Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1067: Red dot

"I have practiced ear consciousness, but it is indeed a certain luck that I can find you." Zhou Fan explained casually.

"Brother Zhao, you know the rules." Ding Feihan reminded Zhou Fan, what he meant was to make sure that Zhou Fan was not possessed or parasitized by strange things.

After all, they have been separated for a while, even if Zhou Fan has great strength, but they have to be careful.

Zhou Fan nodded lightly, took out several talismans from the talisman bag and stuck them on his body.

"Okay." Ding Feihan and Lei Chunshan looked at each other, Ding Feihan said.

Zhou Fan was gradually approaching, he raised his eyebrows and said, "It goes without saying why we are here, do you know where this place is?"

Ding Feihan and the others all shook their heads, expressing that they were not clear.

Zhou Fan's face was slightly condensed, then they might be a long way from Xiaoleizhou Mansion.

"Don't worry about where it is, let's get out of here and talk about it." Manager Yang said anxiously.

It's not unreasonable for Yang Guanshi's words. Idle pupils stared at them, and the third move may not be as easy as the first two.

They had already negotiated that they would go eastward and go all the way out of the swamp.

Zhou Fan did not object to this.

In this swamp with no end in sight, you can only choose one direction to keep moving forward. As long as this is not some strange psychedelic land, you will definitely be able to get out of this swamp with time.

As for the choice of the direction is good or bad, it is not so easy to see.

The crowd began to head east.

The carriages and goods of the caravan are still there, and even the movement of the idling pupil has moved people and objects.

Zhou Fan let the little sister run in the swamp. Its dog hair was wet with water plants, but it did not hinder it from running in the swamp in the slightest.

"Brother Zhao, I wonder if you have gained anything from the Golden Moon Earth Tree?" Ding Feihan came over and asked about this matter that made him very concerned.

Lei Chunshan also pricked up his ears and listened.

The two of them were blocked by the Fu array trap. When they got out of the trap, before they arrived, there was news that Jinyue Earth Sap had been taken away by one person.

They discussed a few words at the time, but decided to check the news to see if it was true or not. After confirming that it was true, in the process of returning home disappointed, they encountered the movement of the idling pupil.

"No." Zhou Fan said as usual: "I didn't even climb up to the top of the tree, but several people jumped down from it. When I got to the top of the tree and saw that it was empty, I quickly came down, only to know that the sap was taken away. Well, I chased in that direction with some people for a while, but I didn't find that person, just as I was about to come back, I encountered the third move of the idling pupil."

"That's a pity." Ding Feihan didn't ask any more.

In fact, Lei Chunshan and Ding Feihan also guessed that Zhou Fan did not gain anything. After all, they heard from those who returned empty-handed that the person who took the sap was very powerful, and even a Taoist cultivator could not stop him. reached the realm.

They don't believe that Zhou Fan's strength has reached the Dao Realm.

After a stick of incense, everyone discovered a strange thing, that is, they have walked for so long and have not encountered a strange attack.

This swamp seems to have no monsters living in it.

This made everyone shudder.

There are many strange things outside the wilderness, and it is very difficult to find a place where there are few strange things and no one is safe. It seems that this situation is unusual.

"Hurry up." Ding Feihan and Manager Yang lowered their voices and urged the warriors of the caravan.

Zhou Fan and Lei Chunshan's team of warriors have raised their vigilance. They are just loose cooperation. If something goes wrong, they will not care about each other's life or death, but will immediately flee.

They are still together now, just to make use of each other.

Zhou Fan suppressed the idea of ​​teleporting away, because this is not a ruler, this is a completely unfamiliar place, if it is not forced, he will not teleport immediately.

Otherwise, you might encounter all kinds of strange things in the process of teleportation.

It seems that after walking for so long without encountering a strange situation, this swamp is likely to be the territory of some powerful monster, or this swamp is so dangerous that even the monsters are unwilling to enter here.

Everyone's hearts were tense, and the water plants under their feet were trampled. While speeding up, they were also highly vigilant about the surrounding situation.

It's just that they couldn't see anything, except for them, so silent that not even a fly could be seen.

"Be careful." Zhou Fan's face suddenly changed slightly and he shouted, his consciousness was constantly reminding him that there was danger spreading.

Everyone's movements stopped stiffly, and they all looked at Zhou Fan.

"Be careful of what?" Lei Chunshan asked with a wary face.

Be careful of what?

Zhou Fan also didn't know that he not only opened his consciousness, but also opened his eyes, ears, nose and tongue, but he also did not find out where the danger of consciousness reminded him?

It was as if the danger was spreading from all directions, and the crazy reminder of consciousness made Zhou Fan's head grow bigger.

Zhou Fan could only turn off his consciousness. He picked up the puppy and didn't answer Lei Chunshan's question because he didn't know how to answer it.

Zhou Fan even held his breath consciously for a while. He put several talismans on the puppy. He suspected that the danger came from the air, otherwise why was it everywhere?

Everyone looked at Zhou Fan in confusion.

Ding Feihan shouted in vain: "Prepare to fight."

Lei Chunshan also quickly took out the talisman and stuck it on himself.

Both of them knew that Zhou Fan would not aimlessly, but they had seen with their own eyes how Zhou Fan quickly passed through the dangerous talisman trap, so the words of such a powerful loner were worth taking seriously.

In just an instant, many warriors in the caravan trembled and screamed. Their faces were wrinkled, and they seemed to be suffering great pain.

"What's wrong?"

"Poison or curse?"

The rest of the people were vigilant and shouted away from the people who were screaming, but it spread like a plague, and everyone present was inevitably shaking, maybe shouting in pain.

Those who were conscious and still able to control their bodies hurriedly sat cross-legged on the ground or took out talismans or medicinal pills in an attempt to relieve the abnormal state of their bodies.

Zhou Fan's face suddenly turned pale, he felt that his body was out of control, and great pain came, but he had suffered even more pain on the Thousand Illusion Snow Mountain, and he could still endure this severe pain, He quickly sat down with his legs crossed.

The puppy was fine, but hurriedly barked at Zhou Fan, as if asking what happened to Zhou Fan?

Zhou Fan had already used the Heart Technique to look inside. He found dense dark red dots attached to his internal organs, blood vessels, bones, and flesh. After further observation, he found that these elliptical dots were beating like the breathing of the heart. Some fine eggs, which will burst out at any time.

Zhou Fan was horrified, these dark red fine eggs were still proliferating at an unimaginable speed, and every part of his body was covered with these tiny fine eggs.

His infuriating defense has always been densely covered on the surface of his body. How did these dark red fine eggs pass through the infuriating defense and enter his body?

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