Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1028: blue-green cloud

The talisman formation was broken, Huang Bujue and the others looked at the twelve-winged monsters in the air, and they sprinted, some running towards the sky-attacking talisman, and some running towards the city wall, ready to climb up the wall to kill the twelve-winged monster deceitful.

Zhou Fan was also running towards the city wall.

Zhong Tian, ​​Mrs. Zhang Li, and Yuan Hai are also different from each other.

Zhongtian stepped straight into the air and rushed towards the twelve-winged monster.

Zhou Fan didn't know how Zhongtian did it. He guessed that Feifei should be something that a Taoist cultivator could do when he reached a certain level.

On the other hand, Mrs. Zhang Li had a crutch. He stepped on the crutch, and the crutch took him up with a bang.

Yuanhai folded his hands together and did not move. I don't know if he didn't have the means to fly, or he just wanted to wait and see what happened.

Zhou Fan felt that if he wanted to deal with the twelve-winged monster, he still had to look at the three Taoist monks in Zhongtian. Even if the rest of the people tried hard to do something, they might have little effect.

The moment the twelve-winged monster burst out of his stomach, Zhou Fan felt his hair stand on end, not because of its appearance, but an indescribably powerful pressure. This twelve-winged monster is not simple. , I am afraid it has far exceeded his strength.

Maybe the life-and-death crisis that his doom is going to suffer comes from it!

In any case, if the three Taoist monks in Zhongtian couldn't deal with these twelve-winged monsters...

The twelve-winged monster watched Zhong Tian and Mrs. Zhang Li flying towards it, its nine compound eyes just watched indifferently, and then the twelve wings trembled slightly, and the blue-green scale powder spread in the air.

Zhong Tian and Mrs Zhang Li hurriedly descended, and their bodies had a mask lit up, covering them.

The scale powder was isolated by the mask, which made Zhong Tian and Mrs. Zhang Li relieved.

Zhou Fan, who was running, also noticed this, and they used defensive shields, or directly used True Qi to place a layer of defense on the body surface.

The twelve wings swayed constantly, and the blue-green scale powder spread in the air.

Ordinary people who came into contact with the blue-green scale powder fell to the ground one after another.

And the warriors who did not make the corresponding defensive measures in time were no exception.

There were weird smiles on the faces of those who fell to the ground.

Zhou Fan had already walked up to the city wall. He opened his eyes to see this scene, and his face was shocked.

Are those people dead?

This blue-green scale powder not only spread in the city, it also spread to the eighteen villages outside the city.

"Hurry up and kill it!" Zhongtian, who was at a high place, naturally saw this scene, and he shouted with a pale face, chasing after the twelve-winged monster in the air.

The twelve-winged monster raised a twelve-legged sickle, and the sickle exhaled blue and green clouds.

Zhong Tian and Mrs Zhang Li were puzzled, but their attack arrived.

Zhongtian punched out, and his fist had silver runes emerging.

With a loud bang, the silver fist slammed into the body of the twelve-winged monster.

Mr. Zhang Li's whole body was covered with orange-red flames, but his flames were different from those used by Zhang Li Xiaohu. His flames turned into a criss-crossing fire talisman, suppressing the twelve-winged monster.

The remaining blue six-legged sickle of the Twelve-Winged Monster slashed, and the silver brilliance and orange-red flames were blasted away.

At this time, the blue and green clouds were about an acre in size, and they rotated separately, forming two vortexes of different colors.

The Twelve-Winged Monster Twelve-legged Sickle no longer spit out clouds, and it rushed towards Mrs. Zhongtian and Zhang Li.

The two fought in the air with the Twelve-Winged Monster, and three different powers were intertwined. Every time the Twelve-Winged Monster and the Eighteen-legged Sickle slashed, the blue blade slashed out.

Occasionally the sword light falls in the city, it will directly smash a house or a deep ravine will appear on the ruins.

"What exactly does it want to do?" Zhou Fan looked at the two blue and green clouds in the sky.

The warriors of Yiluan Division all stopped, they had confirmed that this level of battle, they could not help.

Apart from the commotion of the battle in the air, there was already a dead silence inside and outside the city.

It was confirmed that the person who had been hit with the blue-green scale powder was not dead, and seemed to have fallen into a coma, but hundreds of thousands of people were in a coma, and no one knew what to do.

Now only by killing the twelve-winged monster can we slowly think about solving everything.

At this moment, Yuan Hai, who had not moved, flew up in awe, but instead of helping Zhong Tian and Mrs. Zhang Li, he flew towards the two blue-green clouds in the air.

He quickly flew over two blue-green clouds.

Each cloud is one acre in size.

Yuan Hai gave a cold drink, and a golden flame spewed out of his mouth, and the golden flame quickly spread among the two clouds.

"Master Yuanhai wants to destroy those two ominous clouds." Huang Bujue said with joy on his face.

No matter why the monster released two clouds, just destroy them.

The cloud was scorched by golden flames, and a magnificent fiery cloud appeared in the air.

Yuanhai spewed golden flames, and his whole body began to slowly descend into the air. He was shaky when he landed on the ground. Obviously, it was not easy for him to spray golden flames.

That is the Buddha's flame that burns all evil.

Yuan Hai had already sat cross-legged on the ground, swallowed the medicinal pill and slowly recovered.

The dazzling fight in the air finally stopped.

Mr. Zhang Li was falling into the air, and his crutches flew towards him in a turn. He grabbed the crutches with one hand to avoid falling to the ground at a high altitude.

But in Zhou Fan's vision, he could clearly see that there were several shallow knife marks on Mrs. Zhang Li's body, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

And Zhongtian's face was also dignified floating in the air, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

This weirdness is too difficult to deal with. The two Taoist monks joined forces, but they still lost.

I am afraid that even if it is not the level of unknowable, it can be rated as a very high The Twelve-Winged Monster ignored Zhong Tian and Mrs. Zhang Li, and it flew towards the two clouds that it spewed out. go.

The golden Buddha flames gradually disappeared without a trace, while the blue-green clouds remained.

This made Zhou Fan and the others sink in their hearts, and the Buddha flame did not play the role of eliminating the cloud.

The Twelve-Winged Monster has reached the middle of the two clouds, and the nine tentacles of its nine pupils stretched into the clouds.

Zhong Tian and Mrs. Zhang Li's expressions changed slightly, and they all tried to interrupt the Twelve Wings.

But it was still too late, the clouds were rolling rapidly.

The blue cloud has dense blue-green four-winged monsters, which are countless, and the monsters cover the sky and the sun.

Seeing Zhou Fan and the others were horrified.

In the green cloud, a huge head stretched out. The head was about the same size as the green cloud. The blue-green compound eyes stared at the Gaoxiang City under the air, making Zhou Fan and the others who were still standing feel terrified.

The head of the green cloud shrank back again, and one of its huge legs first stretched out and stepped on the city wall, and the city wall collapsed in half.

Then came the second leg, and stepped on another city wall.

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