Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1074: assimilation

Zhou Fan's state at the moment is very strange, his consciousness is awake, and his body is controlled by himself, but he has a strong desire to enter the porcelain bottle.

This desire is separate from his consciousness, his body.

Assimilation... A word appeared in Zhou Fan's mind, and he felt terrified, this is assimilation.

Some monsters have the ability to assimilate, but most of the time, they are about assimilating some bugs, plants, and people. This is the first time he has heard of it.

Assimilation is different from parasitic possession. Assimilation is the assimilation of the human soul and body, which completely becomes a part of the eccentricity, whether it is the body or consciousness.

If he now thinks that he should be part of the gray-blue porcelain vase in front of him.

The silent spell that Zhou Fan had been wearing didn't work. This strange assimilation was beyond his imagination. With a cold face, he resisted the desire in his heart and pulled out the rusty knife.

A knife slashed towards the gray-blue porcelain bottle, and the blade was surrounded by three forces of flame, thunder arc, and ghost energy.


The grey-blue porcelain vase is divided into two halves.

Zhou Fan's face showed pain, and his knife seemed to be slashing on himself, and he was also split in half.

The gray-blue porcelain vase that was just split in half was quickly put together again.

doesn't work?

The people just watched quietly, they didn't seem to be surprised that Zhou Fan would do this.

Zhou Fan raised the rust knife again, but a sense of unbearable arose in his heart, as if he was committing suicide.

"Zhou Fan, why do you want to hurt us?" There was a mourning sound from the gray-blue porcelain vase.

"Shut up, you are you, I am me." Zhou Fan was furious, and he slashed again.

The meaning of this sword's silence spreads.

He used the Weihai Silent Power, which was the strongest martial power he had mastered.

The gray-blue porcelain bottle turned into gray-blue porcelain powder and rustled down.

Zhou Fan's face wrinkled with heartache, and he seemed to really kill himself.

It's just that the gray-blue porcelain powder that rustled down rose up on the ground again, transforming into the original gray-blue porcelain bottle.

"Zhou Fan, it's useless, we are one and the same, I won't die if you don't die, and even if you die, I won't die." The gray-blue porcelain bottle said faintly.

Zhou Fan didn't speak. He looked at his shoulders in amazement. The shoulders on both sides suddenly swelled up, like two small balls.

There were two bangs, blood splashed, and two heads grew out of the two small balls.

The head is exactly the same as Zhou Fan, but the head born on this shoulder is much smaller than Zhou Fan, and there are still fresh flesh and blood residues on the villain's head.

Zhou Fan looked at one of the little heads in amazement.

The little man also looked at him in astonishment.

He turned his head to look at another head, which also had a similar expression.

Is he cursed?

Zhou Fan's heart seemed to fall into the deep ice, and the cold caused by the fear penetrated deep into the bone marrow.

The two heads appeared without warning.

"Zhou Fan, this is your punishment for torturing yourself." The gray-blue porcelain bottle said, "They still belong to you now, but if you continue, one of them will have its own consciousness and eat you up. , to replace you."

"A punishment for me?" Zhou Fan sneered, he reached out and grabbed the little man's head on his left shoulder and pulled it hard.


The little man's head was ripped off abruptly, dark red blood spattered from his left shoulder, and the severe pain made him grin.

He threw the little man's head on the ground and frowned and pulled the little man's head off his right shoulder.

The blood spattered from his shoulders made him a blood man.

Everyone looked at Zhou Fan in amazement, this man was too cruel.

"If you want to assimilate me, I will hack you alive!" Zhou Fan raised his knife again, and he wanted to kill it before he was completely assimilated!

It's just that before Zhou Fan's knife fell, the puppy at his feet suddenly jumped up, jumping surprisingly high, and jumped into the porcelain vase.

"Little sister." Zhou Fan opened his mouth slightly, and he was slightly startled. He didn't expect that little sister would do this, which made him delay the slash.

What are you doing, little girl?

All the heads suddenly screamed in pain.

There were faint cracks in the porcelain vase under them.

In the land of the bottle fairy, no matter whether there is a human head or not, the porcelain bottle began to appear densely cracked, as if it was about to shatter.

Zhou Fan's face was cloudy and uncertain, and he was vigilantly watching the changes around him. He knew in his heart that this might be related to Xiaomei, and he called again: "Little sister."

An angry howl came from the gray-blue porcelain bottle, and the sound was mixed with the barking of dogs.

Finally, the gray-blue porcelain bottle was turned upside down and the puppy was poured out.

As soon as the puppy landed, Zhou Fan felt the world spinning, and when he stood still again, he had already appeared in a forest.

The puppy shook its tail beside him.

Zhou Fan first looked around vigilantly. After he turned on his ear and nose and confirmed that there was no major problem, he was surprised to look at the puppy, and he escaped?

He originally thought that if he could not hack a few more knives, he would try to save his life with the ransom money.

Why does the puppy jump into the porcelain bottle, and the land of the bottle fairy seems to be collapsing?

Zhou Fan didn't understand either, but he guessed that the puppy would do this, probably due to the influence of the sleeping one in its body, and the bottle fairy land apparently sent them out because of the puppy.

Does that mean it saved him...

Zhou Fan squatted down and rubbed the puppy's head, sighing and thinking, "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

Zhou Fan didn't think much about it, no matter what, at least he escaped from the so-called bottle fairy land.

He looked around and walked out of the forest with the puppy. He was now in a big mountain.

He had read the geography of the Great Wei Dynasty. The Great Wei area was vast and vast, but because of the existence of strange things, 90% of the area of ​​the Great Wei Dynasty was wilderness, and only 10% was the area where people lived.

The two neighboring countries are also in a similar situation.

Therefore, if he delusionally thinks that he has been sent to a settlement near the human beings, it is undoubtedly a fool's dream.

He first sat down and looked at himself, bloody, with bones oozing out from his shoulders.

Before, he was in high tension, and he didn't feel anything yet, but now the severe pain came, and the pain made his face pale.

He took out the spare wound to take orally and externally.

After a while, the wounds on both shoulders are healing quickly.

His self-healing deceitful talent became stronger and stronger as his realm improved, and it only took half a day for his injuries to heal when he saw the bones.

Zhou Fan walked around the mountain with the puppy, killing some monsters, but he still couldn't get out of the mountain.

However, he was not in a hurry, because the mountain was not dangerous, and he was patiently waiting for the appearance of Idle Tong.

After half an hour, Zhou Fan finally saw the rock in front of him protruding, and the head-sized rock on the ground rose again.

Zhou Fan took out the Law Wheel and calmly pulled the wheel.

The wheel spins slowly, then stops, and nothing happens.

Missed again... Zhou Fan sighed, and could only watch the Idling pupil open his eyes, and then the scene around them kept changing, and when the scene stopped, the Idling pupil disappeared.

Zhou Fan was already used to it. He rolled his eyes, glanced around, and soon his whole body became faintly numb.

His feet were covered with skeletons, human skeletons, animal skeletons, and various unrecognizable skeletons.

The vast earth is full of white, yellow, and charred bones.

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