Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1057: tits mountain night 1

Zhou Fan didn't pay much attention to the sight that fell on him.

If he dared to attack him, Zhou Fan would not be afraid. In this world, it is not so easy to meet monks who can enter the Dao realm outside the wilderness.

Qi Gang segment martial artist is already a relatively top existence.

Half an hour after entering the Fifth Mountain Road, the hunter team that had passed Zhou Fan did not appear again, but this was a normal thing, because he was no longer at the Fifth Mountain Road, and those who entered Renque Mountain were in a hurry to make a difference. The harvested hunter team will not stay on the mountain road all the time, but try to explore around.

Zhou Fan has been paying attention to the situation around him.

The vegetation of Renque Mountain is lush, which are some common shrubs and trees.

The Fifth Mountain Road is a rudimentary road made of gravel, barely able to accommodate a large horse-drawn carriage.

Not far behind Zhou Fan was a caravan of dozens of people. This caravan transported four carts of goods, and it seemed that the strength should not be bad.

In front of him is a squad of warriors.

This martial artist team consisted of five people, two women and three men. The most striking of them was a tall middle-aged woman with a huge axe on her waist. She was also the head of the five.

The other four were mediocre, and they didn't seem to be anything special.

Zhou Fan wasn't sure whether they entered Renque Mountain to hunt or just wanted to cross Renque Mountain and go to the prefecture just like him.

After all, it was not far away. In addition to being alert to possible dangers in the mountains, Zhou Fan was also alert to the two different teams.

Outside the wilderness, it's not just weird people who are scary, but also people.

After all, the mountain path is not a foot path. As it goes deeper into Renque Mountain, there are more and more strange things that come out of different places to attack.

They either attacked the caravan or the warrior team, and they also attacked Zhou Fan.

Whoever is attacked by the slander is the one who will solve it.

Zhou Fan neatly resolved every time he dared to take action against him, and then he observed the caravan and the warrior team behind him.

These two different teams deal with strange things very differently. Caravans are generally solved by the warriors in the team, while the warrior team is often solved by one person or two people, and rarely three people are shot together. Happening.

The key is that these monsters are too weak, and it is difficult for Zhou Fan to see the true strength of the warrior team, but when the warrior team deals with monsters, it seems very calm.

Zhou Fan also understood that when he was observing the two sides, the martial artist team or the caravan must also be observing and evaluating his strength.

Until sunset and dusk, the three parties all stopped in unison, preparing to spend the night on the Fifth Mountain Road.

Outside the wilderness, there are few lone walkers, largely because of the problem of staying overnight. After all, there is only one person, and no one helps at night, so there will be many more problems than other teams.

Of course, these are trivial things for Zhou Fan. He is used to the wilderness and will not find it difficult.

Both the caravan and the martial artist team kept a suitable distance from Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan picked up the firewood and lit a bonfire before the night came. He took out the dry food and distributed it to the little girl, and then ate it silently.

Before and after him, large or small bonfires were also raised. Among them, the caravan had the largest number of bonfires, with five or six piles.

Because of the influence of darkness on the field of vision, Zhou Fan opened his eyesight to see their faces in front of the fire.

He thought about it for a while, and then expanded his ear consciousness. If the ear consciousness of ordinary martial arts practitioners may not be able to hear so far away, but he can hear.

The ethics of wiretapping?

On issues that might involve his own safety, Zhou Fan didn't think it was a problem.

And the eavesdropping of ear consciousness is concealed enough to be difficult to detect.

The caravan was happily talking and chatting, while the warrior team was silent.

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly. His ear awareness was concentrated on the side of the martial artist team. He found that there was no sound from the burning firewood occasionally. He understood that the other party must have used a forbidden note or a talisman array.

It seems that this martial artist team has to discuss very important matters, and even the issue of someone eavesdropping has been taken into consideration.

Zhou Fan could only withdraw his ear consciousness, silently closed his eyes, and thought about a new sword.

In the middle of the night, after Zhou Fan solved a strange attack that attacked him, he began to set up a defensive talisman, and secretly asked Xiao Wan to come out and place Xiao Xiao for him.

Xiaomei will also be on duty for him now, but Zhou Fan is not sure how much Xiaomei can play a role, or Xiaoxiao can make him feel more at ease.

After doing this, Zhou Fan lay down to sleep and appeared on the boat. He chatted with Chufu as usual, and then turned around to practice.

Zhou Xiaomao has been absent these days, and the guide will occasionally disappear, not to mention Zhou Fan, even Chufu is used to it.

After cultivating for a while, he suddenly felt that he was about to be pulled out. Zhou Fan was not very nervous, because there were outsiders now. If he found Wei Jing attacking his defensive talisman, he told Xiao Xiao not to let Xiao Xiao shoot. , otherwise, in the past, Xiaoxiao spontaneously cleaned up for him in the wild.

If Xiaoxiao can't solve it, he will wake up Zhou Fan, but now the situation is obviously different.

Zhou Fan said helplessly and said goodbye to Qifu, and the whole person escaped from the boat.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Zhou Fan sat up, his hand grabbed the rusty knife and the talisman bag beside him, and looked around.

He was asking about Xiaoxiao, and it was still very difficult to communicate with Xiaoxiaoxiao.

Xiaoxiao was also woken up long ago, she didn't dare to be careless, she glanced around, and communicated with Xiaoxiaoxiao who woke her up.

However, Zhou Fan quickly discovered the abnormality. His front and back were completely dark, and he did not see the bonfire of the caravan and the warrior team like before going to bed.

"Master, Xiaoxiao said they are gone." Xiaoxiao said anxiously, this is the abnormality that Xiaoxiao Xiaoxiao's brain is stupid, but when she encounters something she can't understand, Zhou Fan and Xiao Qian will be the first to wake up.

"I see, you let Xiaoxiao fuse with you and see what they see." Zhou Fan said solemnly.

Xiaoxiaoxiao said that it might be better to let Xiaoxiao integrate them, so that they could see what they saw.

Why are they gone?

Did you leave quietly?

Or was it killed and taken away by the monster?

It's not like, it's night, why do they want to leave quietly at such a time?

According to Zhou Fan's observation, the caravan and the martial artist team should have nothing to do with each other. Of course, it is not ruled out that they are acting, but why are they acting like this?

Can't it be just to deal with him?

If it was killed and taken away by the slander, then the slander was too strong, so many people did not notice a single sound.

While Xiao Ling was thinking about it, she had merged with Xiao Xiao Ling's memory and opened her eyes, she was stunned for a moment and said, "Master, Xiao Xiao and the others saw that their bonfire suddenly went out, and then they didn't see anything. arrive."

Weird world of immortality

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