, the fastest update of the latest chapters of the strange world of immortality!


"What's wrong?" Zhou Fan saw Chufu's strange expression, he couldn't help but ask, "Is something strange coming?"


Outside the wilderness, monsters will fight for territory.


The previous Fuliuqiu didn't belong to Chifu either, it was beaten down by Chifu with grass seeds.


"No." Chifu shook her head, her face showed anxiety and hesitation, but she still didn't hide it: "They said that a mushroom clan came to me."


Zhou Fan didn't know how Chufu communicated with Caozi, but it was definitely not wrong for Chufu to say that.


Zhou Fan's mood became complicated when he heard that it was a mushroom demon. He was glad that Chufu didn't hide it from him, but the mushroom clan came to him, could it be Bai Lengsun?


Or did Bai Lengsun send someone to let Chofu go back?


If so, Chefu will definitely go back, so it will be more difficult for him to return Chefu to the human world.


Qifu looked at Zhou Fan, she wanted to see her own clan, but she was afraid that Zhou Fan would be angry.


Zhou Fan's mind turned, looking at Chifu, he smiled bitterly and said, "Silly girl, can't I stop you, go ahead, or I can dodge."


"No, you wait for me, I'll be back when I go." Chifu sighed in relief and stood up with a smile on her face.


After walking a few steps, she turned back and warned, "You can't steal it, you must wait for me."


Zhou Fan smiled and nodded.


After Chufu left, Zhou Fan sat down, frowning and thinking about what to do, but since he didn't know what those mushroom demons were looking for Chufu, everything he thought was superfluous now.


After a while, Chofu came back, and she looked a little lost.


"Did something happen?" Zhou Fan asked.


"My mother, she's gone." Chofu choked a little.


Is Bai Lengsun dead? Zhou Fan was overjoyed when he heard it, but seeing Chufu so sad, he felt a little heartache and comforted: "My condolences, the dead can't be resurrected, I will accompany you to bury her well and let her go in peace."


After hearing Zhou Fan's words, Chu Fu was slightly startled, and then she responded, "You misunderstood, my mother did not die, but left the Carrion Bone Swamp."


It made me happy for nothing, Zhou Fan sighed in his heart, and he said a little embarrassedly: "She just left, why are you so sad."


"But the third brother said that my mother decided to leave and will never come back. I may never see her again." Chefu said sadly.


Even since she was born, her mother has always been very strict with her, never said anything of concern, but only reprimanded her, but that was her mother after all, and now that she will not come back, Chifu is inevitably sad.


Zhou Fan was first happy for Bai Lengsun's departure, but he felt that something was wrong, so he hurriedly asked, "Did the brain strategist say why she left?"


"The third brother said that my mother couldn't break through for a long time, so she went to find a way to become stronger." Chofu said.


This reason is plausible, but Zhou Fan became more and more vigilant: "They came here this time just to tell you that your mother left?"


"Mother is gone, now the mushroom clan has no king, they are losing ground in the rotten bone swamp, and if this goes on, they will be wiped out by the old man in the swamp, the third brother asked me to go back to inherit the throne, saying that this was also explained by the mother... "..." Chifu said with a worried look on her face.


Conspiracy, this is definitely a conspiracy!


Zhou Fan's anger rose in his heart, a small group of scumbags, what the **** is the succession to the throne, and he didn't want to trick my daughter to go back.


Bai Lengsun must have left on purpose, so that she can take this opportunity to trick the little girl into returning to the Mushroom Clan.


"Zhou Fan, I..." Chufu looked embarrassed, and she couldn't say what she said later, because she knew that Zhou Fan didn't like the Mushroom Clan very much, and she certainly didn't like her Hui Mushroom Clan.


But the mushrooms of the mushroom clan are all her clansmen, and her mother is gone, she can't watch the mushroom demons being killed and exterminated.


Zhou Fan sighed and said, "I really don't want you to go back, but I can't make you give up your clan, but you have to promise me three things."


"What's the matter?" Seeing that Zhou Fan agreed with her to go back, Chifu asked happily.


"The first mushroom you led... the mushroom family, you can't let them eat people again, or you will wait for you to be on the official list, and you want to return to the human world in the future, it will be difficult, and the official family is very powerful. , they sent strong men to encircle and suppress you, it would be very dangerous, you know?" Zhou Fan said with a serious face.


Since knowing that the little girl is his daughter, he has spent a lot of time studying the mushroom demon.


As a deceitful man, Chofu doesn't need to eat man like a weird man to complete his evolution. He just needs to practice. The mushroom demon can make himself stronger by eating man, but it's not impossible not to eat man, otherwise he will be in the wilderness The monsters have long starved to death. For most monsters, people are the food for their evolution, but they can survive without eating people, and they can gradually become stronger with time.


That's why Zhou Fan made such a request. He didn't allow the Mushroom Clan under the leadership of Chefu to spread notoriety.


"Okay." Chifu nodded and agreed.


As for the little mushroom demon, in fact, eating people is not much stronger, and as for the more powerful brain-like strategists in the clan, they have already reached a bottleneck.


"Of course they are your clan after As long as you can control them, I can think of the guide or the human world to search for suitable food for them." Zhou Fan thought for a while and then road.


For the geeks, suitable food is faster than cannibalism, but vegan food is hard to find and hard to find.


"The second thing is that you can't be bound by them forever, after you've stabilized them, make sure they're safe, you choose a leader for them, a brain strategist or whoever, which means you're only temporarily taking them with you , is this okay?" Zhou Fan said again.


"This..." Chifu hesitated.


"You are a fool, but a fool is a person, don't you want to be a fool all your life?" Zhou Fan said solemnly: "If you have been the leader of the mushroom demon group and your reputation has grown, then we will meet in the future. It can only be outside the wilderness."


"I want you to be a human being, not a tyrannical monster."


Chifu's body trembled, she gritted her teeth and said, "I will try my best."


Zhou Fan saw that Chufu agreed, he smiled and said: "Then there is only the last thing left, and it is the most important, if you and the mushroom clan encounter irresistible danger outside the wilderness, you are not allowed to Sacrifice yourself for the Mushroom Clan, or even if you die, I will slaughter the entire Mushroom Clan for your funeral."


Chifu was stunned for a while, her eyes were slightly red, she nodded heavily and hummed.


She knew that Zhou Fan said this because he was worried about her safety, which made her heart warm.

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