Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1047: Jade's Secret

Zhou Fan also asked about Xiao Liu's talent for cheating. After all, Xiao Liu is still young, and cheaters need to beware of the problem of cheating.

Xiaoliu's deceitful talent is mainly to heal and make the healer close to and even obey, of course, the latter has not been fully confirmed.

Moreover, Xiaoliu seems to have to pay an unknown price for using her talent for cheating, so Zhou Fan strictly forbids Xiaoliu to use her talent for cheating, so as not to pay an unbearable price.

Xiaoliu is very obedient. She usually just uses "Wanmuchun" to develop her talent for deceiving people and does not allow herself to be deceitful. After that attempt to save Huang Mao, she never used her talent for deceiving people again.

It didn't take long for Zhang Carpenter and his wife and Xiaoliu's parents to arrive at Zhou Fan's house, and Zhou Fan and Xiaoliu didn't talk about these things.

Zhang Carpenter and his wife asked about the thin monkey, and Zhou Fan replied with a smile. The thin monkey still stayed in Gaoxiang City with the people in the Baihong Pavilion.

Lunch was quickly prepared, and everyone sat down to chat and eat.

After sitting for a while after the meal, Zhang Carpenter and his wife and Xiao Liu's family all went back.

Xiaoliu didn't want to leave at first, but her parents took her away, not to prevent Xiaoliu from contacting Zhou Fan, but thinking that Zhou Fan had just returned, and he should have a lot to say with his parents.

In the afternoon, Zhou Fan was at home talking and chatting with his parents, talking about some things he encountered outside.

Of course, Zhou Fan, who was too dangerous, was omitted, but Rao was so surprised that Niang Guifeng was shocked. The outside world was obviously more dangerous than she thought.

"Afan, it's too dangerous outside, otherwise you don't want to go out, just stay at home." Gui Feng said worriedly.

"Don't talk nonsense, Afan has his own ideas." Zhou Yimu said.

"Mother, don't worry, nothing will happen, if I can't win, I can still escape." Zhou Fan smiled.

"Afan, is the jade pendant at home still there?" Yi Mu asked while holding the black iron hookah and taking a cigarette.

"Yes." Zhou Fan kept it close to his body, he wanted to remove the jade pendant from his neck.

But Yi Yimu waved his hand and said, "Don't take it off, you'll keep it with you."

Zhou Fan glanced at the ring-shaped sapphire pendant. This piece of raw jade, which had no seal engravings, could only predict the approach of some weak monsters, and it was of no use to him now.

But it was passed down from his ancestors after all, and Zhou Fan was curious about the mortal enemy of the Zhou family that his father once said.

"Father, do you really not know who the mortal enemy of the Zhou family is?" Zhou Fan thought for a while and asked.

This should have gone through many generations. Even if the mortal enemy does have descendants, Zhou Fan doesn't quite think that the descendants of that mortal enemy will still remember this hatred.

Gui Feng wanted to say, but she glanced at Yi Mu and hesitated: "Yi Mu, Afan is no longer a child. He has more things than we have experienced in our entire lives."

"Afan, your grandfather warned that Zhou's family is not allowed to practice." Zhou Yimu said softly.

"Why can't you practice?" Zhou Fan was slightly startled.

"What state are you in now?" Yi Yimu asked without answering, "You have to tell me honestly."

Zhou Fan had a weird look on his face. He didn't expect his father to ask such a question. After all, his father didn't understand the matter of cultivation.

"It's already in the Qi Gang stage." Zhou Fan said frankly.

"I don't know what realm this is." Zhou Yimu shook his head, his face slightly condensed and asked, "How about compared to the Taoist realm?"

Zhou Fan's pupils shrank, he didn't expect to hear the word 'Dao Realm' from his father's mouth, he said: "It's lower than the Dao Realm, this is the last realm before entering the Dao Realm, Dad, you from Where did you hear the Dao Realm?"

"You. Grandpa said, he said that the Zhou family is not allowed to practice. This is the ancestral rule, but if you want to practice, you must not enter the Taoist realm." Zhou Yimu said solemnly again: "Afan, you can not enter the Taoist realm. ?"

"No." Zhou Fan frowned and said, "Father, a very important reason for my practice is to increase my lifespan, and if I want to increase my lifespan, I must enter the Dao state. Only the Dao state can increase my lifespan."

"It turns out to be so." Zhou Yimu gave a wry smile, "When your mother and I decided not to abide by the ancestral rules, it was also so that you would not lose a trace of hope. I didn't expect you to enter the Taoist realm so soon."

"Why did the ancestors have such rules?" Zhou Fan asked in confusion.

"Actually, our ancestors did it for our own good. They also knew that this world is so dangerous. There will definitely be people who do not follow the ancestral rules and embark on the path of cultivation. As a rule, if you want to practice, you must not enter the Dao state."

"But the ancestors also guessed that there may be younger generations who can enter the Taoist realm... Afan, if you decide to enter the Taoist realm, you are not allowed to leave this jade pendant for the rest of your life, it can protect you from being discovered by the Zhou family's mortal enemy. ." Yi Yimu said solemnly: "As for why, I don't understand, it's a rule passed down by our ancestors."

Zhou Fan frowned slightly, and only then did he understand why his father had to take the jade by his side, but more confusion emerged in his heart, and he asked, "But why do you say it now? Losing the jade pendant carelessly, isn't it very dangerous?"

"This is the family's ancestral jade pendant. I told you to keep it properly, and you promised me. I don't think you will lose it by accident, so I didn't say it." Zhou Yimu explained: "The most important thing is , you. Grandpa has told me several times that the ancestral rules are not allowed to mention that mortal enemy too many times, the more you say, the more likely you will be discovered."

Zhou Fan was stunned again: "Why do you find out if you mention it too many times?"

"I don't You. Grandpa only told me about these things a few months before he died. He never said these things before, and I have told you too much now. Sweat dripped from Zhou Yimu's forehead, and he said with fear on his face: "You. Grandpa said that the name of the Zhou family's mortal enemy was not forgotten by the Zhou family ancestors, but could not be mentioned in the first place, so he simply didn't mention it. Pass the name down."

After saying this, Zhou Yimu closed his mouth, he shook his head and told Zhou Fan not to ask any more.

Zhou Fan could only be silent. He looked at the jade pendant in his hand, thinking about what Yi Yimu said. The most important thing is two things. The first one is that he enters the Taoist realm. If he does not have the jade pendant, he will be discovered. The matter of the Zhou family's mortal enemy is mentioned too many times, otherwise it may be discovered.

It's hard to believe that the Zhou family's mortal enemy may be thousands or even thousands of miles away. Do they really have a way to perceive these things?

If it is Zhou Fan who has just entered the cultivation path, he may not believe it, but after so many things, it is not strange that the other party can do this through some method. He temporarily believes in what Yi Yimu said. .

If it is true, then the Zhou family's mortal enemy may be stronger than he imagined.

A powerful mortal enemy, if they don't give up on exterminating the Zhou family, it will definitely be a terrible thing.

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