Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1056: 2nd mountain road

Dian Xiaoer looked at a mysterious coin that fell into his hand, his face stiffened, and he immediately smiled and thanked Zhou Fan for his reward.

Zhou Fan chuckled lightly, then took out four more profound coins and gave them to the shop assistant: "No wonder, it's just a joke."

"How dare you, a Xuan coin guest officer is the most generous guest I've ever seen." The shop boy nodded and said with a bow.

The second shopkeeper put away the five Xuan coins, rolled his eyes, and whispered to Zhou Fan, "Guest officer, try not to take the second mountain road."

The shop assistant didn't explain. After he finished speaking, he turned around and went to work.

Zhou Fan poured his own drink and thought about what the second shopkeeper said. Renque Mountain is divided into twelve mountain roads, which are divided according to the order of development.

Among them, the second shopkeeper just told him that the first, second, fourth, fifth, and seventh mountain roads are the most crowded, and they are also recognized as the safest mountain roads.

But in the end, let him not take the second mountain road.

The shop assistant didn't explain. Even if Zhou Fan asked him now, he probably wouldn't answer him. Maybe the shop assistant didn't know the reason. He might have heard someone mention that there was a problem with the Second Mountain Road recently in the inn.

Zhou Fan threw a chicken leg to the puppy under his feet. After eating and drinking at the inn, he settled the bill and left.

During this process, the shop's second was busy doing things and never looked at Zhou Fan again.

Zhou Fan was walking on the streets of Shanji. Now he wants to buy a topographic map of Renque Mountain. The shop assistant said that such maps are available in grocery stores, and he recommended the one not far from the inn.

But Zhou Fan didn't choose this one, but walked to a grocery store farther from the inn before entering. He couldn't completely believe what the second shopkeeper said, after all, the second shopkeeper was just a stranger.

If the store clerk hides evil intentions, then Zhou Fan may fall into the calculation, go out, and be careful about everything.

There are no customers in this grocery store, but the talismans and medicinal herbs on the shelves in the store are complete.

"What do you want?" The shopkeeper, a middle-aged man with a mustache, glanced at Zhou Fan and asked.

"I lost my mountain map, get me a mountain map of Renque Mountain." Zhou Fan said slowly.

The shopkeeper turned around and took a mountain map from the shelf and placed it on the table, saying lightly, "Five profound coins."

The price of Shanji is more expensive than outside, but a mountain map is only worth one mysterious coin, this is what the second shopkeeper just said, Zhou Fan chuckled: "Five mysterious coins is not a problem, but I May I ask you a few simple things?"

The shopkeeper frowned slightly and said, "It's not impossible, but you have to buy the mountain map first."

The shopkeeper also understands that Zhou Fan is willing to pay a high price to buy his mountain map, which includes the news fee.

Zhou Fan took out five Xuan coins and handed them over to the shopkeeper. He glanced at the mountain map before putting it into the talisman bag.

The shopkeeper carefully identified the five profound coins and put them away after he was satisfied and said, "Ask."

Zhou Fan chose a few important questions to ask the shopkeeper from the questions he had asked at the store's second.

The shopkeeper answered these trivial matters in a simple manner.

After Zhou Fan confirmed that what the shopkeeper said was similar to what Xiao Er said, he pretended to be nonchalant and said, "How is the second mountain road now?"

The shopkeeper looked surprised, he saw from Zhou Fan's question just now that Zhou Fan should not go to Queshan very often, but Zhou Fan's question surprised him a little, he hesitated for a while and said: "It's not clear, it's better Don't take the second mountain road."

The shopkeeper didn't say much, and Zhou Fan didn't ask much. He bought some talismans and medicinal pills that might be used in the mountains. The shopkeeper didn't dare to ask for more expensive ones, but sold them at the normal price of Shanji. Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan left the grocery store and raised his eyebrows slightly.

He was a little puzzled. If there was a problem with the second mountain road, why didn't the people in the mountain group want to talk about it directly?

The only explanation is that they are not very clear either, but they have received some rumors that the second mountain road may not be safe.

Zhou Fan did not continue to study it, because it had nothing to do with him, he was not the kind of reckless man who knew that there were tigers in the mountains and tended to go to the mountains.

It is recognized that there are one, two, four, five, and seventy-five safe mountain roads. He eliminated the second mountain road, and he was not worried that there was no way to go.

As for hunting moonworms, Zhou Fan also didn't think about it. He just wanted to report to the state capital. If he really needed moonworms, he could come from the state capital. It wasn't too far from here anyway.

The only thing Zhou Fan is considering now is a suggestion from the second shopkeeper. He suggested that if Zhou Fan is not familiar with Renque Mountain, it is best to find a hunter team or a caravan on the road, so that if he encounters problems in the mountains, someone can help.

But doing so is not without its downsides, and the downside is that going on the same road with strangers is also risky.

From the information on Renqueshan he has collected now, it can be seen that Renqueshan is not the kind of dangerous place where it is easy to get lost.

Zhou Fan thought about it for a while, but he still decided to go on the road alone. With his current strength and experience, there is absolutely no need to walk with others. Even if there is a martial artist in the team, it will not help him much. .

Zhou Fan went around the mountain set again, carefully collected information about the situation in Renque Mountain from some places, and it was not until noon that he left the Renque Mountain set and entered the Renque Mountain alone.

The twelve mountain roads in Renque Mountain are not juxtaposed, but are divided into two by a main mountain, two are divided into three, three are divided into five, and five are divided into twelve.

At first, they were all walking on the main mountain road, and there were many people on the road at noon. For this reason, Zhou Fan could not use the teleportation level movement technique on this kind of mountain road. Zhou Fan was not surprised. Prepare.

The fat and round little girl doesn't need to be teleported by Zhou Fan, she can walk down the ground, and it runs around happily.

Zhou Fan also let it go. After so many days of getting along, he found that the little sister not only inherited the brother's ability to perceive danger, but also has amazing endurance.

Once Zhou Fan let it walk with him on for a full day, it didn't show any signs of fatigue.

It's just that he's too small, so he shouldn't have much fighting power.

Zhou Fan was not surprised by the abnormality of Xiaomei. After all, compared to when she turned into a Nightmare Spirit, these were nothing more than trivialities.

As he moved forward and entered different mountain roads, people were gradually divided. Zhou Fan entered the fifth mountain road.

The first mountain road is next to the second mountain road. Out of caution, if there is a problem with the second mountain road, it may also affect the first mountain road, so the first mountain road Zhou Fan will also not consider it.

Zhou Fan chose the fifth mountain path from the four, five and seven mountain paths.

Even if you enter the Fifth Mountain Road, there are a lot fewer people, but the Fifth Mountain Road is recognized as a safe mountain road after all, so it is impossible to have no one.

Now Zhou Fan can see people before and after, and occasionally there will be a hunter team hurriedly passing by not far from Zhou Fan, because of the relationship between the moon and the earthworm, the number of the hunter team in Renqueshan is more than ever. many.

When the hunter team saw Zhou Fan alone, they were all vigilant and did not dare to provoke any malice in their hearts.

Outside the wilderness, the loner is also a dangerous creature.

Weird world of immortality

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