Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1066: 3rd shift

The huge tree in Renque Mountain exudes golden light, attracting many people to come.

But the precious golden moon earth sap has been taken away, and even if they arrive, they can only return with regret.

The Golden Moon Earth Tree will not exist forever, after a day, it will disappear.

Zhou Fan, who was hiding in the forest, retracted his gaze towards the direction of the Jinyue Earth Tree. He had already confirmed that the Taoist monk would not come after him, otherwise he would not stay here.

For this, Zhou Fan breathed a sigh of relief. The methods of the Taoist cultivator were too strange for him. If he hadn't had many trump cards in hand, he would have been miserable.

Of course, it's not that he didn't have the possibility of killing the Taoist cultivator, but under the circumstances at that time, it was not worth his risk to do so, anyway, the thing was already in hand.

Zhou Fan looked at the crystal clear golden sap in his left hand, and a happy smile appeared on his face.

This is known as one of the top chemical elements, and such materials are priceless.

Zhou Fan took out the book of storage from the talisman bag and said softly, "Open the book of storage."

"Xiaoshu is very happy to serve those who love books. May I ask: the top is hair, the bottom is hair, and the hair is hair-to-hair at night, which part of your body is it?"

"The answer is hair!" Xiao Qian jumped out of Zhou Fan's head and said quickly and affirmatively, "Look at my hair, I have hair on the top and feet below. When I go to bed at night, as soon as I lay down, they are next to each other. ."

"The answer is wrong." The Book of Storage denied: "Those who love books have another chance."

Xiao Wan, that's what your hair is like... Zhou Fan twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "The answer is eyes."

"Congratulations to the person who loves books, the answer is correct, the book of storage is opened." A brisk voice came from the book.

Xiao Ling was stunned, she muttered to herself: "There are hairs on the top and bottom of the eyes, it is indeed more reasonable than my answer, why didn't I think of it the first time..."

Zhou Fan ignored Xiao Qian, who was in a daze. He took out an empty white jade bottle from the storage book. This kind of spiritual liquid can be best preserved in a jade bottle.

Zhou Fan carefully controlled his infuriating qi to open a hole and let the golden sap flow into the jade bottle. He filled five and a half bottles of sap.

Zhou Fan smiled with satisfaction. If it wasn't for the book of storage, he would not have brought so many empty jade bottles. This is because he had thought about the possibility of encountering some spiritual materials outside the wilderness, so he brought so many blanks. A jade bottle and some empty boxes of various materials.

Otherwise, he wants to properly handle the sap of the golden moon earthen sap, but it is not so easy. In fact, it is not only him, but the warriors who walk outside the wilderness all the year round will bring some empty bottles and boxes to avoid encountering good materials. cannot be properly stored.

The wilderness has always been a place where danger and opportunity coexist. Some warriors become rich overnight, and some warriors disappear into the wilderness.

Zhou Fan put the sealed white jade bottle into the storage book, and he put the storage book away.

Xiao Ling looked frustrated, she didn't want to talk to Zhou Fan, but went directly into Zhou Fan's body.

Zhou Fan was accustomed to this, and he knew that it would take a while for the poor little silk to recover.

Zhou Fan walked out of the forest. He used the purple gold armor as a cover just now. Now that the purple gold armor is removed, even if someone finds him, it is impossible to tell that he scavenged the sap of the golden moon earthworm.

Zhou Fan knew where he was probably. Even if he ran away just now, he was far away from the mountain road, but he didn't forget to pay attention to the situation around him. He headed towards the caravan.

The little sister is still with the caravan, so of course she has to go back. If the caravan leaves, it will be troublesome.

But this is just a trivial matter, he is more worried about idling pupils.

Idling pupil has appeared twice now, and may continue to appear.

It's just that Zhou Fan can't think of a good solution for the time being, because it has not been a month since he took the initiative to fall into a dream and used it last time.

Really unlucky... Zhou Fan looked worried, he looked around, picked a direction and continued to move forward.

It's just that after he walked for a while, a stone-like head rose from the ground.

The moment Zhou Fan saw the head, his body immediately kept teleporting away from the head.

When he stopped, he had already appeared a hundred feet away.

It's just that when he stopped, the head always stopped strangely three feet in front of him, it had opened its eyes,

Huocheng's pupils stared at Zhou Fan.

The surrounding scene began to change continuously, and when the scene stopped, the idling pupil disappeared in front of Zhou Fan's eyes.

Zhou Fan cursed in a low voice, then concentrated his mind and paid attention to the changes around him.

This is a swamp full of puddles and moss, and the air is filled with moist water vapor.

There is no such terrain in Renqueshan, where would it be?

Zhou Fan was in a heavy heart, and after confirming that there was no danger now, he immediately took out the topographic map near Xiaoleizhou Mansion and checked it.

Now he only hopes that he is not moved too far from Xiaoleizhou Mansion. If it is too far, or even out of Wei State, then he doesn't know how many years it will take to return to Xiaolei Prefecture Mansion, and there will even be various All kinds of trouble await him.

Soon he frowned. The topographic map he purchased did not mark any similar swamps, but this did not mean that he was far from Xiaolei Prefecture. After all, if the place was too small or unimportant, the topographic map would not be marked. .

Zhou Fan put away the topographic map and moved him here by idling his pupils. This is the third time he has moved. Maybe this is a very dangerous place, and now he has to leave here first...

Thinking of this, he suddenly remembered that it was not only him, but also the caravan and Lei Chunshan's warrior team who moved the previous two times.

He quickly turned on his ear, nose, and nose, and moved forward while searching. After a while, he stopped and chased to the northeast, and soon saw a large group of people.

It was a caravan and a warrior team, and both Ding Feihan and Lei Chunshan were there.

"Who?" Lei Chunshan turned to look in Zhou Fan's direction and asked Zhou Fan's figure was covered by tall grass, so she couldn't see who it was, she just heard a voice over there When it sounded, she practiced ear awareness in the martial arts section.

Everyone immediately became nervous.

"It's me." Zhou Fan said.

"It's Brother Zhao." Ding Feihan heard Zhou Fan's voice.

At this time, Zhou Fan also came out of Gao Cao, and the puppy in the caravan let out a low whimper, wagging its tail and walked to Zhou Fan's feet, biting his trousers with his dog's mouth affectionately.

Seeing that it was Zhou Fan, everyone looked at each other in dismay.

"What? It's a surprise, is it me?" Zhou Fan asked, squatting down and rubbing the dog's head lightly.

"No." Ding Feihan forced a smile and said, "We are discussing how to find Brother Zhou."

What they said about Zhou Fan was naturally false. They were really surprised. When Ding Feihan and Lei Chunshan were moved by idling pupils, they were separated from the caravan and the martial artist team, but they were originally related to their own people. symbols, it is easy to come together.

As for Zhou Fan, a loner, how could they not be surprised that he could find them so quickly?

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