou Fan said slowly.

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