Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1023: who dares to go

Zhou Fan couldn't take care of the panic and fear caused in the city, he almost ran into the Yiluan Sifu.

There are small officials and warriors running around in the Yiluan Sifu, and there is a slight or strong fear on their faces.

"Master Zhou, Master Huang said that if you came, I told you to hurry over." The clerk said anxiously when he saw Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan nodded slightly, and he walked quickly into the meeting room.

In the meeting room, Huang Bujue and Wen Ti were in the room. When they saw Zhou Fan, whose clothes had been dried by infuriating energy, but still had black stains, his face was full of worry.

"Is it still safe in the city?" Zhou Fan asked with a heavy face.

"I haven't heard any abnormal reports for the time being." Huang Bujue said solemnly: "Master Shen and Eunuch Zhang will be there soon, and they have already sent a message to the three elders to come over."

"Actually, if they don't send a message, they will come over immediately." Wen Ho said with a wry smile.

This is the highest level of danger in Gaoxiang City.



"The omen of crow's blood?" Li Jiuyue asked Liu Sanhuo, looking at him.

"The omen of the crow's blood is an omen formation set up by Gaoxiang City. It is integrated with Gaoxiang City. When it predicts that there is a huge danger coming, it will give an omen." Liu Sanhuo said in a hurry, "This is not the real black crow, but It is an omen formation made with precious Gnosis Crow blood as the core."

"The residents of Gaoxiang City are aware of the existence of the omen of crow's blood, and the omen of crow's blood generally does not appear, just like the last nightmare that attacked the city, it did not respond, but in the history of Gaoxiang City, the omen of crow's blood appeared three times, every time All of them have to do with unknowable gossip."

"On those three occasions, Gaoxiang City escaped the catastrophe once without suffering too much loss, and the other two times, only one hundred people survived. In fact, the people in Gaoxiang City now have little to do with the people in Gaoxiang City before. , they all migrated from other villages, making Gaoxiang City regain its vitality."

"Young Master, we must get out of here as soon as possible!"

"Every omen, there will be unknowable monsters..." Li Jiuyue's face showed a faint fear, "No wonder the chaos in the city has become like this."

"Liu Sanhuo, you go to set up the teleportation formation immediately, and we'll leave later." Chen Bopi didn't wait for Li Jiuyue's order, she said directly.

Because I don't know where the danger is and where it appears, it is the safest way to escape the danger by spending a huge price to arrange a teleportation formation and teleport out of the Gaoxiang County area!

"Yes, I had already prepared someone before I came." Liu Sanhuo replied.

Liu Sanhuo sighed in his heart. Because of the teleportation formation, the more people teleported, the more resources they need to consume. The resources they have been preparing can take away five people at most.

The rest of the people can only stay away from Gaoxiang City as soon as possible like those city residents.

"Tell Zhou Fan, let him come to us and walk with us." Li Jiuyue said after calming down, but he stood up immediately: "Forget it, let me find him."

"Young master, this is too risky." Chen Pepi objected: "We can send a message to tell him and let him come over."

"Aunt Peipi, there is too little information to be sent by the message talisman. He works for Secretary Yiluan, and it is impossible to take time to come here." Li Jiuyue looked at Chen Pepi and said, "I'll go to him and tell him the danger of this matter. , let him go with us."

"Everyone in the city knows it, even if you don't say it, he knows it." Chen Pepi said solemnly.

"Manager Chen is right, it's impossible for Zhou Gongzi not to know." Liu Sanhuo also said.

"But he doesn't know that we have a safer way to escape." Li Jiuyue frowned: "These words can't be said clearly in the message symbol."

"Young Master, this is too risky, just let me go, as long as I don't die, the message will definitely be brought to Young Master Zhou." Liu Sanhuo knelt down and persuaded: "Now you and Director Chen should stay beside the formation, the formation will be As soon as it's done, teleport out of here."

"If the young master is not at ease, then I will accompany the young master." Chen Bopi calmly said: "But it is best not to do this."

"Old Liu, what if he doesn't want to leave?" Li Jiuyue looked at Liu Sanhuo and asked coldly, "He is a member of the Yiluan Division. I'm afraid it will be difficult to evacuate early."

"This..." Liu Sanhuo was silent: "I don't know, what should the young master say?"

"Tell him for me, and let him think about his parents and Xiaoliu before taking the risk. If the opportunity is not right, then there is no need to continue to persevere, leave him an activation token of the formation, and tell him the formation of the formation. The location, let him decide for himself." Li Jiuyue sighed.

"Okay, I'll go right away." Liu Sanhuo took the order and left immediately.

Liu Sanhuo not only wanted to pass the letter, but also had more things waiting for him to do, so he was in such a hurry.



"Little wrinkle." Eunuch Ao rushed into the hall with a look of panic.

"My lord, I have heard about this." Wrinkle deeply cupped his hands.

"It's good if you know, clean up, let's go quickly." Eunuch Ao took a breath and said with some fear: "This place in Gaoxiang City is really haunted. Why are there all kinds of monsters and monsters, our family said that this place can't be stayed."

"But my lord, your official position..." Zou Shen couldn't help but said.

"What kind of official position? This special envoy is only temporary. If you run away, you will escape. Even if you are held accountable afterwards, it is better than dying here. This is an unknowable and strange disaster." Duke Ao said sharply, and he asked the people's congress in the house. Roar: "Don't be slow, quickly pack up all our gold and silver belongings and take them out of the city."

During the time that Grandpa Ao was in Gaoxiang City, he did not intervene in the affairs of the Yiluan Company, but he did a lot of harm to the big and small families in the city, and looted a lot of property.

He thinks that as a eunuch, if you don't know how to scavenge people's fat, then you're not a good eunuch!

Moreover, it is still those families.

After Eunuch Ao finished yelling at those bastards, he tugged at his deeply wrinkled right arm and said urgently: "Let's go first, gold and silver property later, if we wait for disaster to strike, it will be too late to leave."

Wrinkle Shenshen replied but the two of them were stopped before they reached the door.

The one who stopped them was the magistrate Lin of Gaoxiang County Government.

"Eunuch Ao, you have to save the official." Before Eunuch Ao could speak, the county magistrate knelt down and hugged Eunuch Ao's leg and wept bitterly.

"Shut up." Eunuch Ao scolded sharply.

The county magistrate Lin burst into tears, and he quickly stopped.

"In this case, shouldn't you organize mobilization in the county office to prepare for disaster?" Ao Gong was fair.

"These matters are handed over to the people below." The county magistrate Lin still said with a sad expression: "Eunuch Ao, there are old and young people in the lower officials, can I go with you?"

If he escaped by himself, even if he was lucky enough to escape, he would definitely only become a fugitive and be wanted by the officials, but following this special envoy of the Jinggong would be different.

"You said to leave?" Ao Gonggong was trembling with anger. He kicked the county magistrate Lin in the face and roared, "Who said our family is leaving, our family is going to supervise you."

"The calamity is at the head, the Holy One is raising you for this kind of time, whoever dares to leave, our family will definitely kill him for the Holy One!"

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