Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1053: good fisherman

"Little girl, don't cry." Zhou Fan smiled when he saw Chufu's eyes red, "Is the Mushroom clan waiting for you? Let you go back now?"

"They were waiting for me outside, saying that the old man is still testing, but if they find that the mother is indeed leaving, they will definitely attack without hesitation." Chefu admitted.

"Do you want me to help kill that old man charm?" Zhou Fan asked.

Even if this is equivalent to helping the mushroom demon, but it can make the little girl less stressed, Zhou Fan is still willing to do it.

"No, if the old man was not hiding in the depths and didn't dare to show up, my mother and I would have killed it already." Chofu said with murderous intent in her eyes.

In the past, she may not have been an opponent of the old man, but now she is already in the physical strength category, and coupled with the talent of deceitful people, even the blood-severe monsters will not be her opponent.

"Then I should go too." Zhou Fan thought for a while and said, "Prepare well, remember to be careful, and don't do things that are too risky."

"Zhou Fan, I'm sorry." Chofu said sadly, if it wasn't for this, she should have been able to play with Zhou Fan for several days.

Zhou Fan smiled and comforted Chifu, who cheered up and sent Zhou Fan out of Fuliuqiu.

During the process of coming out, Zhou Fan didn't see the mushroom demon either. I think it was Chofu who arranged them to another place.

Saying goodbye to Chufu and leaving Fuliuqiu, Zhou Fan's face was slightly cold. Shemale Bai dared to plot against his daughter. She knew that she should not have promised the little girl in the first place. Killing Shemale Bai would not cause so much trouble today. .

But now I want to find Shemale Bai, but I can't find it.

Zhou Fan thought about things in his heart and slowly walked in the direction of Xiaoleizhou.

Until the afternoon, he entered the wasteland again.

As soon as he entered the wasteland, Zhou Fan's eyesight that had been open all the time saw a large white bird flying towards him in the distance from the sky.

The big bird is like an eagle, and it also found Zhou Fan.

When Zhou Fan looked at the big bird, a bright smile suddenly appeared on his face.

The big bird hovered and landed, and the feathers and flesh stretched out into a girl in a white mesh skirt. The girl stared at Zhou Fan with a clear face.

"It's been a long time." Zhou Fan looked at her and smiled: "It's really fate, the last time we met was in the wasteland."

It's like saying hello to a long-lost friend.

"Put away your treachery." Bai Lengsun sneered: "You deliberately passed through the wasteland to brush Liuqiu. On the surface, you were looking at Chifu, but didn't you actually want to lure me out?"

"No, you are bad, you can't say that I am a bad person." Zhou Fan refused to admit it.

"If it weren't for your speed, why would you walk so slowly in the wasteland?" Bai Lengsun sneered, "You're just waiting for me."

"You are too narcissistic, narcissism is not a good thing." Zhou Fan still denied it, but in fact he did have such thoughts.

Even if he could, he wanted to walk through the Rotten Bone Marsh, but it was too obvious to let Chefu know.

He made a guess, even if the mushroom demons on the wasteland couldn't find him, but when they entered Fuliuqiu and met Chufu, there must be spies in the mushroom demon group at Fuliuqiu, and they would know his existence by then.

He is indeed fishing, and he is a good fisherman when it comes to catching the big fish Bai Lengsun.

"You are the most shameless human being I have ever seen." Bai Lengsun said coldly.

"Even if it's really like what you said, I'm leading you out, but the key is that you have murderous intentions against me, as if I deliberately let the thief know that I have money, could the thief try to steal my money and get caught, still Blame me for not doing it?" Zhou Fan said with a relaxed expression, "Speaking of shamelessness, who can compare to you as a sham, and what did you secretly do with my flesh and blood?"

Speaking of this, Zhou Fan showed anger on his face. Even though Chifu was good, it didn't mean he wasn't angry, especially Bai Lengsun was still a monster in his eyes!

Who can bear a **** who gave birth to a child, even if the **** is very beautiful, even if the **** gave birth to a child for him in a special way.

He still felt bad.

"We are enemies, do you think I will care about your feelings?" Bai Lengsun said indifferently, "You want to lead me out just to kill me, but I also want to kill you."

"You killed so many of my sons, and now you still want to rob the heirs of my family and my bloodline. It's time to end it."

"That's exactly what I want you to say." Zhou Fan chuckled lightly: "It seems that after the last goodbye, you are full of confidence in your own strength, but unfortunately, I also have enough for myself. confidence."

Bai Lengsun didn't speak anymore, her right hand quickly grew white bones, and gradually turned into a white-boned mushroom.

Black mushroom lines appeared on her cheeks, and the mushroom lines spread rapidly, and mushroom lines appeared on her face and arms.

The mushroom pattern turned from black to red, and red light spread out from her body, dyeing the white bone mushroom in her hand red.

Zhou Fan's face was cold, he pulled out the rust knife, waved the rust knife, and countless knife gangs slashed towards Bai Lengsun.

The knife gang is looming, and it is as fast as incomparable, fast knife gang!

Bai Lengsun felt the danger, and at the same time she quickly retreated, the red-bone umbrella mushroom spread.

The red light of the umbrella mushroom appeared.

Chi Chi!

The quick knife gang hit the umbrella surface and instantly tore the umbrella mushroom into pieces.

Another quick knife gang landed on Bai Lengsun's incomparably hard body, but the quick knife gang was sharper than her body.

Kuai Dao Gang tore her body to pieces, and she still had a head that emerged in the air.

She looked at Zhou Fan with shock in her and said in a trembling voice, "You're already in the air? This...this...this is impossible."

Before she came over, she had guessed that Zhou Fan was making progress, but she never thought that Zhou Fan's progress would be so exaggerated, and she was already standing at the peak of the martial world that humans call the peak of Qi.

"Didn't you see it?" Zhou Fan chuckled lightly: "You thought you were making progress, but I'm afraid you didn't expect me to make progress so fast?"

"If you ask Chifu, you won't have the courage to die."

Bai Lengsun was silent for a while, she did not expect that Zhou Fan's progress would be so terrifying, completely throwing her out.

Her broken body was on fire and turned into white particles of light. She said coldly, "Next time, I won't make such a mistake again."

She obviously knew she couldn't win, so she wanted to disintegrate and leave.

"Do you still want to have a next time?" Zhou Fan sneered and poured his True Qi into a talisman held in his left hand.

The golden light spread out from the talisman, and everything that was shrouded became solidified.

The same goes for the countless white light particles that want to float up, but Zhou Fan can move easily because he is holding the talisman.

"Shemale White, Shemale White, do you think I will make the same mistake a second time?" A cold blue flame appeared on Zhou Fan's rusty knife, "I know you know how to disintegrate and rebirth, this silver rank inferior The talisman was carefully prepared for you."

The white light particles conveyed a sense of fear. .

"No." Chifu's voice suddenly came from a distance.

Zhou Fan's rusty knife still lifted up without hesitation, and slashed down. Under the action of infuriating energy, the cold blue flame spread out, burning all the white light particles in the air.

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