Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1032: after the disaster

Desolate and desolate scenes can be seen everywhere.

Even the three northwest corners of the city were mostly turned into ruins. Countless people from aristocratic families died. Of course, some people from wealthy families survived by chance.

Unlike the other three districts, there are few survivors.

Outside the city, eighteen villages were also devastated. Those blue-green monsters appeared too suddenly, and they could smell the breath of people. Not only did they attack Gaoxiang City, but also the eighteen villages.

The strength of each of these blue-green monsters is just black hatred, but the number is too large for the village to organize effective resistance.

The only better places are the Academy and the White Elephant Temple, but in order to protect these two important places, a lot of people also died.

After the disaster, the Academy and the White Elephant Temple sent people out to rescue as many as they could.

There are also those who left early, and they all came back. They made a very correct decision and avoided this disaster, but after all, there are only a few who have the strength to go deep into the wilderness.

Yiluan Division organized the surviving warriors and sent them out to save people.

While Zhou Fan was busy, he sent messages to familiar people like Thin Monkey, Li Jiuyue, and Cao Yanfang. Fortunately, none of them had anything to do.

After confirming that they were safe, Zhou Fan turned around and got busy.

At night, the rescue continued, and the lit torches were attached with temporarily drawn talismans, dispelling the encroachment of shadows.

But the late night still brought difficulties to the search and rescue.

The talismans are drawing a big talisman, hoping to make Gaoxiang City as bright as day, but this is not easy, and we can only do our best.

The survival rate of people in a disaster will continue to decrease with the passage of time, so even at night they are reluctant to give up.

The Yiluan Sifu can be said to be a relatively complete building in the city. The Gaoxiang County government office opposite it has been turned into ruins, but this is the case, and several houses in the Yiluan Sifu have collapsed.

The roof of the meeting room was also broken open, and the dark night sky could be seen. Of course, even this small place had no time to repair it.

The indoor rune beads emit white light.

Zhou Fan and the others were sitting indoors, and they were busy during the day, so they put the discussion in the evening.

Huang Bujue was sullen. He looked at Zhongtian, Yuanhai, and Mrs. Zhang Li in the main seat.

Zhongtian and Yuanhai seemed to have aged many years in an instant. This was the price paid for using Guiying to activate that formation.

The old man Zhang Li looked exhausted, and many people in the Zhang Li family also died.

The four envoys of the four towns all had different injuries, but they were all minor injuries. They were very strong, and Zhongtian let them escape, so they all survived.

In comparison, Zhou Fan is considered good. He didn't have any injuries on his body, but he also paid a small price. After being possessed, there is no time to do anything else.

There was supposed to be a lot to talk about when we got together, but in fact, I didn't know what to say.

Gaoxiang City is considered to be abandoned, and it will not be able to restore the appearance of its heyday in a few years.

"This matter is caused by the Eclipse Sun Sect and the Thousand Delusions Alliance. It must not be left like this." Mrs. Zhang Li said solemnly.

If it weren't for the fact that the Eclipse Sun Sect wanted to transport the three monsters of unknown origin to the High Elephant City, and then coupled with the attack of the Qianxuan Alliance, how could it have caused such a catastrophe?

"The Eclipse Sun instructor's family has been trying to exterminate it, but what's going on with the Qianjing League? I suspect that there is someone in the general office of Yiluan who is protecting the Qianjing League!" Huang Bujue said loudly with anger on his face.

"Gaoxiangcheng has become like this, no matter who does such a thing in the general office of Yiluan, they can't escape." Zhongtian said slowly.

One hundred and five cities in one hundred and five counties, for Dawei officials, it is very difficult to accept that such a city is destroyed. How many heads rolled down.

But even so, it is difficult to save so many innocent lives.

This kind of thing is done by the people above, and they discuss too much and it is meaningless.

"Amitabha, what the poor monk is more worried about is what happened to those giant dogs that killed the nightmare monsters and those gray-blue monsters?" Yuanhai said worriedly.

"The poor monk has never heard of their existence. They wiped out the nightmare and disappeared before our eyes, but will they appear again? Is it good or evil?"

Everyone looked at each other, Zhou Fan said: "I have seen it in Yangzhai, Luoshui Township, those gray-blue monsters are the nightmare spirits that were born under the nightmare, all the nightmare spirits in Yangzhai City have disappeared before, I suspect that they are related to them. There are relationships."

"Yes, Luoshui Township once reported that all the 100,000 nightmare spirits in Yangzhai City had disappeared." Huang Bujue also remembered and said.

This kind of thing can't be hidden, so Zhou Fan will say it, but he can't explain the origin of the giant dog, so he didn't say it.

"Nightmare Spirit? Is that the giant dog too? If it's Nightmare Spirit, why help us?" Mrs. Zhang Li asked inexplicably.

Maybe it has something to do with me... Zhou Fan thought silently.

"Although I don't know what happened, they helped us a lot." Zhongtian sighed and said, "Otherwise, it wouldn't be Gaoxiang City and the eighteen villages that were destroyed."

Zhongtian and Yuanhai mobilized the formation at that time to form a crimson giant to fight against the blue-green monsters, not only to give Zhou Fan and the others time to escape, but also because they understood that if they could not kill the blue-green monsters, That Gaoxiang City was destroyed, so these blue-green monsters are more likely to spread to the five townships of Gaoxiang County...

At that time, the entire Gaoxiang County will suffer a huge disaster, so they desperately want to try to see if they can kill them. Even if they can't, they must try to weaken their power.

But the crimson giant couldn't support the idea of ​​completing the two of them. In the end, a group of nightmare spirits eliminated those blue-green, so Zhongtian would say that the nightmare spirits helped a lot.

"It's just that the poor monk is afraid that they will become a disaster." Yuanhai frowned.

"If it is, then there is no way. This battle will almost exhaust the heritage of Gaoxiang County." Zhongtian shook his head and said, "If they are really malicious to us, we can't do anything."

"The only way now is to report the matter and let the officials deal with it."

"That's the only way." Yuanhai nodded.

The people discussed a few things about post-disaster reconstruction. The people who came back from the rescue would definitely not be able to rebuild, but the rescue team from Wuxiang, Gaoxiang County was already in the process of rushing over.

Gaoxiang City was originally located in the center of Wuxiang, so the rescue team from Wuxiang would not be slow to come.

But these rescue teams are only emergency rescues. Longer reconstruction requires more people. Population growth will take a long time, but this is not impossible. Many civilians came to complete the reconstruction of Gaoxiang City.

After the difficult reconstruction is completed, these migrants will be able to settle down in Gaoxiang City and become a new generation of city residents in Gaoxiang City.

Weird world of immortality

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