Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1029: the final array

Nightmare monsters in the sky were dense like blue-green clouds, covering the entire High Elephant City.

On the other side, the gigantic blue-green monster body has not yet fully emerged from the green cloud, but the half of its huge body exposed, the sharp and cold sickle legs as wide as a human being, makes people feel heartfelt fear.

The warriors who were still awake in the city turned pale, and then they realized that the evolved twelve-winged monster had the strongest ability to summon or teleport.

A deep sigh echoed in the city, "Flee as much as you can."

It was Zhong Tian who spoke, and he lifted the lock of hair that had been falling down to cover his right eye. A dark red round stone was inlaid in the socket of his right eye, with a faint gray dot in the center of the bead.

Yuan Hai also quickly cut the back of his right hand, blood flowed out from the cut, and inside the white flesh that was blooming, there was a faint crimson boulder emitting a faint light.

Grandpa Zhang Li watched silently, he knew that this was Guiying, where the Academy and the Great Buddha Temple stayed in Gaoxiang County.

In the streets and alleys of Gaoxiang City, a dark red rune line emerged, and the light emitted by the rune line was dimmed and brightened in harmony with the light and dark of the two round stones.

There was a whistling sound in the sky, and the blue-green nightmare monster swooped down.

Their wings don't have the heart-wrenching swirl pattern, and they are about the same size as humans, but the layers of nightmares still make everyone lose the courage to resist.

The huge talisman formation that appeared on the ground of Gaoxiang City rose into the sky with crimson rays of light, condensing into a giant of light ten feet tall.

The condensed crimson giant made the speed of the swooping monsters slow down.

This city was originally designed by the academy and the Great Buddha Temple. The talisman formation buried in the ground is the most powerful talisman formation. This talisman formation will never be activated until the final moment.

Yuankai and Nakata have disappeared in place and merged with the crimson giant.

The crimson giant slapped it with one palm, and it smashed hundreds of blue-green nightmare monsters. It spewed a crimson beam from its mouth and swept the blue-green nightmare monsters, but there were too many blue-green nightmare monsters. , and there are blue-green nightmare monsters swirls around behind the crimson giant to attack it.

There are also countless blue-green nightmare monsters swooping towards the eighteen villages inside and outside the city. They catch people who are already sleeping on the ground, and their tentacles pierce people's heads and **** them.

When Zhongtian said that he could escape, Zhou Fan had already teleported and ran towards the talisman formation that Li Jiuyue said.

He knew that if it weren't for the most desperate time, Zhongtian would not let them escape.

That is to say, the crimson giant formed by the rune formation is still fighting, but it may not be able to win this victory.

The warriors of Yiluan Division were stunned for a moment and then fled in all directions.

At a time like this, all kinds of thoughts are left behind, no one cares about anyone else, and they can only run for their lives madly on their own.

But there are still too many blue-green nightmare monsters that the crimson giants can't stop flying down, raging in the city, hunting greedily.

Zhou Fan didn't even have the desire to use a knife. He kept dodging the blue-green nightmares, and he soon entered Shangfengfang. From time to time, there were roaring explosions in the air, which made his heart tense.

As long as he can enter the talisman formation, he can escape.

It's just that he soon discovered that there were more and more strange rumors entering Shangfengfang, and almost all of them came towards him.

No matter whether he used invisible armor or constantly teleported, he could not avoid these blue-green monsters.

They were after him.

"This can't be done!" After Zhou Fan pulled out a rusty knife and slashed to death the dozen or so blue-green monsters that were close to him, his mind turned rapidly.

"These blue-green monsters are not difficult to kill, but there are too many. They are eyeing me, probably because I once killed that huge blue-green monster."

"But whether it is or not, it's a fact that I'm being targeted."

"Even if I enter the formation, I have no time to start the teleportation formation to escape!"

Without any hesitation, Zhou Fan changed his mind and ran towards the nearest north gate.

His body turned on the purple-gold armor, and also arranged a thick layer of infuriating defense, rampaging in the blue-green monsters!

But there are more and more monsters behind him and in front of him, they are swarming like crazy, and his figure is also hidden among the blue-green monsters!

It's just that Zhou Fan quickly rushed out of the blue and green monsters, and he became as vast as the sea. Whether it was the scythe-like limbs slashing on him, it was like slashing in the air!

Zhou Fan opened the boundless potential of the sea!

He constantly teleported through the defense of the immeasurable potential, and then rushed straight out of the city gate that was opened by someone.

But behind him, there were still dense blue-green monsters following behind him, even blocking the city gate.

The blue-green monsters hovering in the air kept flying down, and the sickles slashed at Zhou Fan.

There are tens of thousands of blue and green monsters entangled in Zhou Fan, as if they had stabbed a hornet's nest and were entangled by a swarm of bees. They screamed and screamed to tear Zhou Fan into pieces.

Even if Zhou Fan teleported away a distance, this area was filled with blue-green weirdness.

Zhou Fan cursed in his heart, even though he has entered the Qi Gang stage, the consumption of infuriating energy by the immeasurable potential is too terrifying, and he will use up his infuriating energy in this way.

Zhou Fan's body, the purple-gold armor, converged back, and gradually a white light covered him. It was white cotton, and he was like a thick layer of snowflakes covering his body.

Back to Tianmian!

The strange blue-green scythe slashed at Zhou Fan, and Huitian Mianjia radiated white light to resist the damage.

Seeing that these blue-green monsters couldn't return to Tianmian, Zhou Fan was relieved, and he continued to ignore these blue-green monsters and rushed out.

Back to Tianmian can last for half an hour, and for half an hour, with the teleportation-level movement technique Zhou Fan is confident that he can get rid of the area covered by the blue and green monsters.

It's just that he looked back, the crimson giant was still fighting, but his opponent became the huge blue-green monster that was also ten feet tall.

Zhou Fan didn't look any further, he kept running towards the front, these blue-green monsters were not scary, but the huge blue-green monster and the twelve-winged monster were scary.

If the crimson giant's power is exhausted and those things free up, it's all over.

Now he can only run away quickly.

The twelve-winged monster that had been hanging high in the sky seemed to have sensed something. It looked in the direction of Zhou Fan, and it let out an ear-piercing scream.

The group of blue-green monsters and the giant blue-green monsters all responded with piercing screams.

A little bit of blue-green light peeled off from all the monsters, and merged into the blue-green cloud layer.

The blue and green clouds merged, then scattered and fell toward the sky, forming a blue-green mist surrounding the area centered on Gaoxiang City.

Zhou Fan just teleported to the blue-green mist, and he had to stop when he saw the blue-green mist.

Behind him is a swarm of blue-green monsters rushing or flying like locusts.

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