Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1046: changes at home

If Li Jiuyue said where he was, Zhou Fan would definitely give up the plan to go home first and go to find Li Jiuyue first, but there was no news for a day. Zhou Fan has now confirmed that he has lost contact with Li Jiuyue and Li Chungniang. .

In fact, Zhou Fan already understood at noon, so after noon, Zhou Fan speeded up his pace. With his foot strength, if he and Li Jiuyue were in different directions, now I am afraid it has exceeded the distance that the message can convey. .

The main reason for the loss of contact is probably that the two deliberately avoided him from seeing each other.

The world is so big, if the two want to avoid him, Zhou Fan has no choice for the time being.

He could only sigh, that's fine, he was still thinking about what to do after the meeting, but now that he can't find anyone, he can be quiet, things happen even if they don't happen, and a proper way is needed.

This kind of thing is too difficult for him to deal with.

"Master, turn over the roast beef quickly, it's about to be scorched." Xiao Qian shouted.

Zhou Fan can only temporarily put aside these thoughts and turn the roast beef over.

After eating a full meal of roast beef, Xiao Ling touched her round belly and patted the little girl's dog's head: "Little girl, follow me, don't worry, you don't have to worry about eating and drinking."

The little girl gave a small snort, and it turned its tail towards Zhou Fan, obviously knowing who was its owner.

Zhou Fan chuckled lightly, and he rubbed the little sister's dog's head. The food intake of this little thing was a bit unexpected, and its food intake was almost the same as Xiao Qian's.

Even if he was just born, he is smarter than an ordinary dog, but he cannot be treated as an ordinary dog.

Zhou Fan remembered the situation where it brought a group of nightmare spirits to kill that terrifying nightmare, he couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth, he whispered: "I didn't give you your name, don't look for it. I, if you want to look for it, look for Xiao Qian."

Little sister: "Wang?"

Xiao Ling was walking not far away, she sneezed, she raised her head again and smiled happily.

Two days later, Zhou Fan, who had been busy all the way, finally saw the Burning Valley, and he smiled a little tiredly.

If it weren't for the support of the teleportation-level movement technique and the dragon's blood to quickly restore the infuriating energy, it would be almost impossible to return to the Burning Valley in three days.

Even if it is three days, it can only be done because the journey is smooth.

Back here, Zhou Fan's spirit suddenly calmed down.

Even though he hadn't lived in Burning Valley for many days, there was Sanqiu Village and his home here.

Feeling that he had been away for a long time, Zhou Fan hurriedly walked forward, and soon met the members of the patrol team in Burning Valley.

There were very few patrol members who didn't recognize Zhou Fan. They were happy, but they didn't forget to let Zhou Fan pass a series of tests such as the test of the deceitful talisman.

When Zhou Fan entered the patrol camp, the patrol leader Lu Kui, Muzheng Luo Kaitian, and Huang Mao, two talismans, had all gathered to see Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan was also very happy to meet Lu Kui and the others whom he had not seen for a while. After joking with them for a while, he was relieved when he learned that everything in the village was safe.

In fact, if something really happened in the village, someone would definitely contact him through the message talisman and through the messenger channel of Secretary Yiluan, so that he would not know anything about it.

And he also communicated with his family from time to time, and he was very reassured about everything in the village.

After Zhou Fan made an appointment to invite them to drink again tomorrow, he hurried home.

Not long after Zhou Fancai returned home, his parents also learned from the people in the village that they would soon return home from the fields.

Even if the money Zhou Fan gave them would never be spent in a lifetime, they still like to do some farm work. Zhou Fan knows that it is difficult to change a person's habits, so he can only let them be, as long as they like it.

As soon as Niang Guifeng saw Zhou Fan, her eyes were red, but she held back her tears, but happily blamed: "Afan, why are you so thin?"

Zhou Fan scratched his head, it seems that parents all over the world like to say this.

Father Zhou Yimu was still as usual, taciturn, and nodded slightly to Zhou Fan.

"Afan." A crisp female voice sounded outside. A little girl rushed to Zhou Fan as if flying from outside the house, jumped up and hugged Zhou Fan and choked, "You're back."

It was Xiaoliu.

Behind Xiaoliu was an old hen, the same old hen Huangmao that she had rescued with her own deceitful abilities.

Huang Mao had great hostility towards Zhou Fan, who had killed it, and it was fluffed up with chicken feathers and giggled.

Zhou Fan smiled and rubbed Xiao Liu's hair, looking at her crying red nose, the same face as his sister, but he knew in his heart that Xiao Liu was Xiao Liu, at least not now.

Thinking of his sister, Zhou Fan glanced at the puppy named Xiaomei at his feet. The little sister once left a message for him to call him brother, and the younger sister called him that way before.

But just based on this title, how can you be sure that this puppy is related to her sister?

If she is in this world, Xiao Liu is more likely to be her.

Zhou Fan restrained these thoughts, made Xiao Liu laugh, and talked with his parents easily.

After talking for a while, the parents went to get lunch, and planned to invite the parents of Thin Monkey and Xiaoliu over to eat.

When the parents went to get lunch, only Zhou Fan and Xiao Liu were left.

Xiao Xiao jumped out and greeted Xiao Liu. Xiao Liu knew about Xiao Xiao's existence, but Zhou Fan didn't dare to let his parents know, for fear that they would be worried.

Xiao Liu really likes Xiao Ling, the elf little man.

This little man, Xiao Qian, has always been very sweet in front of outsiders, making Xiao Liu giggle.

After talking for a while, Zhou Fan let Xiao Ling go back into his body, afraid that his parents would see it.

"Xiao Liu, what state are you in now?" Zhou Fan asked with concern.

He didn't let Xiaoliu say this in the letter, for fear that others would know Xiaoliu's special features.

"Afan, I'm already in the speed segment." Xiao Liu smiled sweetly, and her eyebrows also bent down.

After saying that Xiaoliu disappeared in appeared behind Zhou Fan, she tugged on the clothes behind Zhou Fan, and instantly returned to the same place.

This is the teleportation-level movement technique.

Zhou Fan's face was full of joy, he didn't expect Xiaoliu's progress to be so fast.

The inheritance left by Rouge is very complete, not only the exercises, but also enough resources.

"But this movement method consumes too much vitality in the body and can't last." Xiaoliu said with some distress: "Master said that this situation will be improved in the future when the realm is high."

"Your master is right, don't worry too much." Zhou Fan smiled and said: "Xiao Liu, you are already on the right path, but you must guard against arrogance and impetuousness, and you can't be too arrogant or too eager for success..."

Zhou Fan shares his experience with Xiao Liu.

Xiao Liu listened attentively, and she asked expectantly, "Then Afan, when can I go outside with you?"

She was in the village thinking about it every day.

"When you enter the Dao Realm, I will take you there, if you are willing to let your parents." Zhou Fan promised with a smile: "But I will stay at home for a while, and I can go to the wild with you, so that you can have Opportunity to fight.”

Xiao Liuxi smiled and nodded in agreement.

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