Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1033: the world

"Before we left the palace and left Jingdu, we had no idea that the world outside would be so miserable." Ao Gonggong lying on the ground was covered with black sludge, he looked at the dark sky and muttered to himself, "Tianliang City is like this. I didn't expect that the Gaoxiang City, which is so much more prosperous than Tianliang City, turned into ruins in an instant."

"The world is so difficult. Jingdu and Jinggong are probably the only places of stability in the Great Wei Dynasty. It's no wonder that every year, people desperately want to settle down in Jingdu."

Wrinkle beside him sat cross-legged deeply, with a long sword on his knees, looking at the surrounding firelight and slowly said: "Master, before entering the palace, do you know what the outside world is like?"

"When we entered the palace, our family was only a few years old, and we didn't even know where our family was. How could we remember what happened outside?" Eunuch Ao said softly, "Little wrinkle, you have to cultivate hard, and when your cultivation level arrives, just follow suit. Let's go to Jingdu, don't stay in such a small place, or you won't know how to die."

In this disaster, in fact, even if Wrinkle Shenshen was not there, Grandpa Ao would not die, but it would be very troublesome in the end. His godfather left him several life-saving items, but these life-saving items could not be used until the critical time.

"My lord, I will go if you want." Zou Shen Shen said lightly, these are not big things for him, and his purpose is only one, that is to defeat Zhou Fan.

This disaster is so dangerous, Wrinkle Shenshen has not seen Zhou Fan yet, but he is not dead, Zhou Fan is unlikely to die in this disaster, no one has more confidence in Zhou Fan than him.

"Xiao Wu, are you thinking about Zhou Fan again?" Ao Gonggong said sourly: "Our family found that our family is not as important as that Zhou Fan in your heart."

Wrinkled deeply with a stern face, the corners of his eyes jumped and said: "Sir, I have sworn to follow you all my life, and my life is yours."

"But your heart is not here in our house."

"Sir, don't say such words that are easily misunderstood." Wrinkle said coldly, the blue veins on the back of his hand bursting out.

"Just kidding, our family understands Xiaozuo's loyalty." Grandpa Ao changed the subject with a smile: "It's really uncomfortable to lie here, but the house has collapsed, so I can only temporarily bow down."

"Sir, why don't you go to the Yiluan Sifu? Where will they have a house for you to live in?" Zou Shen Shen asked a little puzzled.

"Xiaozuo, you don't understand, our family wish they would be honored and sacrificed as our family." Eunuch Ao sighed, "Our family is unlucky, Gaoxiangcheng was beaten like this, someone must be blamed."

"Although this incident has nothing to do with our family, who made our family the biggest official here, and a charge of poor supervision is not a good thing."

"If they think that our family has sacrificed, then this pot will not fall on our family's body. When all the guilt is settled, our family will come out and operate again, and we will be safe and sound..."

"But this has to be told to the godfather, lest he think that our family is dead, it must be very sad..."

Wrinkle Shen Shen listened silently, thinking that his adults sometimes think too much?

Eunuch Ao nagging for a while, then he suddenly said softly: "Xiao Wu, our family is tired."

"Sir, don't say such scary words, you have no injuries at all, you are just tired, go to bed early." Wrinkle Shen Shen said lightly.

"I really hope none of this happened." Grandpa Ao muttered, then closed his eyes and stopped talking.



Zhou Fan couldn't help but looked down at the ground again, and after confirming that the ghost burial coffin the size of a grain of rice had really left, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Even if the blue-green monster has been eliminated, it does not necessarily mean that his crisis has been lifted.

After the giant dog disappeared with the nightmare spirit, Zhou Fan had opened his eyesight and looked at the ground on his back many times, and found that the ghost burial coffin disappeared at some point.

Even if the ghost burial coffin appears, nothing good will happen, but its appearance lets Zhou Fan know that the doom of the lifeless person has played a role.

Now that the ghost burial coffin disappeared and no longer followed him, the crisis had indeed passed.

The doom of the lifeless is too terrifying, and Zhou Fan's heart is heavy.

After coming out of the meeting room, Zhou Fan was assigned another task and left the Yiluan Sifu to help rescue.

At this time, even the envoys from the four towns have to join in the rescue, and Zhou Fan is no exception.

It wasn't until late at night that another group of people came to replace Zhou Fan's group, and Zhou Fan walked towards the Yiluan Sifu. There were too many things happening today, and he couldn't help feeling sleepy.

The talisman masters have not yet made the big talismans that illuminate the entire Gaoxiang City. Now they are just replacing them with small talismans. The ruins are lit up with incandescent rays of light, and people are running to help from time to time.

The streets and alleys had already been covered up, and Zhou Fan was also walking on the rubble and wood, but he quickly raised his eyebrows, because even though there was a lot of noise everywhere, he felt that something was following him.

He kept walking, turned on his ear consciousness and listened carefully, and sure enough, there were very light footsteps following him.

Zhou Fan's heart suddenly tightened. Or a face-to-face meeting?

It's just that he quickly felt that something was wrong, because as long as he was a martial artist who was familiar with the third stage of Qi refining, he should be on guard against the eavesdropping of his ears and wanted to hide his footsteps.

The footsteps that followed behind him were too casual.

Zhou Fan thought of this, his body disappeared in place, and soon landed in a dark place where the light could not shine, the person who made the sound is here!

Worrying about the misjudgment, Zhou Fan had already pulled out the rusty knife, but there was no figure here, his eyes were sharp, and he soon discovered that there was a mass of something smaller than a human head in the dark.

Is it a quirk?

Zhou Fan was hesitating whether to cut a knife first, but the little thing made a 'wang' sound.

Zhou Fan laughed dumbly. It turned out to be a Such a catastrophe happened in the city, and the puppy was lucky not to die.

Zhou Fan put away the rusty knife, but he still maintained a certain degree of caution, and a cold blue flame lit up at his fingertips, illuminating this corner.

It was only then that he saw clearly that this was a local dog who had just learned to run, with ugly khaki hair and a pair of prickly ears.

Zhou Fan's heart softened, he thought of his brother, sighed, and brought up the puppy.

The puppy hummed again and struggled.

"Why do you keep following me? Is your master still alive?" Zhou Fan asked softly.

He carried the puppy back to the Yiluan Sifu. The puppy's fur was stained with black and gray dust and was dirty.

Zhou Fan threw the puppy into the hot water basin and washed it before turning around to go out to find food.

Soon Zhou Fan brought the food back, he distributed some to the puppy, and when the puppy ate it, Zhou Fan felt relieved. If the puppy hadn't been weaned, it would be troublesome.

It's just that after the puppy is full, it trembles all over and its hair stands on end.

"What's wrong with you?" Zhou Fan looked at the puppy strangely.

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