Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1022: black crow

"You guessed this?" The man in black asked in surprise.

"It's not hard to guess, right?" Xing Yi said lightly.

"Yes." The black-clothed man nodded and said, "As you think, we provide the Great Sutra of Raising Buddha from the Devil's Womb to those young geniuses in the Great Buddhist Temple who want to practice this technique, but very few dare to do so."

"Why do you do this?" A line asked the question in his heart.

"How do I know this? Maybe it's to deal with the vicious conspiracy of your Great Buddhist Temple." The man in black scratched his head and said helplessly: "This is the first decision."

"Let you bring out such an important practice, aren't you afraid of spreading it out and harming the world?" Xing Yi said coldly.

"It's not as serious as you think. The people who are really qualified to bring out the "Sutra of Raising the Buddha from the Devil's Womb" are all people who are worthy of the trust of the small Buddhist temple, and we have already made an oath, and those who do not meet the conditions stated by the first one are not allowed. According to rumors, as for those of you who have obtained the "The Great Sutra of Raising Buddha from the Devil's Womb", you have also made an oath that you are not allowed to teach it to anyone." The black-clothed man smiled and said, "This practice is so important, whether it is a big Buddhist temple or a small one. Buddhist temples don’t want it to leak out.”

"You once told me that the "Sutra of Raising Buddhas from the Devil's Womb" is a secret that is not known in the Great Buddhist Temple. If so, why does the Small Buddhist Temple also have it?" One line asked inexplicably.

"I'm not too sure about this, but the Buddhist temples have deep roots. What's so strange about the small Buddhist temples having this practice?" the black-clothed man asked back.

"No wonder there are rumors that the first small Buddhist temple is a traitor to our big Buddhist temple. Now it seems that eight out of ten rumors are true." Xing said.

"Don't say things like 'our Great Buddha Temple' anymore. You are also a traitor of the Great Buddha Temple, so how can you say such words again." The black-clothed man sneered.

"The Great Buddha Temple thinks I'm a traitor, but that doesn't mean I'm not a person from the Great Buddha Temple." Yixing said, "And I didn't promise you anything, did I?"

"Yes." The man in black said with a smile: "I will give you the "Sutra of Raising Buddha from the Devil's Womb" and save you, both are unconditional, but do you really not consider joining our little Buddhist temple?"

"In this situation, if you don't join the Little Buddha Temple, the Big Buddha Temple will definitely not let you go. Although this world is big, I'm afraid there is no place for you."

"You don't need to pay attention to it." Yixing shook his head and said, "If it's all right, we'll leave it alone."

"Alright." The black-clothed man shrugged and said, "If you don't want to join the Little Buddha Temple, I won't force it, but don't ask me to help you again."

A line of silence said: "If you see your leader, thank him for me, thank him for giving me the opportunity to be a chess piece."

After finishing speaking, they folded their hands and walked out of the wilderness, and soon disappeared from the sight of the man in black.

"Pawn..." The black-clothed man retracted his gaze and said with a chuckle, "What an interesting person, even knowing that he has become a **** in the battle between the big and small Buddhist temples, he still chooses to enter the game."

"It seems that we have found an amazing piece, but a piece is a piece after all. If you want to jump out of this game, there is a dangerous game, how can it be so easy?"

Speaking of which, the black-clothed man's voice faded, and his entire body disappeared.



The next day, the Yiluan Division received a wanted order for a party.

Because he was also a member of Class A, Zhou Fan, who was in the Yiluan Division, knew about this very quickly. He was stunned. He only had a discussion with the party yesterday. One day later, the party became a wanted criminal. .

"Enchanted... Defection..." Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly after reading the content of the wanted order.

He didn't understand why the whole party had come to such a point.

But Yixing is a secret disciple of the Great Buddha Temple, and there is almost no reason for the Great Buddha Temple to lie about this matter.

If he really falls into the devil's way... Zhou Fan sighed with regret. He has read some classics and knows that Buddhist disciples have gone astray. Once they fall into the devil's way, most of their temperaments will change greatly, becoming bloodthirsty and cruel, and the line may be over.

Of course, it's just a pity. Zhou Fan didn't do anything superfluous about it, and he didn't have much friendship with Yiyi.

If there is an innocent encounter, and it is exactly what the wanted order says, Zhou Fan may kill a line without mercy.

Soon the rest of the class A also knew about the defection of a line of demons. After the initial shock, they were either regretful or puzzled, and their moods were complicated.

But one line has disappeared, and they can't ask any more even if they want to.

After a few days of dazzling eyes, people gradually let go of this line of defection.

Zhou Fan walked out of the inn. He glanced at the gloomy gray sky and shook his head. At the end of the winter season, the weather was getting colder and colder. It was recorded in the Gaoxiang City Meteorological Record that it would snow in some years.

Therefore, the officials and institutions of Gaoxiang City have been worried recently. After the three nightmare attacks, many houses will not be built in time. If it snows, Gaoxiang City will inevitably die more people this winter.

It's just these troubles, Zhou Fan can't help too much, he walks on the street, not riding a carriage, but preparing to walk to the Yiluan Sifu.

In between your walks, be prepared to straighten out a few things.

After that banquet, he met with Li Jiuyue again. Neither of them mentioned the matter at the banquet again, it was just a pure chat, but even so, the matter was still in their hearts and affected them. The relationship between.

It's not that his relationship with Li Jiuyue has become bad, but Zhou Fan always feels a little embarrassed, and the bug girl...

Zhou Fan shook his head, I'm afraid these things can't be sorted out, and now he can only let it go.

People on the street suddenly stopped.

Zhou Fan was also a little alert and stopped. He found that many people on the street were looking up, no one spoke, and the silence was terrifying.

Zhou Fan also raised his head when he confirmed that those people were not abnormal because of watching.

There are dark birds circling in the are black crows, they are flying silently.

More and more black crows appeared in the air.

When the number of black crows reached a certain level, they burst open and turned into a black rain of blood, which sprinkled down the entire city.

It was like a unique rain in a cold world.

The defensive formation of Gaoxiang City did not block the rain for Gaoxiang City.

Black blood dripped on the mottled and vicissitudes of the city walls, the trees in the city, the newly built houses, and the ruins.

on everyone on the street.

No one avoided the black rain of blood, they seemed to have been immobilized and stood blankly.

The black blood rain is just a while, after it is sprinkled.

The entire High Elephant City resumed its movement.

There was chaos in the city, people were crying and running to their homes.

Zhou Fan wiped the blood on his face and strode forward.

The city may be over.

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