"You said I can't win?" Bai Lengsun glanced at Chifu coldly, "It seems that you know him very well, tell me, why do you think I can't win?"

"Mother, I'm sorry, I can't say it." Chefu lowered her head, not to mention the constraints of the boat, even without the constraints of the boat, she would not betray Zhou Fan.

"You are really your mother's good daughter." Bai Lengsun sneered.

Qifu dared not answer.

The brain strategist did not dare to interrupt the dialogue between the two.

"It's just that you said that I can't win if I can't win?" Bai Lengsun said coldly again: "What qualifications do you have to say such a idiot?"

Chifu was still silent, she knew her mother, and knew that refuting her at such a time would not do any good.

"After I leave, the affairs of the clan will be handed over to you." Bai Lengsun said with a stern face.

"Mother, are you really leaving?" Chifu said slightly, she thought it was just a trick.

"Didn't the third child tell you?" Bai Lengsun said impatiently, "Do you think this is a joke? Or do you even ignore your own family?"

"No." Chofu hurriedly shook her head and said, "Where are you going, mother?"

"You don't need to worry about it." Bai Lengsun said coldly: "Who knows if you will turn around and betray me to that man? You give me a message to that man, I am not dead yet, next time I come back , when he died."



At night, when Zhou Fan entered the boat, he glanced at Chifu a little nervously, but soon found that Chifu was still greeting him with a smile. While Zhou Fan breathed a sigh of relief, he asked tentatively, "Is Bai Lengsun still alive?"

Zhou Fan felt that it should be, otherwise, Chifu's attitude would not be so calm.

"Mother is not dead." Shefu said, "But she went somewhere and it may take a long time to come back. She wants me to tell you that her grievance with you is over."

"Since it doesn't die like this." Zhou Fan muttered a little regretfully, and he asked suspiciously: "She said that our grievances are over?"

"That's what Mother said." Chu Fu's eyes flickered and he said, "Zhou Fan, don't bother with her anymore, okay?"

"How could I care about her?" Zhou Fan smiled and shook his head: "I promised you, as long as she doesn't think about killing me, I won't kill her."

Zhou Fan knew at a glance that the little girl was lying. Even if she didn't lie, he wouldn't believe even half of the punctuation marks that the **** said in vain.

Chu Fu was a little sullen. After a long time, she said it in vain. She knew that this was the limit of what Zhou Fan could do for her. The problem lies with her mother. She can only practice hard now, and she has the strength to stop her when she wants to trouble Zhou Fan. mother.

It's really not easy for her to be a daughter.

In this way, another ten days have passed, and during these ten days, Zhou Fan successfully entered the high Qi Gang section.

During these ten days, in addition to hurrying, he also stabilized his realm and pondered the use of the sword.

It is worth mentioning that Zhou Fan didn't know what Zhou Xiaomao was preparing, and she didn't ask for possession for a long time.

The more this is the case, the more uneasy Zhou Fan is. Zhou Xiaomao must have been well prepared for so long. Could it be that she can really escape?

On the eleventh day, Zhou Fan saw the endless mountains.

If you look down at it from a high altitude, you can see that the shape of the mountain is like a sparrow, but the two claws of the sparrow look like human feet.

This is the **** mountain.

The footpath came to an abrupt end here.

Renque Mountain is not the only way from Gaoxiang County to Xiaoleizhou Prefecture, but it is the closest way.

From here, go straight across the mountains and mountains, and you can walk to Xiaoleizhou Mansion in another day. Otherwise, if you want to bypass Renque Mountain, it will take half a month. Zhou Fan does not want to waste half a month on the road.

It's not just Zhou Fan, many caravans who want to go to Xiaolei Prefecture will consider venturing through Renque Mountain.

Renque Mountain is dangerous, but twelve fairly safe mountain roads have been opened up. As long as you don't wander around in the mountain, the danger will be greatly reduced.

It only takes three days to get out of Renqueshan.

Therefore, a market was built at the pass of Renque Mountain for travelers and caravans to take a rest before entering the mountain. There are not only inns and restaurants, but also shops for supplies such as utensils, talismans, and medicines.

There is a certain order in the Human Bird Mountain Collection, but it is also an impossible place.

After all, most of the people who come here are warriors, and the warriors are rebellious, and there are not a few who do not agree with each other, and the dead are also common.

Of course, there are still a small number of dead people. The managers here have established corresponding rules. If you want to fight, you can usually only put them outside. Otherwise, even if you can kill people in Shanji, the managers of Shanji will definitely want to take revenge. .

If there are really no rules at all, this mountain set will soon decline, so there may be people fighting here, but if they want to kill, they will also want to kill outside.

When Zhou Fan walked into Shanji, the streets were filled with warriors and caravans traveling from south to north. Some even wore animal skins. They didn't look like people from the state, but they seemed to come from far away.

Dawei has a vast territory, but there are only 21 states. The capital of each state is a real important city, and it is the prosperous place of Dawei. Not to mention the caravans that come here to trade across states, even if they are foreign merchants. Teams also bring in hard-to-find items in the state, and come here to trade for huge profits.

Zhou Fan first went to the inn to eat, but the inn is not only a good place to eat, but also a good place to inquire about news.

When Zhou Fan arrived at the inn, the shop assistant came over and nodded and asked Zhou Fan what he wanted to eat.

Zhou Fan asked, and ordered a few more common dishes. He took out five Xuan coins from his arms and placed them on the table: "Little Er, can I ask you a few questions?"

"Of course there is no problem." Dian Xiaoer said busyly with a smile on his face as he looked at the profound coins on the table.

"How's it going in Renqueshan recently?" Zhou Fan asked.

"Recently, the mountain road has been clear, which is a good time to enter the mountain." The shop boy said with a smile: "I haven't heard of any powerful monsters blocking the mountain road, but now is the winter hunting season, and many hunter teams have come. The monsters on the mountain road The deceit has been swept back and forth several times~www.readwn.com~ The deceiver team..." Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Is this the first time the guest officer has come to Queshan?" the second shopkeeper asked.

"No, it has been returned several times, but what is the hunter team hunting?" Of course, Zhou Fan couldn't say that he was entering for the first time.

"The guest officer may not know that in the winter of Renque Mountain, there will be a winter hunting period. The hunter team is for the moonworm that will definitely appear in winter. Does the guest officer know about the moonworm?" The second shopkeeper asked.

"This is a kind of weirdness that only appears in winter. Its blood has the same effect as Yuan Hua Dan, and it can transform a warrior's true energy. Its advantage is that unlike Yuan Hua Dan, it has attributes. Compatible with all attributes." Zhou Fan said with a strange look.

He knew about moonworms, but he didn't know that Renqueshan was also rich in moonworms.

"That's right, the guest officer is really knowledgeable." Dian Xiaoer's face was respectful. He thought that all those who knew so much about Yue Yuanzi were qi-refining rank 3 fighters. Such a fighter was not something he could offend.

Zhou Fan asked a few more questions, and the shop assistants answered them one by one.

After confirming that there was nothing he wanted to ask, Zhou Fan put away four Xuan coins and gave one to the second shopkeeper.

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