Zhou Fan killed the three or four warriors, and he continued to jump up without even looking.

Anyone who can't open his eyes dared to jump to trouble him, but they were all cut off by him.

He went forward bravely, but in an instant he came to the middle of the Golden Moon Earth Tree.

But in the middle he had to stop.

Because there are eight people standing on a branch here, they are motionless.

Seeing such a strange situation, Zhou Fan naturally stopped.

The eight people also saw Zhou Fan's arrival. They looked at it coldly or calmly. One of the short-statured old men snorted and slapped Zhou Fan with a palm.

The jet-black palm was extremely fast, and a gust of wind blew up.

Zhou Fan raised his brows slightly, the rusty knife in his hand slashed, and a knife gang smashed out, smashing the black gang palm, and he continued to fly forward and came to the short old man.

This made the short-statured old man's complexion change slightly, and he hurriedly slashed out, and the jet-black palm smashed the knife.

"High Qi Gang." The expressions of the other seven people became subtle.

The short old man was also afraid to look at Zhou Fan. He was a high-level Qi Gang, and the opponent had such a terrifying power with a single knife. He was definitely a high-level Qi Gang.

"It's the golden moon sap above, what are you doing here?" Zhou Fan asked coldly.

Asked like this, but he had several guesses in his mind.

"What about the high section of Qi Gang? The eight of us are not enough. If you don't want to retreat, we will kill you." The short old man grinned.

"Noisy." Zhou Fan snorted coldly, and he slashed out with five slashes that were as fast as incomparable swords.

The knife gang quickly came to the short old man, the short old man roared, he patted his palms continuously, and he was in a hurry to smash the knife gang. Even so, there is still a sharp knife gang left on his ribs. Bloody mouth.

"If you dare to speak again, I will kill you." Zhou Fan looked at the short old man and said coldly.

The little old man was silent, not daring to speak to Zhou Fan again.

The other seven also had fear on their faces. This new Qi Gang martial artist was very strong, which made their minds suddenly restrained.

It's not that Zhou Fan doesn't have the ability to kill the little old man in an instant, but he can't do it, otherwise the other seven will definitely be triggered to rebound and join forces against him.

Even if he can kill these seven Qi Gang masters, if he wastes too much time being rushed by the Taoist cultivators, the Golden Moon Earth Sap may not be able to reach him.

In this kind of time, every second counts, so Zhou Fan just showed some of his strength to deter these people with ghosts.

"There will be more and more powerful warriors, and the Taoist cultivators will definitely come here. Are we still wasting time here?" One of the middle-aged men who looked like an iron tower said angrily.

They were originally the leaders of their respective hunter squads, each of them was a Qi Gang segment warrior, the other four leaders were dead, and now there are only eight of them left, but here, no one will give in, who dares to If you go up first, you will definitely encounter obstacles from others.

"Yes, let's go up first." A black-faced man among the eight nodded, and he jumped forward.

It's just that as soon as he jumped up, there were several different types of Gang Qi hitting him, forcing him to run his True Qi to sink and avoid those Gang Qi.

"Why are you in such a hurry, we didn't say how to divide it?" Someone said neither yin nor yang.

"Of course it's an equal share, is there anyone who wants to share more?" A warrior said with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Equally divided, but who will take it first? I have a good reputation, so let me keep it first."

"What to keep, it's not that we want to monopolize it, we have to share the sap of the golden moon earth on the spot."

After listening to a few words, Zhou Fan realized that these people were deadlocked. He sneered with a relaxed heart, his body teleported and jumped up and shouted, "This is still a struggle, of course, I want all of them!"

The teleportation-level movement technique is extremely fast when no one is blocking it.

None of the eight of them expected Zhou Fan's speed to be so fast. They competed to send out qi, but they couldn't keep up with Zhou Fan's teleportation speed.

"Not good." The eight people showed anger, and then they didn't care about fighting anymore, and jumped up like crazy.

Only disturbed by the golden moon earth leaves, Zhou Fan quickly saw the top of the tree.

The golden moon earth sap is in the tree nest at the top of the tree.

Just when Zhou Fan wanted to rush up, the golden moon earth leaves on the top of the tree were suddenly entangled one by one, forming layers of leaf nets.

Zhou Fan's face was slightly cold, he slashed with a knife, and the flying feather-like knife gang penetrated the golden moon earth leaf, turning it into a smashed broken net.

Zhou Fan crossed out of the broken net. He stood on the top of the tree and just glanced at the golden liquid.

Zhou Fan stretched out his left hand, and his True Qi quickly spread out, condensing the golden sap into a ball.

"Put down the sap!" The eight people also arrived at this time. Seeing that Zhou Fan took away all the sap from Jinyue Earth, they were shocked and let out their own qi.

The astral qi from the eight people attacked Zhou Fan overwhelmingly.

Zhou Fan slashed out, and the Zijin Dao Gang unfolded in front of him, blocking all attacks, but Zhou Fan was also shocked and fell down.

However, Zhou Fan had long expected that his anger sank and accelerated his fall.

It fell at an unimaginable speed among the countless golden moon earth leaves.

The eight people above roared again and again, followed by jumping and chasing down.

Zhou Fan has been holding the golden sap with his left hand, protected by infuriating energy, and the golden sap did not suffer any damage when it fell.

Zhou Fan landed very fast. When he reached the ground, he stretched out a rusty knife and stabbed it on the tree trunk. The rust knife and the tough tree trunk splashed with sparks, which slowed down his speed, and he jumped down gently. to the ground.

But as soon as he fell to the ground, he felt that his whole body became sluggish, and he was frozen!

"Haha, it's really easy to get here, give me the sap of the Golden Moon Earthworm." An old man with a white beard laughed wildly and strode towards Zhou Fan.

It's a Taoist monk!

This thought appeared in Zhou Fan's heart and at the same time stimulated the dragon blood in his body, and the immobilized body immediately recovered.

"Okay, here it is." Zhou Fan said coldly, the rusty knife in his hand chopped out ~www.readwn.com~ The gray knife gang chopped towards the white-bearded old man.

The white-bearded old man let out a small snort. He felt incredible that Zhou Fan was able to move, but he pointed at the gray sword gang in a hurry.

The knife gang shattered, but the white-bearded old man had a horrified look on his face, because his fingers were withering, and this withering quickly spread to the back of his hand, and finally spread to the entire arm.

And Zhou Fan had already teleported away, and a few shaking disappeared in front of the white-bearded old man.

The white-bearded old man was left alone. He didn't chase after him any more. He muttered something in his mouth. A white light appeared on his arm, and then the whole arm recovered like a dead tree in spring.

Rao so, the white-bearded old man's forehead seeped sweat.

The eight Qi Gang stage warriors just fell to the ground in this short moment. Their faces were full of anger, but when they saw the white-bearded old man, their faces changed greatly, their anger faded, and they turned into fear.

They recognized the white-bearded old man and knew that he was a Taoist monk, that's why they did this.

The white-bearded old man just glanced at the eight people coldly, and then walked away.

The eight people were all in shock. Could it be that this powerful old gentleman did not leave behind the mysterious man in purple gold armor?

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