Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1024: What will it be

Grandpa Ao kicked the county magistrate several times and told him to go back to work quickly.

"Eunuch Ao, are you really not going to leave? It's not just the lower officials, there are also several colleagues outside who hope to protect the special envoy and take refuge outside the city. As long as they leave the city, the lower officials will give all their wealth... "..." The county magistrate Lin trembled again and dared to persuade.

"There are several more..." Ao Gonggong shook his face, and he scolded angrily and awe-inspiringly, "You guys are going to go back to our family to do things. Who can afford to escape this kind of guilt?"

The county magistrate Lin glanced at Eunuch Ao in disappointment, bowed and walked out.

As soon as the Magistrate Lin left, Eunuch Ao was in a hurry to turn around several times, but did not step out of the door for a long time.

"Sir, what are you thinking about?" Wrinkle asked strangely.

At such a time, shouldn't Eunuch Ao flee for his life in a hurry? Actually thinking here.

"These bastards, bastards!" Ao Gonggong said with a livid face, "Didn't you just take some of their gold and silver jewelry? You dare to corrupt our house."

He thought about it, and finally sighed, "Little wrinkle, you go first, I'm afraid we will stay for a while longer."

"Our family escaped alone, there must be a way to keep ourselves safe, but those dog officials are eyeing our family. If our family leaves at this time, maybe they will all escape, and our family will definitely fall into one. He was the one who took the lead in escaping, regardless of the lives of the people in the city.”

"This is a big sin, it will not only bring shame to the godfather, but maybe even the godfather can't save our family." Eunuch Ao said with a sullen expression.

"That's the case, I'll stay to protect the lord." Zou Shen Shen didn't think much about it, he didn't despise Eunuch Ao's approach of escaping when a catastrophe was imminent, because he already knew what kind of person Eunuch Ao was, but Eunuch Ao wanted to stay, Nor will he go.

This is the oath he made at the beginning.

"Small wrinkle." Eunuch Ao persuaded a few words with a moved face, but wrinkled deeply unmoved.

"Okay, then let's stay together." Eunuch Ao gritted his teeth and said, "Those **** have made our family like this, our family will go to supervise them to see who dares to escape, and our family who dares to escape will definitely report to the Holy Spirit, Punish the nine clans!"



The omen of the crow's blood showed that not only was the city chaotic, but the 18 villages, academies, and Baixiang Temple outside the city soon learned the news, and they were faced with various choices.

Some people left everything and fled without hesitation, but more people hesitated or were dragged by various things and were unable to leave and escape.

The meeting room of the Yiluan Division.

Zhou Fan, the envoy of the four towns, Zhong Tian, ​​Mrs. Zhang Li, and Yuan Hai all arrived.

The chaotic sound inside and outside the room couldn't get in, but it didn't mean that the eight people didn't feel anxious.

The eight people are all responsible. Even Mrs. Zhang Li, it is impossible to put down everything and escape immediately. After all, Gaoxiang City is the foundation of Zhang Li's family. When he came here, he just let the young core generation of the family pass the teleportation array first. flee.

The rest who cannot use the teleportation formation are to prepare to escape and leave immediately. Unless they can escape very far, it is not necessarily safer than the city with the rune wall.

There are people to prepare for disaster-proof matters, they don't need to discuss such things, they are more concerned about other more important things.

"No abnormality has been found yet. Could it be that there is a problem with the omen formation?" Mrs. Zhang Li asked anxiously.

"The Master Fu in the house has been asked to check, but no problem has been found." Huang Bujue denied this statement by Mrs. Zhang Li.

"Everything is normal, it means that something abnormal has not appeared yet." Zhongtian said with a sullen face, "I have asked the academy to prepare, how is the White Elephant Temple?"

The last time he and Mr. Zhang Li left the city, Gao Xiangcheng suffered a great disaster, which made him feel very uncomfortable, and it didn't take long for this to happen.

"The White Elephant Temple is also making preparations." Yuanhai frowned and said, "It's just that we don't know anything, and the preparations are inevitably not targeted."

"Yeah, what exactly is it?" Huang Bujue's face was serious and puzzled. "If it is an unknowable or almost unknowable monster trying to attack Gaoxiang City, why is there no sign?"

"The red bones of Desolate Pond in Luoshui Township and the monster in Qianhuan Snow Mountain have not left their realm." Zhong Tian said slowly, "This may be a new monster that has never appeared in Gaoxiang City."

"But I don't understand. In the past three times, the omen of crow's blood happened for a while, and then the disaster happened, but this time there is no sign at all. It's really strange..."

"Could it be that the catastrophe has come?" Mrs. Zhang Li firmly held his cane and looked at Zhongtian and Yuanhai.

The four town envoys also had strange expressions on their faces, of course they knew about the catastrophe.

"What catastrophe?" Zhou Fan didn't know, he asked with a frown.

"It's not a catastrophe." Zhongtian shook his head and said, "If it was, we would have received the above news."

Zhongtian looked at Zhou Fan again and said, "Now is not the time to discuss this. When the time is right, let Sir Huang and the others tell you."

Zhou Fan nodded slightly and did not ask any further questions.

Mrs. Zhang Li also understands that it is unlikely to be a catastrophe. He frowned and said, "What exactly is that? Can we just wait?"

"Could it be related to that nightmare?" Shen Jing raised this possibility.

"How is this possible, their level is not enough to touch the omen of crow blood." Eunuch Zhang shook his head.

"But what if they evolved again?" Zhou Fan suddenly said, "We don't know much about them, who knows if they will evolve again?"

"They haven't appeared during this period of time. They may have entered the dormant period of evolution. Now that they are awake, because they have become stronger, they will only touch the omen formation when they hide in the It's possible." Zhongtian looked at Huang Bujue and said, "You can tilt some of your strength to prepare for this."

Huang Bujue responded.

Everyone discussed several possibilities before preparing to end the discussion.

In the end, Zhongtian looked at the people present and said, "Everyone, this may not be easy, but I hope you understand your responsibilities, and don't do any stupid things until there is really no hope."

This is to prevent the people of Yiluan Si from escaping in advance. In the past, it is not that such a thing has not happened.

But if you want to escape, you have to divide the situation. If you dare to escape before the hope is cut off, let's not talk about the official accountability, that is, you will not be able to get around the ghost oath made by the Yiluan Division.

Everyone nodded slightly.

Zhou Fan came out of the meeting room, all they can do now is to wait before getting ready.

As soon as he came out, an official came to tell him that a man named Liu Sanhuo was waiting for him.

Zhou Fan was a little surprised, but still asked the clerk to bring Liu Sanhuo to his room.

"Master Zhou, is it safe to speak in your room?" Liu Sanhuo asked anxiously when he saw Zhou Fan.

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